Lord of the Runes

Chapter 527 Tsinghua Blade

Han Feng focused his eyes, swung his fists, and punched out two Batian fists in succession. His punches were powerful and overbearing, and they collided fiercely with this purple light in an instant, causing the waves of air to surge and turmoil.

After a while, the strength of the fist and the purple light dissipated, and the surroundings returned to calm.


With a loud noise, a piece of soil exploded under the swamp, and a figure flew out of it, suspended in the air.

"Who are you?" Han Feng retreated tens of feet away, and said coldly with a cold face.

This man is a man with outstanding appearance, wearing a piece of clothes painted with cloud patterns, surrounded by faint clouds, with occasional purple light passing by, his breath is hidden but not revealed, which makes people have to be a little vigilant.

"Liu Bing!" He responded bluntly.

"So it's you?!" Han Feng looked surprised, he didn't expect to meet this ruthless character so soon.

"You know me?" Liu Bing asked suspiciously.

"I heard a little bit, you also received that mission?" Han Feng asked back.

"Of course, I just didn't expect your strength to be so strong. I thought that as long as I am lying here, I can kill you with one move. The result is obviously not achieved, but it is beyond my expectation." Liu Bing nodded, faintly road.

"How did you know that I would pass by here?" Han Feng was secretly vigilant, and asked again.

"You don't need to know about this." Liu Bing smiled slightly.

"In that case, you can die!" Han Feng said domineeringly.

As he said that, Han Feng once again threw out a Batian Fist, which was so powerful that it covered a range of more than a hundred feet. In the blink of an eye, it covered a distance of two to three hundred feet, and it was submerged like a sea.

"Your move is ineffective against me!" Liu Bing flicked his wrist, purple light flashed, and instantly transformed into dozens of spears and broadswords, which swelled in the wind, and each bite flew towards the sea of ​​fist power like a small mountain.

"Bang bang bang..."

There were loud noises and vigor across the sky, the swamp land collapsed, and mud splashed everywhere, and then it was annihilated by flying ash in the violent air flow, leaving nothing left. Finally, the large swamp land was completely leveled, and the smoke was everywhere, mighty and mighty.

"Your boxing skills are good, but it's a pity that you can't help me. Try my palm skills!" Liu Bing rushed through the huge waves of smoke and dust, raised his hands and raised his palms, a blue light emerged, and he hit the air with his palms. Condensed, it instantly turned into a gigantic palm print, like a mountain, which was suppressed with a bang.

Han Feng felt the spiritual pressure all over the sky. The opponent's palm was almost as powerful as that old ghost's Nether Palm that he encountered in the Grand Canyon of Death in previous years. Extremely beautiful.

But Han Feng knew that there was a huge danger in this beauty, if he was not careful, he would be blown up.

Of course, he won't sit still, this time he didn't raise his hand and blast out the Batian Fist, but swayed, and amidst the bloody light, a blood-colored giant tiger emerged, with its front claws like knives, cutting into Liu Bing's giant palm middle.


The blazing flames burned blazingly, turning the sky into a bright red, with a myriad of rays of light, and dark energy surging.

Han Feng's strength is no longer what it was in previous years. He dare not say that he can sweep the enemies from all directions, but if he can't form an alchemy, it's hard for a monk to suppress him.

What's more, Liu Bing was just a man of fake alchemy, his real strength was still a little bit worse than that old ghost back then, and he couldn't suppress Han Feng even more.

Han Feng controlled the giant blood-colored tiger to make a big stride, pressing down on Liu Bing with a mighty force, causing the giant palm prints he made to start to crack, the rays of light flashed everywhere, and the air flow was disordered.

"Was this guy a prehistoric monster in his previous life? Where did he get this brute force!" Liu Bing was startled, backed away again and again, and at the same time sacrificed his true essence, hanging in the air like a painting, inside It is actually a forest of weapons, there are all kinds of weapons, such as swords, guns, swords and halberds.


Liu Bing yelled violently, and between his hands, the aura of true energy behind him flew over, and thousands of weapons flew out, slashing towards Han Feng.

Han Feng was surrounded by weapons one by one in an instant, and the sharp air rushed over, forming a fierce friction and collision with his bloody glory, and there was a loud bang.

In Han Feng's body, the Spirit Refining Vajra Technique was running at full power, and the blood became more intense, gurgling out, and all of it merged into the blood-colored giant tiger. Instead of getting bigger, it began to shrink, but the defensive power was doubling. There was a sound of soldiers, bangs, bangs, and no one was injured.

But at this moment, a sharp knife suddenly emitted a dazzling light among the thousands of soldiers, surpassing the brilliance of all weapons, and it came to the chest of the blood-colored giant tiger in an instant, ignoring its defense, like cutting into tender tofu, It penetrates directly, and its sharpness is unparalleled.

Han Feng's complexion changed drastically, and before he had time to think, he hurriedly removed the form of the blood-colored giant, condensing into a thick mass of blood, blocking the sharp knife like a shield.

"Hmph, no matter how strong your defense is, you can't resist my magic weapon, the Tsinghua Blade!" Liu Bing snorted heavily, clenched the seal in his hand, and controlled the sharp knife to continue piercing the bloody shield that Han Feng had laid. , bursting out brilliantly from each other, extremely dazzling.

Han Feng didn't say a word, he tried his best to defend against the Tsinghua blade, his whole body was bloody, and the phantom of a giant tiger behind him appeared, and he raised his head to the sky and let out a soundless roar.

He didn't expect that the other party actually possessed a magic weapon, and that the other party could activate it!

It should be noted that the magic weapon is the natal object of the alchemy monster, just like the natal weapon of the monk in the return to the original state, and grows together with the monk, there is no special opportunity, let alone subdue the magic weapon, even getting close to it is difficult, let alone Not to mention manipulating it to kill the enemy!

"You must be thinking, how could I have a magic weapon?" Liu Bing said with a smile on his face, while controlling the Tsinghua Blade to continuously pierce into Han Feng's Bloody Shield, and said relaxedly.

Han Feng ignored his words, and focused on mobilizing the blood light to resist the Tsinghua Blade, but he still couldn't stop its advance, and it was only ten feet away from him. The clear light that it emitted made even his skin feel cold. Sharpness is evident.

"Anyway, you are going to die, so it's okay to tell you. I am the body of ten thousand soldiers, and I can communicate with weapons by nature. After I found this Tsinghua blade in an ancient cave, it took several days to get it Slowly incorporate it into your body, it has been three years in a blink of an eye, and you are finally able to control it before entering this place. You are the first person to kill after it became my weapon. To die under its sharp blade is also considered It's your blessing, haha!" Liu Bing laughed loudly, trying to make Han Feng resentful and angry, so that he could take advantage of it.

At this moment, although Tsinghua's blade had already cut deeply into Han Feng's blood light shield, it was also trapped in it, and they could only advance but not retreat, holding each other in the air.

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