Since Han Feng's eyes flashed fiercely, since he has come to this step, how can he dodge, immediately go up to meet them, and fight with them.

I have to say that the attack of the Corpse Worm Beast is too simple. Although the attack power is strong, it can be compared with the fake alchemy, but the short board is also obvious, that is, the speed and flexibility of moving and transferring are not enough, and their attacks often fail , not as mobile as Han Feng.

So the more Han Feng fought, the more he understood this, and he simply removed the blood-colored giant tiger outside him. While reducing consumption, he also reduced the area that was hit, and only condensed a layer of blood-colored tigers that seemed thin but thick on the surface of his body. The light, mixed in the bloody water, was almost undetectable. Fighting with the two powerful corpse beasts, large swaths of black fire marks were thrown out, blowing up bloody water, blowing them all upside down, and those black fires spread, It's more like their nemesis, so masculine and strong, it burns them badly.

Han Feng fought more and more courageously, and in less than half a stick of incense, he killed the two corpse beasts, took out their cores, and got two green crystals.

After a while, he recovered his consumed soul power by absorbing the cool airflow from a piece of green spar, and further expanded his soul sea, allowing it to continue sinking contentedly.

At this moment, he hopes to meet more corpse beasts that are comparable to fake alchemy monks, because only corpse beasts of this level have aquamarine in their bodies, and the rest of the corpse beasts that are less than ten feet in size do not have it. .

It's a pity that the sky didn't do what people wanted, and he sank another three hundred feet, but he didn't see any corpse beasts, it seemed that they were all scared of him.

Just as he was sighing secretly, a group of stone pillars of different heights suddenly appeared below him. When he walked forward, he saw that they were pillars of reefs, ranging from large to small. The islands on the lake must have been topped by these stone pillars, but it was inevitable. It's too long, it's more than 1000 feet away from the lake, and I don't know how these things were derived.

While he was thinking, he continued to sneak down, and after another half a cup of tea, he finally came to the bottom of the lake, standing among a large group of stone pillars, as if he was in a stone forest, and felt a little weird.

The bottom of the lake is a rough stone surface, which feels the same as the stone walls of those passages, and it feels like a whole.

"Perhaps the entire underground palace is one, nothing is pieced together!" Han Feng suddenly had such an idea for some reason.

The blood around him became more intense, turning red to black, making the range he could see even smaller. Even if he used his soul power, it would only cover a radius of ten feet, making him walk like ice and move forward cautiously. take a step.

At this moment, there were no more corpse beasts, and there was a dead silence all around, not even the fluctuation of blood, which made people think about it. In such a special environment, it is easy to feel afraid.

Han Feng was a little nervous even if he was brave, but he didn't back down. If he went up to the lake, he would spin around endlessly. After a long time, he might be swallowed by that silent force With all his strength drained, he didn't want to die in a daze.

But here, the strange devouring power disappeared for some reason. Although the blood was thicker, there was a feeling of warmth pouring into his body, but he still operated the Sunshine Tongtian Art to form a hot diaphragm on the surface of his body. Blocked, did not dare to absorb these unknown powers.

As for Yan Yanfang, he couldn't believe it anymore. He always felt that after she was injured by the sound waves of the ghost fire, and then woke up from a coma, there seemed to be a big difference, as if she had been awakened It seemed, especially the method she showed was much more clever, and the deciphering of the mirror image array made him doubt it.

Although he is not a mature formation master, he has also learned something from the secret book of formation in Long Min's hands. He knows that the formation of mirror images is a formation of tenth rank or higher, but the opponent can use that black compass to break the formation. Open a hole, but it is not a simple formation master, it can be regarded as a master.

But she obviously only has the cultivation base of soul power in the early stage, and she can do this kind of thing. No matter how wonderful the black compass is, it stands to reason that she can't move it, unless the formation itself is flawed, and she happens to know it. That would make sense.

Especially when he was in Dongye City, he entrusted Lin Xiaoyue to thoroughly investigate Yan Yanfang. Just before entering the underground palace, he got a message from Lin Xiaoyue. Yan Yanfang's information was basically the same as what she said, except for one Correspondingly, she is not Yan Longfei's illegitimate daughter, but an adopted daughter, and she has no so-called biological mother, and even Lin Xiaoyue has not found out her background and where she came from.

As Han Feng was walking, he analyzed all the things that happened before in his mind, and they all became coherent. The more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became.

Unknowingly, he walked thousands of feet away, out of this stone forest, and came to an open land. What's even more strange is that, after walking a few steps, there was a sound of water, and he seemed to have crossed the stone forest. A wall of water suddenly opened up in front of the eyes, and there was an open space that was not flooded with blood, and there was a mountain not far in front of it, neither high nor low, bare, without any green things.

Han Feng was stunned by this mountain, because there was a person on the mountain, and it was a woman!

It was Yan Yanfang!

At this moment, her clothes were disheveled, her eyes were closed tightly, and her body was restrained by small black stone strips. She was motionless, as if she was sleeping or dead, without any breath coming out, not even breathing. doesn't exist anymore.

But her complexion was still rosy, and she hadn't completely withered, as if she still had a strong vitality.

Han Feng stepped forward and carefully looked at the woman in front of him, wondering why she looked exactly like Yan Yanfang.

"Who is the real Yan Yanfang?!" Han Feng wondered in his heart.

He thought for a while, and when he was about to climb up the mountain, there was a sudden sound of water behind him, and at the same time, a voice entered his ears: "If you want to die, just go up and try!"

Yan Yanfang's voice transmission!

Han Feng stopped, turned around, stared at her, and asked coldly, "Who are you?!"

"I am me, hehe!" Yan Yanfang said with a light smile.

"Who is this person on the mountain!" Han Feng shouted loudly, looking at her vigilantly with a red glow on his body.

"She..." Yan Yanfang raised her eyes to look at the person on the mountain, with a complex look on her face, and said lightly, "Of course it's me too!"

Then, she smiled, her smile was like a flower, she was so beautiful!

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