Han Feng glanced at the white VIP jade badge, thought for a while, and accepted it.

Dan Danyu smiled with satisfaction, took out the Chitang Flame Fruit, Yixin Stone and Five Elements Talisman from the storage ring, and handed them to Han Feng one by one.

After Han Feng accepted it, he immediately signed an agreement with Shan Danyu on two pieces of jade slips, using soul power and true energy as the medium, in duplicate, with each holding one copy, agreeing that he would sell thirty third-grade talismans to each other every month. Muyang Chamber of Commerce, and many other details, just to name a few.Afterwards, Han Feng greeted him a few words, then left there, and went straight back to the courtyard at the bottom of Ziyun Mountain.

Han Feng didn't participate in or visit the next few auctions or even the much-watched Wanxiu Grand Competition.

During this period, Han Feng put all his thoughts into cultivation. After he was ready, he took the Chitang Flame Fruit, endured the pain of burning the meridians and internal organs like red flames, and insisted on running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, which eliminated most of the The power of the medicine was transformed into the power of tempering the outer skin, and the whole body exuded red to black light, and gradually turned into jet black. It lasted for seven hours before the refining was completed, and it successfully broke through to the middle stage of refining, becoming a copper skin , the whole body has inexhaustible strength, and with a random punch, the air will explode and there will be a rumbling sound.Moreover, his skin became tougher as a whole. Even if he slashed with the talisman sword, he could not leave any marks.

It took another three days for Han Feng to stabilize his mid-stage cultivation. Standing in the hall, he took out the broken sword and laid it flat on the ground. He himself stood by the wall, and then took out the broken sword from the storage space bag. A red jade box.

He cautiously opened the lid of the jade box, and the bright light of the Yixin Stone burst out immediately. The talisman array engraved on the hilt of the broken sword shone slightly, the stream of light turned, and the blade vibrated slightly, as if it was about to fly over to snatch it, but after a long while I couldn't get up either, as if I didn't have enough strength.

Han Feng pondered for a while, then paced over there with the Yixin Stone in his hand, exhaled his true energy, took the broken sword on the ground into his other hand, and placed it on top of the Yixin Stone.


The light of Yixin Stone immediately flowed into the Broken Sword like a hundred rivers returning to the sea, and because it was too fast, it made an ear-piercing sound, like leather rubbing against sand.

At the same time, the Broken Sword gradually became brighter. Under the peeping of Han Feng's soul power, the broken sword squirmed a little bit, as if it was "growing flesh", which was amazing.

However, it grows extremely slowly. When the entire Yixin Stone became dull, it only grew a hair. If Han Feng hadn't been monitoring with his soul power, he might not have been able to discover it. This slight change.

With a soft bang, the Yixin Stone suddenly shattered, and after a while it turned into powder in Han Feng's hands, and fell slowly.

Han Feng didn't realize it, and suddenly exerted force on the hand holding the Broken Sword, pouring in real energy continuously. The sword body is more than six feet long and half a foot wide. It is obviously a big sword.

Han Feng flicked his wrist lightly, and while it was shaking slightly, bursts of sharp sword energy gushed out immediately, forming heavy sword shadows faintly, with astonishing power.

Han Feng was overjoyed, he danced again and again, the sword light flickered, but before he knew it, he had consumed one-third of his true energy, and when he realized it, only one-third of his true energy was left.

He was startled in horror, he felt unwell before reacting, and immediately stopped the injection of true energy, the broken sword immediately dimmed and returned to its original broken and damaged appearance.

Han Feng secretly estimated that with his current reserve of true energy, he could only last forty to fifty breaths. If he forced to use any sharp swordsmanship, the consumption would be even faster.

Han Feng suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and quickly took out a large stack of second-grade talismans from his arms, and stuck one of the talismans on the hilt of the broken sword, but there was no response.

He looked down at the talisman, it turned out to be silver-based, and then he suddenly realized that this guy has a very strong appetite, and he won't eat talismans that are not gold-based!

Han Feng had no choice but to take out a gold-bottomed second-grade talisman and stick it on the hilt of the broken sword. But suddenly lit up, twinkling, very mysterious.

Han Feng didn't care about Sanqi 21, one by one talisman "feeding" the broken sword, the talisman pattern on the hilt became brighter and brighter, starting from the end, extending continuously to the body of the sword. The runes gradually emerged and became radiant.Moreover, vaguely, the fracture will also increase bit by bit, but it is slower than devouring the Yixin Stone.

After a while, he consumed more than a dozen second-grade gold-bottomed talismans on his body, and even used up the only gold-bottomed third-grade talisman. After all, he rarely used gold-bottomed talisman paper to draw talismans, and the brilliance on Broken Sword It also slowly sank down, and became ordinary again, inconspicuous.

Han Feng sighed, and didn't dare to use those precious fourth-grade talismans. Although most of the fourth-grade talismans were gold-backed, they were for his self-defense, and he would not use them lightly unless it was absolutely necessary.

After thinking about it for a while, he had to put the matter on hold for a while. After putting the broken sword back into his backpack, he took out the five-element talisman from the storage space bag. When it lit up, a ball of talisman light flashed out, and the fire-attribute aura around it immediately condensed like moths to a flame. The power and influence were no less than the situation when the fourth-grade talisman red flame talisman was activated.

Han Feng quickly interrupted the input of true energy, the ball of talisman light slowly disappeared, and the surrounding fire attribute spiritual energy also dispersed.

He paused for a moment, and then injected his true energy again, and the Five Elements Talisman was bright again, but this time it was not fire, but a blue ice light, and the whole hall seemed to be trapped in an ice cellar, and the temperature dropped sharply, scaring He had to quickly get rid of his anger.

Then he wanted to test other attributes, but found that his true energy could no longer be mobilized, so he had to sit down on the spot and take a few pills to restore his true energy. After an hour, he tried several times again, combining the five elements The attributes of the five elements of the talisman are displayed again.

This five-element talisman is indeed a rare treasure. If it is used properly, it can indeed suppress a master with perfect Qi storage, but he also found that this thing also consumes a lot of Qi. Unleash the power of an attribute.

He thought silently for a while, and suddenly released his soul power into it, and found that there were intricate lines of talismans inside, hundreds of thousands of them, interlaced horizontally and vertically, forming one node after another, and the talisman paths were distributed three-dimensionally like a network, repeating itself , very peculiar.

He pushed his soul power to the extreme, and gradually saw that some of the talisman paths were damaged. It seemed that this five-element talisman treasure was also a missing item.

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