Han Feng didn't pay attention to their words, and his right hand still unswervingly explored the pool.


A burst of blue smoke rose, and the green pool water collided fiercely with the bloody light on Han Feng's hand, bursting out a blazing fire, and thick smoke curled up.

After a while, Han Feng's wrist was completely inserted into the pool, and the sound was louder and crackling.

"This guy is so strong!" Someone was stunned and said loudly.

Han Feng's blood was even brighter, shining in all directions, especially his arms seemed to be on fire, extremely glaring, crimson like the sea.

The green pool water began to swirl, setting off waves of ripples, the waves turned, and a strange force spread out, colliding with the surrounding spiritual energy, the electric light flickered, and there was a rumbling sound, which was deafening.

Han Feng's whole body was covered with blood light, and he was not afraid of its changes. The Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body was running crazily, and a wave of suction seeped out from its pores, along his right hand and those green and oily eyes. Pools of water touch each other, slowly and with difficulty absorbing the power they contain.

Under this suction, the pool water actually began to shrink, the color gradually became lighter, and more dense green smoke appeared, which was incomparably vast and rose into the sky.

Wisps of green pool water climbed up as if they were spiritual, and wrapped around Han Feng's whole body in a blink of an eye, covering him firmly, even his eyes.

They suddenly became like ropes, shrinking rapidly, as if they were going to strangle Han Feng to death.

Han Feng didn't move at all, he just ran the Spirit Refining Vajra Art silently. There was a faint sound of wind and thunder coming from his body, and the suction force oozing out was stronger and continuous. Through the thick protective blood light, he continued to absorb the essence of the pool water and strengthen his body.

Originally, Han Feng didn't intend to come here rashly, but the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique reacted on its own, and it seemed to be running crazily like a spirit, urging him to come forward.

Otherwise, he wouldn't take the risk to come here, after all, this pool is weird and extraordinary, especially the green pool water is even more frightening, comparable to poisonous water!


Suddenly, the pond water floated up, and instantly condensed into a big green snake, which was as thick as a bucket, opened its bloody mouth, and came towards Han Feng to bite.

Han Feng still didn't move, nor did he make a move to resist, and let the big green snake swallow him.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but that there are some problems with his body. The Lingling Vajra Art turns more and more intensely, and the terrifying suction overflows. While absorbing the essence of the pool water, it also restricts his body, firmly Hold him in place, unable to move at all.

The big green snake swallowed Han Feng in one gulp, but couldn't move his body, and they were in a stalemate with each other.

Bursts of green light emerged from the big snake's body, and the power of corrosion gurgled out, constantly eroding the bloody glory outside Han Feng's body, but they were all dissolved by the suction scattered from his body one by one, and instead became the nourishment for the Spirit Refining King Kong Art.

"What's going on here? Why do I feel like this guy Han Feng is practicing with the help of the green pond water!" Someone saw some clues and said loudly.

"Well, I feel the same way." Someone nodded in agreement.

"Then what kind of kung fu did he practice? It's so miraculous that it definitely surpassed the heavenly rank. Could it be the legendary holy rank kung fu?! No wonder he can have such a record. He has killed many fake pills in succession. The existence of a scholar!" There was a tall and thick man with bright eyes and an undisguised expression of covetousness on his face.

As soon as this remark came out, the eyes of several people beside him were all brightened, and their hearts were obviously moved.

"Hehe, it seems that we are all lucky people, why don't we join hands?!" A beautiful woman in a goose yellow dress smiled softly.

"It's not too late, let's go there!" The tall and thick man glanced at them and said immediately, obviously he was the leader of their small gang.

As he spoke, he stepped onto the mirror-like ground first, with steady steps, and walked towards the emerald water pool several feet at a time.

The other four people followed closely, and after a while, they came behind Han Feng. After a distance of several feet, they stopped and took out their weapons one after another.

The man held a mace and attacked Han Feng fiercely. A large orange light flew out, transformed into a wolf, and charged towards Han Feng.

The four people behind him also attacked one after another, all kinds of lights burst out, and the wind howled.

These attacks fell on Han Feng very quickly, but they were all blocked by the big snake transformed from green pool water covering him, and Han Feng himself was not injured at all.

"These pools are really troublesome, but they have become his amulet!" the beautiful woman in a goose yellow dress whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's just attack, even if it can't hurt his body, it can interfere with his absorption of the essence of these pools!" The tall and thick man reminded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he sacrificed the form of his true essence, and it turned out to be a gray wolf, but in this gravity zone, it was only about Zhang Xu in size.

The next moment, under his control, the wolf opened its mouth and sprayed out a beam of light, even the void was shaking slightly, and it hit the big snake in the pool with a bang, and some water waves exploded.

Han Feng's body couldn't help shaking violently. The man's blow was too strong. If he hadn't been protected by a big snake in the pool, even with Han Feng's strength, he might not be able to withstand such an attack.

Speaking of it, this is also a blessing and a misfortune. Han Feng was shaken, and the blood in his body was stirred up. The Spirit Refining Vajra Art was running faster and stronger, and the suction was stronger. Like a whale absorbing water, it swallowed up the essence of the pool outside him, making its color dim , Thick smoke was everywhere, and a large amount of water evaporated.

Han Feng's aura gradually strengthened, and the blood light became more intense, as if he was about to break through the blockade of the big snake in the pool.

"Senior brother Liao Jie, are we helping him?" A man in tight black clothes behind the man stopped attacking, and voiced a little doubtfully.

"Roben, if you are afraid, just go out, as long as we are here! But I have said something first, and you will not have your share of the spoils!" The tall and thick man was originally called Liao Jie. Meaning to flinch, he immediately snorted and cursed angrily.

"That's what I said, brother Liao, don't blame him!" Robben bowed his hands, and immediately swung his sword to chop, and then slashed a large piece of sword light towards Han Feng, causing the big snake in the pool to splash again.

"Okay, let's quickly break through this big snake and interrupt Han Feng's absorption. While he can't move, we will maim him and force him to confess everything! Also, as you all know, he is the most important person in Wanyun Valley's reward offer." Character, I believe you all know the value of the God Embryo Pill, so I don't need to say more!" Liao Jie said secretly.

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