Lord of the Runes

Chapter 501 Secret Lake

Early the next morning, Han Feng left Dachuan City and went to the wilderness on the other side again. He continued to practice cloud steps hard, trying to improve his speed again through his own efforts. Unfortunately, after five or six days, his speed There is almost no change. If there is a change, the understanding of Yunbu Jue will be deeper. It can condense the clouds under the feet at any time, move and turn, hang upside down in the air, and change directions at will. The flexibility has increased a lot.

His current limit speed has reached more than [-] feet, and now he has more flexibility. When he fights against fake alchemy monks in the future, he will be less passive, and he will not have to use defensive counterattack every time. Face-to-face confrontation can also be bravely pursued.

So he was still in a good mood, stepping on red clouds like red clouds, flying wantonly in the magnificent sky, making extremely difficult movements from time to time, setting off gusts of wind and countless auspicious colors.

Before he knew it, he crossed this mountainous area for hundreds of miles, crossing countless peaks and lakes.

Because of his majestic aura, as long as he flies past, all the strange beasts and primordial beasts in the surroundings will stay far away, for fear of provoking him, the real dragon.

Han Feng swam for a while, feeling relieved. After rushing through a huge cloud, he landed slowly, and suddenly came to the edge of a lake. The shore was surrounded by green trees, and the fog was so thick that he couldn't see clearly scenery.

This lake is endless, misty, misty, and has a natural formation, which can shield the soul power from probing. Even Han Feng's soul power can only peek at a range of one hundred feet, which shows the magic of this place.

He stretched out his hand into the water, only to feel that it was extremely cold, and the cold air permeated into his body, but it didn't hurt anyone, which made him feel very comfortable, and even his power of the sun seemed to be activated, very active, It actually slowly strengthened.

Han Feng was secretly pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect such a mountainous place to exist. It seems that the size of the world is indeed full of wonders.

He secretly guessed that perhaps he was able to come here after breaking through some kind of natural formation after forcibly rushing through the vast cloud layer before.

Han Feng thought for a while, and decided to go deep into it and investigate. Even if there are no spiritual objects, as long as he absorbs these special cold energy, his cultivation will be greatly improved.

He has always been a vigorous and resolute person. As soon as he thinks about it, he immediately takes action, and quickly dives into the water. While absorbing the endless cold air, he quickly swims to the depths. After all, the deeper he dives, the more intense the cold air will be. , Frozen to the heart, if he is not practicing Zhiyang Kung Fu, otherwise it will be very difficult and he will not be able to continue to enter.

If so, when Han Feng went deep into the lake within three thousand feet, he was shivering from the cold, his whole body was steaming, but he couldn't use the kung fu to resist it forcefully, otherwise there would be no effect.

He found that after more than half an hour, his power of the sun has become stronger, both in quantity and quality, and it has been greatly improved. This cold air is really a good thing, it is like a thousand spirit stones Can't even buy it!

He didn't dare to go deeper for the time being, so he stayed in his original position, cultivated patiently, absorbed the cold energy frantically, and made his cultivation more solid.

Moreover, these cold qis are actually a kind of spiritual qi, but the effect can be overwhelming. After entering his body, it flows through the meridians all over his body, and quickly turns into spiritual power and merges into his dantian. With a little movement, it can become the power of his true essence, constantly filling up his incomparably empty dantian world.

I don't know how long it has passed, but in Han Feng's feeling, it feels like years, those cold air invaded his body, like acupuncture and burning, he can't resist, he can only bear it silently, this feeling is really hard to bear.

Han Feng gritted his teeth, and after another three hours, he had completely stabilized the state of returning to his original state. The world of his dantian was filled with the power of true energy. As long as he slowly transformed it into the power of the sun in the future, his strength would increase again. There is a qualitative leap.

After a while, Han Feng suddenly found that the cold air around him became thinner and gradually disappeared without a trace, and it no longer had that magical effect on him.

He secretly regretted that originally he wanted to replenish his dantian world, and then use these cold airs to temper his body. After all, these cold airs also have miraculous effects on his body.

On this lake, although the cold air has disappeared, the fog is still there, and it is very thick, covering the entire lake surface, containing formations, so that Han Feng's soul power cannot spread too far, even here than on the shore. Much more serious, it can only cover an area with a radius of thirty or forty feet.

He thought about it silently for a while, and felt that this opportunity was rare. If he left now, he wondered if he would have a chance to break in next time.

So he dived directly into the water and swam deeper.

But when he went hundreds of feet deeper, there was still no cold air around him, as if he disappeared out of thin air, and there was nothing left, which was very strange.

Han Feng was puzzled by it, and thought to himself: "Could it be that I absorbed too much of the cold air just now, causing them to be consumed? Isn't this cold air a renewable resource?"

Just when he was doubtful, a voice of complaint suddenly came from the front: "This time it's strange, how come the cold is gone after less than [-] hours? In the past, it was able to last for [-] or [-] hours!"

It's a woman's voice!

Han Feng was amazed and thought to himself why a woman appeared here, isn't this a hidden secret place?

He subconsciously operated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, concealed all his aura, remained motionless, and watched the changes.

Not a moment later, a naked woman suddenly appeared in front of her, her body was as white as jade, and she quickly swam to Han Feng's position, getting closer and closer, and the distance between each other was less than ten feet.

Through the lake water and the mist, even with Han Feng's strength, he could see clearly. The proud figure came into view, which almost made him lose his breath, and he was so scared that he quickly held his breath and concentrated.

It's so hard to die, the woman was floating at a distance of three feet from Han Feng, stopped moving, looked around, looking for something.

Han Feng wondered, and secretly prayed for her to leave quickly, but judging by her state, she didn't seem to be leaving, and she didn't look like she was looking for something.

After the woman seemed to be sure that there was no one around, she gathered herself together, and then she didn't know what she had done, and a slight blush appeared on her face.

Han Feng didn't know what happened at first, but when he smelled a strange smell in his nose, his face turned pale with shock, he suddenly came to his senses, and rushed out of the water, looking like he was in a hurry after being poisoned.

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