Lord of the Runes

Chapter 508 Establishing prestige and forcing retreat

Lang Bang was startled but not panicked, lightning flashed all over his body, he went away in an instant, he swept hundreds of feet across in the blink of an eye, and was about to unleash a more powerful move, but Han Feng was faster than him, and suddenly circled behind him, Standing up like a knife, he slashed directly at his neck.

"you dare!"

Lang Bang let out an exclamation, the pores of his body opened, and the electric light shot out like a spear, thousands of shots in an instant, rushed towards Han Feng in unison, and pressed against his palm.

Han Feng smiled slightly, with a relaxed expression on his face. With a flick of his wrist, his blood was burning, and he absorbed the electric light directly, showing a little satisfaction on his face.

"How is it possible?!" Lang Bang was amazed, but he didn't stop in his hand. After a stroke of the seal, the electric light from the pores rolled up, wrapped his whole body, and expanded rapidly, trying to force him Back Han Feng.

Han Feng didn't retreat, his whole body was filled with blood, he directly withstood Lang Bang's counterattack, and suddenly expanded, covering Lang Bang's entire body.

Lang Bang immediately endured the pressure of a hundred thousand mountains. No matter how he struggled, he couldn't get rid of Han Feng's bloody squeeze, and he couldn't break away from Han Feng's shackles for a long time!


Lang Bang yelled, his whole body was washed away by the blood light, cracks appeared, and the electric light was chaotic. He was roaring and struggling with all his strength, but he couldn't break free from the cage set by Han Feng.

Hearing Lang Bang's screams, Luo Sulan and the others were startled, especially Zhuang Lin, who opened his mouth even more. He obviously didn't expect Han Feng to defeat Lang Bang so quickly.

"Fellow Daoist Han, that's enough, let him go." Hu Shuang flew over and said to Han Feng via voice transmission.

"I've already done what you want me to help with. Where's the map?" Han Feng said indifferently through voice transmission without looking back.

"Here you are." Without any hesitation, Hu Shuang took out a jade compass, flew out from the air, and landed firmly in Han Feng's hand.

Han Feng released his soul power at will, and immediately refined the jade compass. A map suddenly appeared in his soul sea. However, the amazing thing is that this map is indeed constantly changing, constantly changing. Change terrain.

However, when he withdrew his soul power, the map was finalized and fixed in one shape.

"It changes around, how can I judge that this map is normal?" Han Feng frowned, and asked through sound transmission.

"You can use it to release your soul power, and you can simulate a terrain map with a radius of thousands of miles around you, which is enough for you to explore." Hu Shuang said through voice transmission.

"Oh, it's so amazing, maybe it's limited to this place?" Han Feng asked back.

"of course."

"It's right to think about it, otherwise this thing is precious, and it can expand the range of soul power invisibly, and you are reluctant to give it to me!" Han Feng responded with a smile.

Hu Shuang snorted angrily, said no more, took a step back, and looked at him silently.

Naturally, Han Feng would not break his promise, immediately put away his bloody body, and let Lang Bang go.

Lang Bang was lightened all over, and flew forward several hundred feet quickly, then turned around, looked at Han Feng and Hu Shuang in a daze, his face was full of embarrassment, and he was speechless for a while.

Luo Sulan and the others didn't know where to start, and they were also stunned by this result.

Hu Shuang took the initiative to fly to Lang Bang's side, his lips moved slightly, and the sound transmission talked with him, as if trying to resolve his embarrassment.

"Good skill, why don't the two of us join your team?" The fifth-ranked girl led Li Dandan to fly over, clapped her hands, and said suddenly.

Han Feng discovered early in the morning that these two people hadn't left. At first he thought they were going to attack him, but he didn't expect that they didn't intervene until he defeated Lang Bang.But at this moment, he still said such words, which really made him puzzled, and he couldn't help but feel a little more vigilant.

Hu Shuang was also a human being, and he could tell their identities at a glance. With a nervous look on his face, he said tactfully and modestly: "You two arrogances, our temple is so small that we really can't accommodate you two giant Buddhas!"

"Sister Hu, you are looking down on Lin Qianqian and Li Dandan by saying this!" The girl said casually with a chuckle.

Hu Shuang's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly explained: "No, no, how dare we have such meaning."

After saying this, she involuntarily glanced at Han Feng, as if asking for help.

"Oh, that means we've agreed to join, right?" the girl pressed on step by step.

Luo Sulan and the others also looked ugly. They are not fools. Once these two arrogances join, it will be a situation where doves will occupy the magpie's nest. All good things will be given priority by these two people, and they may become the two of them. Cannon fodder, and I don't know if these two people will do something like killing donkeys and unloading mills.

In fact, their small team resisted Han Feng's joining. First, they didn't know Han Feng's details, and they didn't have basic trust with each other. What's more, three of them were defeated by him; In a situation where one person dominates, all good things are taken away.

"Lin Qianqian, do you want me to announce all the details of your day?" Han Feng turned to look at Lin Qianqian, his soul power fluctuated, and he suddenly said through voice transmission.

A sharp light flashed in Lin Qianqian's eyes, and she looked up at Han Feng. After a while, she suddenly smiled, looked around Hu Shuang and the others, and said with a light smile, "I'm just kidding you, I see you are nervous. It's ridiculous to be like this! Sister Dandan, let's go!"

After saying that, she turned around and left. Li Dandan followed her with a smile in her eyes, and quickly disappeared into the sky without a trace.

Hu Shuang and the others breathed a sigh of relief, the tense atmosphere in the arena was greatly eased, and even the previous grievances seemed to be much less.

"Thank you!" Hu Shuang immediately thanked Han Feng, patted his towering chest and said, "It's really dangerous. I didn't expect these two giant Buddhas to pay attention to our small team. It's a pity that the temple is too small to keep them. I hope I didn't offend the two of them."

Han Feng knew that she was beating around the bush and asking if he had offended them, so he just laughed it off without saying a word.

"So you did it in secret? Impossible, Lin Qianqian and Li Dandan are both top ten evildoers, how could they betray your face?!" Luo Sulan flew out, looked Han Feng up and down, as if she was about to Han Feng completely saw through.

"It's not a matter of face. It's just that I met her once. Maybe she didn't intend to join our team, just to tease us." Han Feng didn't understand what Hu Shuang meant, so he immediately smiled and said ambiguously. Said.

Everyone looked at him half-believingly, Hu Shuang took the opportunity to break the silence, drew closer to each other, clapped his hands and said: "Well, no matter what, our team finally survived the first crisis without any danger. , I hope that in the next hundred days, the nine of us can work together to obtain real dragon blood, paving the way for our road to alchemy!"

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