Lord of the Runes

Chapter 535 Silver Light Umbrella

Sure enough, as Han Feng expected, those people in front rushed ten feet away from the mountain, and were enveloped by a strange force, their bodies shook violently, and they quickly fell to the ground.update the fastest

After that, these people could only climb up on foot, but their steps were heavy. When they stepped on the mountain, they staggered even more. Some monks even staggered like drunks.

Of course, there are also some powerful characters who walk briskly, one step away from Zhang Xu, and soon disappear into the mountains and forests.

Han Feng's eyes flickered, and after a while, he entered within ten zhang outside Xinggong Mountain. In an instant, he seemed to be submerged in deep water, his body was covered with cumbersome and extremely heavy.

More importantly, once you release the power of your true essence, a mysterious force will emerge, turning into thousands of sharp blades, cutting off the power of your true essence, interfering with your communication with the aura of heaven and earth, causing you to be unable to flight.

Han Feng did not forcefully resist, fearing that it would lead to stronger suppression, so he fell to the ground silently and walked on foot.

As soon as he fell to the ground, his whole body lightened immediately. Even though there were still various forces covering him, the power was greatly reduced. With his physical strength, even if he couldn't use the power of his true essence, he could still walk around easily.

He didn't use all his strength, just like those powerful figures, he took only about ten feet in one step.

Soon, he set foot on Xinggong Mountain and disappeared into the forest.

Among the forest trees, vines are lingering, densely packed, with various flowers growing, shining with light of different colors, fragrant and beautiful.

Han Feng looked around and found that there were really many elixir here, but most of them were low-level, not even a fifth-rank one or above.

It's right to think about it, if there are countless great medicines here, and it's not their turn to pick them up, how can the Yuxianzong give up the benefits here.

"Red Spirit Grass, Black Orchid, Rue Fruit..."

Han Feng quickened his pace, harvesting these fourth-grade elixirs along the way. Although these elixirs were not high-grade, they couldn't bear the large quantities. Naturally, Han Feng would not let them go, and they might have an effect one day.

Even if he can't use it himself, he can take it to the outside world and return it in exchange for the spirit stone, which is better than nothing. Anyway, he is climbing all the way, and he is idle when he is idle, so there is not such a short time.

Of course, he didn't pick the third-rank and lower spiritual materials, after all, the value was too low, and it would occupy the space of the storage ring, which was not worthwhile.

It's just that, along the way, he hasn't encountered a fifth-grade spiritual material.

As Han Feng climbed up, the spiritual energy around him became stronger and stronger, as if he was in a swamp. With a casual breath, the spiritual energy in the sky rolled in, penetrated into the flesh and blood, and flowed into the dantian. , so that his cultivation base, which had basically stagnated, showed signs of improvement again.

So, he didn't care about picking those spiritual materials anymore, and he climbed up while improving his cultivation.

However, the good times didn't last long, and when he went up and walked a distance of more than a hundred feet, three monks walked over from the side and surrounded him, all with unkind eyes.

"Han Feng, the three of us have been waiting for you for a long time!" A man with a horse face in the middle sneered.

"Oh, why are you waiting for me? Good dogs don't block the way, get out!" Han Feng stopped and shouted with a gloomy expression.

"What a big tone, we also know that you are very strong, but since we are here, how can we be unprepared!" The horse-faced man in the center suddenly took out a big umbrella, quickly threw it up, and it suddenly bloomed like a flower, and a large number The rays of light diffused, covering all directions.

In an instant, a huge mask was thrown upside down on the ground like a bowl, with silver light shining, completely blocking Han Feng.

"Haha, let's see how you escape!" the horse-faced man laughed loudly.

A cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, and he reached out his hand silently to wipe the storage ring lightly. In an instant, the broken sword was in his hand, and he swung it violently. The sword glowed like a blade of gold and iron. Incomparably, like cutting a thin layer of paper, pierced through it, and the residual power still remained, and directly took the horse-faced man.

The horse-faced man turned pale with shock. He never expected that Han Feng could easily break through the mask. While he was backing away quickly, he made a tactic with both hands. There was a rumbling sound behind him, and a phantom of a giant emerged from the brilliant light. But suppressed by the formation here, it is only ten feet tall.

Even so, this phantom of a giant is also mighty. Surrounded by the strong wind, he stepped out with one step, crossed his arms, and stopped in front of the broken sword light.


With a muffled sound, the phantom of the giant shook as if struck by lightning, and then quickly disintegrated and disappeared.

But the light of the broken sword did not disappear, and the light slashed at the horse-faced man's body with such swiftness as lightning, leaving him no time to dodge, even though he took out a shield to block in front of him at the critical moment, but With a crisp sound, the shield shattered and the light scattered.

The awn of the broken sword rushed over, twisted the fragments of the shield into powder, and hit his chest hard, breaking through all his defenses, leaving a hole about a foot long in his body.

Qi and blood poured out from the wound, and his vitality was rapidly dying out. Finally, his eyes turned white, and he fell down with his head up, no more breath.

All this sounds slow, but in fact it is just a matter of breathing.

The two people next to them were quite frightened, they immediately turned around and ran wildly, exerting all their strength, their bodies were shining brightly, and they were five or six feet away with one step.

Without any hesitation, Han Feng slashed out with two swords, and the two sword lights flew away. As if he had spirituality, he quickly caught up with these two people. No matter how they resisted, it was useless, and he ended up in the same fate as the horse-faced man. , died here.

Han Feng was expressionless, quickly put away the broken sword, reached out to catch the big umbrella that fell from the sky at this time, poured the power of the sun into it, erased the mark left by the man with the horse face, and immediately left his own Mark it as your own.

He felt this big umbrella carefully, and found that it was also a rare secret treasure. There were many broken formations inside. It turned out to be a treasure with defects. Some deficiencies.

Of course, it would be very difficult for an ordinary cultivator in the fake alchemy state to break through, especially in such an environment. Even Han Feng would have to work hard if he didn't have a sharp broken sword.

Next, Han Feng put away the secret treasure, walked up to the bodies of the three horse-faced men, pocketed their storage rings one by one, and walked away.

Han Feng walked unhurriedly, continuing to climb and practice at the same time.

Unknowingly, the power of the sun in the dantian in his body began to rotate by itself, and gradually solidified. At the same time, a strong suction appeared in the center of the dantian, trying to gather the rolling true essence.

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