Lord of the Runes

Chapter 54 The Young Lord Appears

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

The only answer to the little macaque was a series of dense water arrows.

The little macaque was furious, and waved its claws repeatedly, a large piece of green light blade flew out in a net shape, intercepting the water arrows coming from the sky.When the two collided, there was a bang bang bang sound, and the air waves were surging, shaking the surrounding fields, overturning the forests with a radius of more than a hundred feet, and the more the battle became fiercer, the forests fell one by one, which was extremely terrifying.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he had already left their fighting place with the golden light shield, and went straight for more than 200 feet away in one breath, no longer staying, and fled further away.

But before he escaped five hundred feet away, the two top-level beasts in the distance chased him while fighting, and even attacked him suddenly at the same time. Put it on, and let the protective layer of golden light around him shatter with a bang, revealing his body.

Without further ado, Han Feng activated the red flame talisman that he had held in his hand early in the morning. In an instant, flames burst forth, and the sky filled with flames appeared out of thin air, covering a radius of tens of feet. The forest in this area was instantly wiped out and turned into ashes. The fire was like a tide, spreading out continuously, covering a radius of more than a hundred feet in a short while.

With a flash of blue light, the little macaque rushed out of the flames, making a roar like a lion's roar, which shook all directions and seemed extremely angry.

At the same time, a frog about a foot in size also jumped out. It had three eyes, and its whole body was oily green. It was standing on a tree, appearing and disappearing from time to time. The sound is deafening.

But they looked left and right, but they still couldn't find Han Feng's figure. It seemed that Han Feng had already left the place, which made them even more annoyed. They kept turning around the flame in the middle, and the big trees quickly fell down and were cleaned up by them. Driving away from the fire source, a large isolation zone was formed in a short time, controlling the spread of the flames, but this also burned down a forest of more than 150 feet.

These two top-ranking alien beasts have actually understood human nature, and they know how to divide and isolate to bring out fires. Obviously, their strength is extraordinary!

Han Feng hid on a big tree two hundred feet away, watching with cold eyes. He has a thin layer of light film on his body at the moment. It is precisely because he has used the fourth-grade talisman invisibility talisman to completely cover his body and aura. escape their detection.

Without much hesitation, Han Feng immediately turned around and jumped off the big tree, sneaking forward with a step of more than ten feet, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest without a trace.

Not long after Han Feng left, the screams of the two top-level beasts suddenly sounded from behind, and then stopped abruptly, and no one knew what happened.

After more than half an hour, Han Feng was cautious all the way, and finally managed to get out of this wet dense forest, but the power of the invisibility talisman on his body had long since disappeared, and his body was exposed to the scorching sun.

Han Feng took out a elixir and took it. He recovered a little bit of strength, then looked up at the sky, identified the direction, and set off again, rushing to the destination on the map.

Unknowingly, he traveled nearly a thousand miles, and was chased by dozens of high-level exotic beast iron-blooded porcupines. Fortunately, he stopped chasing them after escaping from their territory, but it also cost him several defensive cards. The talisman just escaped.

As night fell again, Han Feng found a cave as a resting place.

He took the elixir as usual, meditated to restore his true energy and physical strength, and soon fell into a samadhi, immersed in a state of ups and downs.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, an inexplicable palpitation surged into his heart. He turned pale with fright, opened his eyes immediately, took out a piece of fourth-grade talisman, and instantly activated it, turning into a strong green light. After sinking into the ground, the entire cave exploded in an instant, and thousands of green vines emerged from it, wrapping him and spreading out.

At this moment, a blue sword light with a width of more than ten feet fell from the sky, and when it landed in this cave, there was just the sound of howling wind, which was so fast that even the speed of the sound could not keep up. One can imagine.

After Jian Guang entered the cave, it took a long time to hear a loud bang, the whole mountain collapsed and was cut off at the middle, the fracture section was as smooth as a mirror.

A green light flashed on the side of the mountain, more than a dozen green vines appeared, and then quickly dissipated, a figure flashed out, suddenly it was Han Feng, he escaped in time, and did not suffer any harm.

As soon as he came out, he immediately took out a Fufeng Talisman, and when he was about to stick it on his body and fly away, suddenly a blue light flashed in front of him, and a person appeared in front of him in an instant, only three feet away from him, a powerful spiritual pressure It enveloped him in an instant, making him feel as if he had sunk into deep water, and the pressure on his body suddenly increased. Even with his physical strength in the middle stage of refining, he couldn't support it, and he couldn't even lift a finger. Urging the Fufeng Talisman, the light of the Talisman that had just been ignited was also forced back by this spiritual pressure, and spontaneously combusted into ashes.

Fortunately, the spiritual pressure quickly receded like a tide, and only a vague power surrounded Han Feng, as if he would suffer a fatal blow if he made a slight movement.

"Senior Brother Qiu?" Han Feng didn't feel at ease at all, he raised his head to look at the person in front of him, and suddenly it was the inner disciple of the Sanye Sect, Qiu Tianyi.

"It's not bad, you managed to dodge my blow, even though I only used [-]% of my strength for this blow." Qiu Tianyi's tone was cold, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he put on a playful look.

"What do you mean?" Han Feng asked in a low voice with a flash of his eyes.

"Hehe, you killed my two senior officials, what do you mean by me, should I talk to you?" Qiu Tianyi said with a smile, as if there was no anger on his face.

"You are the young master behind the scenes?" Han Feng was a little surprised at first, but he was still slightly surprised when he heard this.

"Of course, my Qiu family is a super family with an ancestor in the alchemy state. It is their good fortune that they can call me young master!" Qiu Tianyi said proudly.

"Have my adoptive father Han Hao offended you?" Han Feng rolled his eyes and asked directly without talking nonsense.

"It's rare that I take the initiative to look up to him. How dare he not be attached to me, it's a great crime!" Qiu Tianyi said with a ferocious expression, his eyes widened.

"Could it be that you were responsible for the death of my adoptive father?" Han Feng guessed.

"That's not true. He's just a waste of himself. He couldn't even pass a small checkpoint, but he was burned to ashes by the backlash of his true energy. It's a shame that I valued him so much before. It's really boring!" Qiu Tianyi said lightly.

"In that case, why do you still want to deal with me?" Han Feng asked puzzled.

"Hey, actually, I didn't order to deal with you. It was my subordinates who decided to kill you to please me. Who would have thought that you, a little talisman master, would kill two of my senior members in succession? It really surprised me!" Qiu Tianyi's eyes shone slightly, staring at Han Feng, and said with a smirk.

"Surprise?" Han Feng was surprised.

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