Lord of the Runes

Chapter 488 Kidnapping

Yan Yanfang's pretty eyebrows frowned, with an angry look on her face, she whispered to herself: "This damned guy, what kind of secret treasure does he have, even my secret technique can't lock him! And he even locked him in advance! My Resurrection Grass has been completely absorbed, I really want to die!"

She landed and walked to the cave where Han Feng had stayed before, feeling the remnant breath of the Resurrection Grass, she couldn't help being even more angry, she really wanted to kill Han Feng.

In fact, Yan Yanfang was able to find this place because the aura of the Resurrection Grass was exposed. Otherwise, Han Feng would have a residual talisman to cover up.

"Hmph, I'm going to look for Baiyin Pavilion, but I don't believe that I can't find out your identity and find you!" Yan Yanfang said bitterly, and left angrily.


Several hours later, Han Feng returned to the other side of Dachuan City without hindrance, crossed the river, and entered the city smoothly.

He went straight to the "Yunlaifeng" inn, he paid half a year's room fee, he was a VIP, so naturally he came in easily.After he walked into his courtyard, he didn't see Didi, so he went back to his room to rest. After all, he was very tired after traveling for tens of thousands of miles.

He closed the door casually, and sat cross-legged on the light blue floor, closing his eyes and meditating.

After another two or three hours, he opened his eyes, his state returned to its peak, and he exhaled a long breath of turbid air, feeling refreshed.

Han Feng took out the messenger jade pendant and left a message to Didi, telling him that he was back.

But after a while, Didi didn't reply to the message, which was very different from usual. In the past, he would reply immediately, unlike his style.

This matter is strange!

Han Feng frowned, stood up immediately, walked out of the room, left "Yunlaifeng" Inn, and went straight to Wanbao Pavilion.

Soon, he came to Wanbao Pavilion, rushed up to the second floor, went to Tiangong Pavilion, called Ren Qingfeng through the old man, and asked about Didi's whereabouts.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't worry. Didi Rong has been promoted to a full member of our Qianyang Chamber of Commerce. He has been appointed to follow up on a business deal. It's normal that you can't get in touch with him when you're not in the shadow of Dachuan City. things." Ren Qingfeng said with a smile.

"When did he leave? How many days will he be back?" Han Feng asked.

"Just go to Mosha City, which is more than [-] miles away. If everything goes well, you will be back within three days." Ren Qingfeng replied.

"What if it doesn't go well?"

"Even if the business fails, he doesn't have to take responsibility. After dealing with some follow-up matters, it can take five days or seven days, and he will definitely come back."

Han Feng nodded, expressing his understanding, and immediately chatted with Ren Qingfeng for a while, and through his relationship, he bought some seventh- and eighth-grade spiritual materials, and then left.

When he returned to the "Yunlaifeng" inn, he always felt that something was wrong. It wasn't that he had deep feelings for Didi. The main reason was that Didi chose to be his follower, and he had the responsibility to protect his safety. This gesture He had to do it, otherwise who would be willing to be his follower in the future, how would he gain a foothold in the area of ​​Baicrocodile River.

Abandoning one's followers willfully is a big taboo in the world of casual cultivators, and one is likely to be spurned by others, and even be expelled from the cities of Baicrocodile River!

Now that the world is so big, this area is suitable for his development. For other places, the distance is long and it is difficult to fly there. Secondly, it is very likely that they will be chased and killed by the Sanyemen Situ family and the enemy family.

And here is the outer area of ​​Yuxianzong. Situ Kong, the patriarch of Situ, probably still has some fears. He dare not disobey Fairy Honglian's wishes, and dare not use means wantonly, for fear of causing trouble to his upper body.But in other places, they can use other people's hands to deal with Han Feng.

As for Han Feng not wanting to join the Yuxian Sect for the time being, he also has his own reasons. After all, he has killed too many disciples of the four major sects in the secret world and the Grand Canyon of Death over the years. Although it is secret, if it is too eye-catching, Maybe he will be identified by others, and he will definitely become a thorn in the side of others and a target of public criticism. It is obviously not a wise choice before he is fledgling.

After he has participated in this year's White Crocodile River Underground Cave Trial, his strength will improve further, then his confidence will be much stronger, and his options will be greatly improved.


After two days without incident, Han Feng calmed down and practiced the Sunshine Tongtian Jue silently. Under the nourishment of the most yang thing provided by Lin Xiaoyue, his cultivation base increased rapidly, and he was constantly approaching the level of the late Guiyuan period, which is simply incomparable.

In the early morning of the next day, Han Feng had to stop practicing, because he received a message from Didi, saying that he was stopped by a group of mysterious people on the way back, and they asked him to go there by name. Notify Qianyang Chamber of Commerce, or let him collect Didi's body for him.

Han Feng knew that this message was sent by the group of people who came to Dachuan City with Didi's messenger jade token, otherwise they would not have been able to send the message without the cover of the formation.They were so blatant, and they also warned themselves that they would not know about the Qianyang Chamber of Commerce, so they must have figured out their own details.

He thought about it silently for a while, wondering if it might be the trick of the Zhao Family Gang and the Long Yuan Gang, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was unlikely. After the members of Qianyang Palace became members, they became even more courageous, and they couldn't bear the consequences.

"Who could it be? Could it be that the revenge of the Situ family and the enemy family has started?" Han Feng flashed through various characters one by one in his mind, but he didn't have a clear idea.

"Forget it, the soldiers will block you, and the water will cover you!" Han Feng decided to go to the meeting alone. He couldn't make Didi feel cold, and he couldn't give people the impression of being mean and ungrateful, otherwise it would be difficult for him to stay here.

After making up his mind like this, he became more relaxed, and he was not in a hurry to reply to the message.He calmed down and practiced for a long time before replying the message slowly, short and direct: "Got it."

Han Feng stood up, left the inn, and walked north. He left Dachuan City through the north gate, entered the wild Gobi, and crossed it. His destination was Mosha City thousands of miles away.

Thousands of miles away, with Han Feng's current strength, even if he didn't start at full speed, he could cross it within half an hour and reach the outside of Mosha City smoothly.

This place is full of rolling yellow sand and dunes, which is the famous Tianye Desert.

Han Feng did not enter Mosha City, but ran away from Mosha City.

Not a moment later, three figures suddenly appeared in front of them. After seeing Han Feng, they turned and left without speaking.

Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly, and he followed them forward calmly.

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