Han Feng was confident in his heart, and naturally he would not take the initiative to attack, but there was a little doubt in his eyes.

"I, I admit defeat!"

Suddenly, Zhao Jiaqian admitted defeat, and lost without a fight.

Han Feng was stunned for a moment, very surprised, he didn't come back to his senses for a long time, even though someone gave up before fighting for a round last time, but that girl was just passing on the message for others after all, unlike Zhao Jiaqian who was always waiting for him to come to challenge .

One is timid and timid, and the other is eager to try, which is completely different.

"Who told you?" Han Feng asked suddenly as if he had guessed something.

"Hu Shuang." Zhao Jiaqian turned around and said a name truthfully.

Han Feng looked at him, and found that this man had a bearded face and golden eyes. He was a little different from ordinary people, especially his aura was strong and restrained, and his strength was not bad. It was worthy of his name to be among the top three hundred. No wonder he accepted himself before. Dare to leave wild words when challenged.

"You are very smart, very down-to-earth, and know how to choose." Han Feng said sincerely, it is not easy for him to let go of his pride in such a short period of time, and he will become stronger in the long run.

Of course, this also shows Hu Shuang's influence on him from another aspect, otherwise he would not be able to give up the duel with him at the last moment.

"I admit, I'm not reconciled, but I believe what Sister Hu said, you are absolutely strong, not even weaker than a fake alchemy master, I don't want to die, I still want to live to fight with you next time!" Zhao Jiaqian's eyes were firm, serious Said.

"Okay, I'll wait for you." Han Feng smiled and nodded.

"I hope you and I can come out of the White Crocodile Cave alive." Zhao Jiaqian said.

After a while, the teleportation array opened, and the two of them were submerged in a ball of light and disappeared on this floor.


When Han Feng returned to the inn, it was already the top of the moon.

He entered his room, didn't practice, and felt a lot for a while, he didn't expect to meet someone like Zhao Jiagan.

To be honest, deep down in his heart, he appreciated it very much, and after this touch, the relationship between the two parties seemed to have eased a lot. Although they were far from friends, at least they were no longer so hostile.

For this, Han Feng is naturally happy to see the results. He has always planned to establish his own power, because he alone cannot shake the big tree of Sanyemen, even if it is just a third-rate sect on the branch Door.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be merciful in every confrontation and save people's lives, in order to give people a way out and give himself a chance.

This opportunity may not be able to be fulfilled, but when the chance coincides, it may be possible.

Of course, if the Zhao Family Gang dares to make trouble for him again, then he is not afraid to fight them again, and he will not show mercy!

Early the next morning, he specially entrusted Didi to investigate the relationship between Hu Shuang and Zhao Jiaqian to confirm a certain guess in his mind.

Not long after, Didi came back. Through his investigation, the Zhao Family Gang had been kind to Hu Shuang. When she first came to Dachuan City, the Zhao Family Gang had given her financial support to let her get a foothold slowly. Otherwise, she would have been a weak woman. swallowed by this big city.

And this is one of the reasons why Hu Shuang will selflessly support the helpless casual cultivators in the city. She has this feeling of gratitude in her heart.

Some time ago, when Zhao Jiaqian hit the top 280, Hu Shuang let him once, took the initiative to admit defeat, and let him temporarily occupy his own ranking as a springboard. After he completed the challenge to the [-]th ninth place, Hu Shuang let him go again. Take back your rank.Otherwise, with Hu Shuang's real strength, Zhao Jiagan might not be able to defeat her.

According to Didi's further feedback, Hu Shuang usually doesn't pay much attention to the situation of the Zhao Family Gang. After all, she herself has other things to do. That is, after she lost to Han Feng, she began to pay attention to Han Feng. It was not until Han Feng challenged the Zhao Family Gang. , she hurriedly found Zhao Jiaqian and told him her judgment, which is why Zhao Jiaqian suddenly made up his mind to admit defeat.

With the power and resources of the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce, it is not difficult to find out this information, so Didi, who is a full member, easily obtained it.

"How many days until the opening of the White Crocodile Cave?" Han Feng asked instead.

"There are still sixteen days." This is a major event that the whole city is concerned about. Didi naturally remembered it in his heart and replied immediately.

"Can you help me find some information about the White Crocodile Cave Mansion, anything is good, especially things like maps!" Han Feng pondered for a while, and asked Didi.

"It's not easy to find, but I will do my best. Recently, I have used spirit stones to open the way. I have met many people of various religions and nine streams. I believe I can get some unexpected information from them." Didi nodded heavily. The way it was wrapped around him.

"Aren't there any in the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce?" Hearing what he said, Han Feng couldn't help asking in surprise.

"I don't have enough authority to know." Didi said helplessly.

"Why?" Han Feng was even more surprised.

"I don't know the reason why Yuxianzong requested it." Didi respectfully said.

"Didn't the monks draw corresponding blueprints after they came out of it in the past years? There are always some maps circulating in the market?" Han Feng asked further.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you don't know about this." Didi explained, "It is rumored that the interior scene of the White Crocodile Cave Mansion is different every year, and there is no fixed terrain, so even if the monks in previous years depicted most of the landforms It's useless for this year's monks."

"Then why is Yuxianzong strictly ordering Qianyang Chamber of Commerce to keep it secret?" Han Feng asked back.

"I don't know about that. I have to find out the news and report back to you when I come back." Didi replied respectfully.

"Okay, here are 300 million spirit stones, you take them first, if you don't have enough, just tell me." Han Feng nodded, took out a bag of spirit stones and threw it to him.

Didi declined repeatedly, but Han Feng had already made up his mind, and the spirit stone he gave would naturally not be taken back.

"Remember, the spirit stone is not a problem, the important thing is to do the job well, go!" Han Feng waved his hand and told Didi to leave.


In the next few days, Han Feng ran to the other side, on the one hand continuing to practice Yunbu Jue, and on the other hand looking for the secret lake.

But he searched for three or four days, but he couldn't find the lake anymore. It seemed that it disappeared out of thin air, and he didn't know why.

"No, judging from the girl's words at that time, it was obviously not the first time she went to that lake. How could she be able to enter that lake many times, while I only went once, so I couldn't find it?" Han Feng said. He muttered to himself, puzzled.

He was not reconciled, and searched for another two days, but he couldn't find it. He had to guess that the secret lake might only appear at a certain time. The last time he was able to bump into it, it was probably a coincidence. .

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