Lord of the Runes

Chapter 499 Secret

Han Feng was slightly startled, the middle-aged man also turned to look at the Thousand-storied Pagoda, with a happy expression on his face, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "The inspection of the Thousand-storied Pagoda has been completed, we can go in."

Sure enough, the gate on the first floor of the Thousand-story Tower suddenly opened. Accompanied by many high-level figures from the Loose Cultivation Alliance, three monks wearing light blue cloaks came out, and after a while, they flew into the air, walked away, and disappeared into the sky. In the darkness.

It was obvious that these three monks were members of the Yuxian Sect who came to inspect this time.After watching them leave, the high-level figures of the Loose Cultivation Alliance also dispersed.

After they left, the staff of the Loose Cultivation Alliance began to announce that the Melaleuca Pagoda had returned to normal and could be entered and exited after a while.

The middle-aged man who looked like a Taoist nodded to Han Feng quickly, and walked towards the Thousand-story Pagoda first, because he was the one being challenged, so he naturally had to go first.

Han Feng watched the challengers enter the thousand-story pagoda one after another. At this moment, Hu Shuang suddenly looked back at him, and at the same time her voice came to his ears: "Little bastard, you are begging for mercy now!" It's too late, just wait and enjoy slowly, haha!"

Her tone was frivolous and unscrupulous, as if Han Feng was sure of her, and she didn't know where her confidence came from.

Han Feng shook his head secretly. He felt that these people were too arbitrary and underestimated the world. Could it be that they were not afraid of being capsized in the gutter?

In fact, it's just that Han Feng didn't know about it. These top-ranked figures occupied the list for a long time. Over the years, they defeated countless challengers, and they had already developed a proud disposition.Moreover, they have to be so high-profile, otherwise, once they show weakness, many challengers will emerge, so every time they face a challenge, they have to be ruthless and hurt the killer, otherwise it will be endless and delay their own cultivation time up.

In less than a stick of incense, it was finally their turn for the challengers to enter the arena.

Han Feng followed 30 people into it, and came to the lobby on the first floor again. After standing still, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up, sending them all to their respective battlefields.

With a flash of light, Han Feng was successfully teleported to the [-]th floor. It was quiet here at the moment, separated by a pale yellow light curtain, and Hu Shuang's slender figure and silhouette could be vaguely seen.

"You're here, are you ready for your limbs?" Hu Shuang asked straight to the point with a smile on his face, but a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Han Feng understood what she meant, sneered, ignored her teasing, and waited for the light curtain in the middle to fall.

With a sound of "Woo", the light curtain fell, and Hu Shuang rushed over immediately. Behind him, a pink lynx emerged. The speed was extremely fast, and he came to Han Feng in one step.

The lynx outside of her stretched out its two front paws, as sharp as knives, as if it was about to dismember Han Feng.

But at this moment, Han Feng raised his hand to slap, he didn't waste time with Hu Shuang, just like her, he directly used the strongest move, the blood surged wildly, the tiger's claws burst out, and it collapsed like a mountain , hit Hu Shuang!

The energy is surging and the wind is radiating.

After just one face-to-face meeting, Hu Shuang was defeated, and the pink lynx transformed outside him completely collapsed, and his whole body rolled into the air like a kite with a broken string, spitting blood wildly.

Han Feng's eyes turned cold. Since he was intent on killing, he would naturally not let him go. With one stride, he disappeared in place. Beat into powder.

Hu Shuang's heart was already filled with fear, he subconsciously bit the tip of his tongue, spewed out a mouthful of blood, quickly made a secret art with his hands, and suddenly formed a light curtain, which seemed thin, but actually blocked Han Feng's attack palm.

Han Feng was a little surprised. The power of the sun gushed out of his body. Under the radiance of red clouds, the power of his palm soared twice, and it was extremely hot. In just an instant, Hu Shuang used the blood essence as the source and the secret technique as the supplement to set up the light curtain. crushed.

However, Hu Shuang did not perish just like that. At the critical moment, a talisman appeared on her body, and under the flickering crystal light, she teleported it away to avoid Han Feng's fatal blow.

"Instant teleportation talisman?!" Han Feng's thought flashed out, and such a sentence came out in his heart.

Although the instant teleportation talisman is only a short-range teleportation talisman, and its grade is not high, it looks like a sixth-grade one, but it does not need to be activated with the power of soul power or true essence. As long as it is under too much external pressure, it can be triggered automatically. Come, take people away from the scene in an instant.

If it weren't for the barrier of the four-wall teleportation array here, Hu Shuang would have already teleported out of this confined space.Such a miraculous talisman is naturally valuable, not much cheaper than an eighth-grade talisman.

Seeing a flash of crystal light, Hu Shuang appeared behind Han Feng. She no longer had the courage to confront Han Feng, her complexion was extremely pale, and she wanted to shout out the words "I admit defeat."

It's a pity that at this moment, the whole room was suddenly filled with bloody light, and the majestic force was surging, like waves rushing against the reef, forcibly restraining Hu Shuang's body, making him unable to speak.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I was wrong, please let me go!" Hu Shuang was in a hurry, and tried his best to squeeze out a trace of soul power to transmit the sound to Han Feng, almost crying, begging.

"Tell me your reasons, worthless words, you'd better not say them, I won't waste time, I will only give you three breaths!" Han Feng did not relax his suppression, but increased it a little bit, making Hu Shuang even Breathing became difficult.

"I have countless treasures, you can choose them, and I can give you all of them!" Hu Shuang hurriedly said via voice transmission.

"You still have two breaths!" Han Feng said coldly.

Hu Shuang was panicked, and said without hesitation: "I have a special bloodline, and I am still a virgin. I can practice double cultivation with others, and I can break all the bottlenecks of each other, and I can also improve the aptitude of the other party!"

Han Feng raised his brows, slightly moved, but he held back, shook his head, and said flatly, "You still have your last breath."

"I have a map of the White Crocodile Cave, and I know where one of them is. There are Ziyun fruit trees growing there. If you pick the Ziyun fruit, and combine it with several other great medicines, you can refine it into a purple god pill, which can make people form pills instantly! Seeing that Han Feng was still unmoved, Hu Shuang had no choice but to tell his deepest secret.

This news had to surprise Han Feng. Even though he had won many trophies, he had never had such a magical pill. Something that could make people instantly form alchemy, presumably even the old monsters who formed alchemy would be tempted. There is no use value for it, but it can also be rewarded to one's own children and disciples. No one will dislike their own influence and have a few more strong alchemy mirrors.

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