Lord of the Runes

Chapter 486 Five Line Seal Ring

Han Feng was thinking of taking advantage of the victory to chase after him, but Mu Yun came from the other side. He directly raised the Eight Diagrams Wheel behind him, accompanied by a hundred dragons and a hundred tigers, and shot towards him like a heavenly knife!

Han Feng had no choice but to turn around and control the giant blood-colored tiger to stretch out its claws to resist. A large mass of blood-colored glory gathered in front of it, lying in front of the Eight Diagrams Wheel like a wall.


There was a loud noise and a strong wind.

The bloody light surged, the different lights flickered, and the edge of the Eight Diagrams wheel also bloomed with scorching brilliance. They burst out with violent power, pushing the blood-colored giant back and plowing out two long lines in mid-air. The long cloud road, the sound of the sonic boom just appeared after a long while.

Han Feng's body swayed slightly, but there was nothing serious about it. After a while, he stabilized his body and made a gesture with both hands. Soul power surged between his brows, colorful lights flickered, and thousands of strands of extremely pure soul power rushed out. , once again condensed the five-element seal, the black fire seal, the Xin gold seal, the Miao water seal, the thick soil seal and the sky wood seal appeared in the air almost at the same time. pressure.

This is also the method he suddenly realized after he was promoted to the middle stage of micro-entry and fought against the big tree demon. However, Yan Yanfang was by the side at that time, and he had no chance to use it. You're welcome.

In fact, he didn't expect that he would be so smooth, and easily connect the five elements into a ring without any hindrance.

"go with!"

Han Feng let out a low shout, and the five-element seal ring flew out, and the invisible force spread out, enough to cover hundreds of feet in a radius. Terrifying energy erupted, and dozens of mushroom clouds soared into the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth.


Cracks inevitably appeared in the Eight Diagrams wheel, and then exploded, turning into a little afterglow and dissipating.

Mu Yun in the sky let out a "wow", spat out a big mouthful of blood, and his complexion turned white, obviously he was backlashed and seriously injured.

When Han Feng gained power, he immediately took out the broken sword, poured it with the power of the sun, and struck out with the sword. In an instant, the situation suddenly changed, and a red cloud shone on the spot, disappearing in an instant. When it appeared, it had already arrived In front of Mu Yun.


Mu Yun yelled, ignoring the injuries in his body, and once again condensed the Eight Diagrams Wheel, and the auspicious energy was rotating, blocking in front of this scarlet cloud.

It's a pity that this red glow is the light of a broken sword, and it was condensed by absorbing the power of Han Feng's small half-day sun. , pierced through, hit his chest, broke through all his defenses, came out through his chest, flew straight into the distance, and disappeared into the sky.


Mu Yun's face was pale, and there was a strange sound coming out of his mouth, blood continued to overflow, and his vitality was rapidly disappearing.


Seeing this situation, Wu Nan, who had just turned back, was terrified. How dare he come over to stop Han Feng, and immediately yelled at Ma Yan who was in the distance.

After saying this word, he immediately turned around and flew towards the direction he came from. With a flicker, he was hundreds of feet away, and he was two thousand feet away in one breath. Even if Han Feng wanted to pursue him, he could do nothing. .

What's more, Han Feng didn't intend to chase him, but he drove the blood-colored giant tiger to rush to Mu Yun's face quickly. With the blood shining, he wrapped him tightly, pulled him in front of him, and raised the sword in his hand. , cut off his head, took his storage ring, and then cast a black fire mark, burning his head and body to ashes.

Han Feng had no choice but to be so decisive. He was too aware of these fake alchemy masters. Even if they were injured on the brink of death, if they were not careful, they could use the secret technique of strange treasures to relieve their breath and escape.

It's just his actions, Wu Nan and Ma Yan saw his so skillful technique, they were really terrified, and hastily cast the secret method, not hesitating to consume the original power, soaring speed, away from the range of his soul power in the shortest time.

The two of them secretly rejoiced that they didn't encounter Han Feng in the underground palace before, otherwise they would have nowhere to escape, and the consequences would be disastrous.

Of course, they found nothing in the underground palace, and got lost inside, and it took a lot of effort to get out again.

Later, Mu Yun suggested that they just sit outside and wait outside. As long as Han Feng and Yan Yanfang came out, all the treasures would be theirs. However, he was not greedy enough, and instead took his own life.

"What a coward!" Han Feng peeped into this scene through his soul power, and naturally understood what it was like for them to flee like bereaved dogs, so he couldn't help curling his lips and muttering to himself with disdain.

He collected himself, looked around, and swept across the ten thousand zhang area with his soul power, but he didn't find any humans or beasts.

It's right to think about it, just a moment ago, he fought against the three major fake alchemy monks, the sky collapsed and the earth was shattered, and the wind and clouds turned. The powerful and incomparable alchemy old monster.

Obviously, this kind of stunned head green did not appear, and the old monster of forming alchemy was rarely born, and it was even less likely to be encountered in this wilderness.

Han Feng put away the blood-colored giant tiger, rested for a while, and landed in front of the entrance to the west of the underground palace again. After thinking for a while, he suddenly attacked the entrance of the cave, but no matter how he bombarded it, he could not damage the entrance of the cave at all!

He tried several times, but the result was the same, so he finally had to give up.

Han Feng wanted to break down this passage, so that Yan Yanfang could not come out, and also to prevent other people from intruding into it without authorization and dying in vain.

He still didn't give up, he thought for a while, and suddenly he turned around to find the stone that fell off from the underground palace, but the stone looked small, but it was extremely heavy, even if it was him, he had to sacrifice blood. Only the giant tiger can carry it.

It's a pity that when he moved to the west entrance of the underground palace and blocked it upwards, a strange force suddenly burst out from the entrance of the cave, pushing the stone away, but he failed.

After repeated failures, he had no choice but to give up, adjusted his breath a bit, and left this place.

Not long after he left, only half an hour later, Yan Yanfang walked out from the west entrance of the underground palace, her breath recovered, and the talisman left by the ghost princess on her forehead disappeared. What method to resolve.

"Looks like another fierce battle took place here, and that damn guy Han Feng's strength has improved a lot!" Yan Yanfang swiveled her eyes and scanned the surroundings. After a while, she judged the general situation through various traces on the ground. , concluded that Han Feng is not dead, and his strength has improved a lot.

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