Lord of the Runes

Chapter 520 Bounty

The girl in blue was shocked, and continued to control the halberd through the power of true essence, but found that no matter what, she couldn't pierce the thick layer of bloody light in front of Han Feng's body, it was like an armor blocking her attack .update the fastest

At this moment, the three kinds of energies in Han Feng's body are circulating together. The power of true essence is supporting the appearance of the sun, the power of soul is supporting the formation of the black fire seal to a strong state, and the power of the body is manifesting into this layer of blood in front of him. Hao Guang, resist all the attacks of the girl in blue!

The girl in blue forcibly mobilized the strength in her body to attack with the halberd, but struggled a few times, but to no avail, she couldn't break through the bloody light curtain in front of Han Feng at all.

Her eyes rolled, and she gradually started to retreat, but at this moment, Han Feng's sun-lit face shone brightly, and his aura surged several times.

The Black Flame Seal is at its strongest!

A cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, and he pushed out his hands. Immediately, an ellipsoid flew out of the big fireball, spinning rapidly, and the black light shone.


This ellipsoid broke through the defense of the ice and snow kingdom in an instant, and rushed into its interior, no matter how the girl in blue tried to stop it, it was useless.

Seeing the ellipsoid getting closer and closer, the girl in blue didn't dare to push it any further, and decisively turned the wheel of ice, blocking it with her true essence.


This change was too fast, in just the blink of an eye, the ellipsoid collided with the wheel of ice, and then a terrifying energy fluctuation erupted, sweeping across hundreds of feet like a tide.

Han Feng's blood was shining all over his body. While resisting the shock wave, he backed away. At the same time, his soul power spread out to cover all directions to avoid any accidents.

It took a while before the turmoil subsided, and the figure of the girl in blue appeared in front of her, but her body was covered with a layer of faint golden light. Apart from her face being as pale as paper, she didn't seem to have suffered any serious injuries.

"You are amazing, there will be a time later!" The girl in blue turned around and left after leaving this sentence. Under the blessing of that layer of golden light, her speed soared by [-]%, far surpassing Han Feng's fastest speed, and he could only watch her helplessly. leave.

Of course, Han Feng had no intention of hunting her down, so he naturally let her go away.

He flew towards where Hu Shuang and the others were, found them after a while, and landed quickly.

Hu Shuang and the others used their soul power to investigate. They had seen most of the scene of the battle just now. Seeing Han Feng arrive here, they all surrounded him with even more awe on their faces.

"Fellow Daoist Han, the girl in blue came with no kindness, why didn't you take the opportunity to kill her? It's better to avoid future troubles!" Hu Shuang hesitated for a while, and asked.

At this moment, only Hu Shuang dared to speak to Han Feng in this tone.

"This little girl's identity is not simple, she has a lot of secret treasures, and her skills are unique. If you really want to fight, even if you can defeat her, you have to pay a big price. I have no enmity with her, so there is no need to do so." Han Feng looked calm and explained slowly.

Hu Shuang hummed, nodded, and then automatically took out the gray disk, and used it again to find the existence of Ziyunguo for their group.


In the next three days, under the guidance of Hu Shuang, he changed more than ten places in a row, and found three areas with purple cloud fruits in total. After several battles, he captured six purple cloud fruits.

Han Feng is naturally the biggest contributor, but he kept his promise, he didn't take one, and handed it over to Hu Shuang for distribution.

In fact, this is also because ziyun fruit has only one effect on monks. Even if they are combined with other spiritual materials to refine the panacea, monks can only take three pills. If there is too much, it will have no effect. Meridians.

Of course, Ziyun fruit can be sold even if it is not used by itself, in exchange for treasures of equivalent value.However, Han Feng has always kept his promises, and he will not violate his principles unless it is absolutely necessary.

At the same time, the number of monks in Ziyun Valley gradually increased. It seemed that someone was spreading information about this place, causing more and more monks to rush here.

As a result, encounters occurred more and more frequently. In just five days, Han Feng's group encountered attacks from more than 20 waves of monks, and the opponents were all extremely powerful. Hu Shuang and others will suffer heavy casualties.

When Hu Shuang and the others successfully picked another purple cloud fruit, she offered a suggestion: "Fellow Daoist Han, the battle here is too fierce. The nine of us will leave this place first. You have extraordinary combat power, so stay here." Continue to get opportunities, let's not live here, there will be a period later!"

"Didn't you only pick seven purple cloud fruits? No one has one yet?" Han Feng asked in surprise.His original plan was to give each of them a purple cloud fruit. At that time, even if Hu Shuang didn't bring it up, he would leave them alone and act alone. After all, he had already exceeded his previous promise.

Bringing them along would actually only hinder Han Feng's actions. If he hadn't used his tricks to take care of their safety, he would have already snatched more purple cloud fruits.

Of course, Hu Shuang's role during this period was not insignificant. Her positioning was basically very accurate, which saved them a lot of effort, but now that there are many monks in Ziyun Valley, it is difficult for her to avoid those monks.

"Seven pills are enough. As long as you can successfully take them out and find a master of alchemy, even if you only have a 30% success rate, you can get more than [-] pills, which is enough for each of us to improve our strength." Lang Bang continued.

Hearing this, Han Feng no longer forced himself, instead he thought in his heart that they were rational people who knew how to advance and retreat.He immediately offered to lead them out, and he was also worried that they would be intercepted and killed halfway.

Hu Shuang and the others also understood this truth. With a master guard of Han Feng's level, it was too late to thank them, so how could they refuse them.

So, a group of nine of them formed a group and rushed outside Ziyun Valley.

Since they had already gone deep into the valley, there was still a long distance from the mouth of the valley. They ran all the way and were attacked by monks from time to time. Fortunately, after seeing Han Feng's strength, those monks immediately retreated as soon as they made contact, which did not cause much disturbance to them. .

But when they flew less than [-] miles away, a team of only three monks blocked their way, and asked to find Han Feng by name.

"Who are you?" Han Feng asked in surprise because the three people in front of him were all fake alchemy experts.

"The dead don't need to know our names. In short, someone wants to buy your head, and the price is extremely high. Even if we didn't get any chance in this trial, the bounty is enough for the three of us to break through to Alchemy Realm!" said a person in the middle with a cold face.

Thailand's most breasted female anchor's brand new passionate_love video exposure makes the male lead so hungry_thirsty!! Please follow the WeChat official account to watch online: meinvxuan1 (press and hold for three seconds to copy)!!

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