Lord of the Runes

Chapter 442 The Sea of ​​Twin Souls and the Voice Stone

It has to be said that the woman in front of her is very beautiful, with a snow-white complexion, a firm nose, a straight nose, and red lips like jade, even compared to Ling Fen's stunning beauty, she is not inferior.

Han Feng didn't appreciate it at all, he squinted his eyes slightly, and said lightly, "You should clean up the venue first!"

This junior sister Lin woke up with a start, and quickly cast a spell to shoot out a large area of ​​flames, burning Ge Sheng and her senior sister Mu to ashes without leaving any traces.

"Let's go, let's get out of here first!" Han Feng waved his big hand, emitting a bloody light that enveloped Junior Sister Lin, soaring into the sky and flying towards the distance.

Although he kept releasing his soul power to cover the area of ​​[-] zhang and didn't find any monks, he still didn't dare to be careless, knowing that this place is not suitable for staying for a long time, so he hurriedly left.

His speed was so fast that within a few breaths, he disappeared into the sky in this area.It wasn't until thousands of miles away that Han Feng stopped, hanging above the sky.

The blood light subsided, revealing the figure of him and that junior sister Lin, and he asked directly: "What's your name?!"

"Lin Xiaoyue." The junior sister Lin replied respectfully.

After saying this, she suddenly revealed a resolute expression, and opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of bright red blood. She quickly made a formula with her hands, and as her seal formulas were poured into it, the blood quickly deformed and was about to condense into a blood seal. Han Feng injected soul power to complete the blood oath, and her life was in Han Feng's hands.

But at this moment, Han Feng stretched out his hand and slapped the blood mark that was about to form, causing Lin Xiaoyue to suffer backlash. She spurted a mouthful of blood and her face was pale. Han Feng asked nervously, "Master, did I do something wrong?"

Han Feng shook his head, and said lightly: "You don't need to make a blood oath, as you said, if you really make a blood oath, your aura will change, and I'm afraid it will be seen by some alchemy old monsters There are clues!"

"But in this case, can you rest assured?" Lin Xiaoyue asked with some uncertainty, her eyes flickering.

"I'm really worried. Since you killed Ge Sheng so determinedly, you must have a way to escape the investigation of the old monster Jiedan, so I don't know what you can do?" Han Feng asked.

"I was born with two soul seas, and there are primary and secondary soul seas. I usually use the main soul sea. The secondary soul sea overlaps with the main soul sea like a shadow. I can simulate a fake scene in the secondary soul sea. They have their own way to deal with the alchemy boss, even they can't tell it!" Lin Xiaoyue said calmly.

Han Feng was deeply surprised when he heard this, he never thought that people in the world could have twin soul seas after awakening, the world is indeed so big, there are no surprises!

"Go with peace of mind, I will contact you when I need you!" Han Feng pondered for a while, then suddenly said slowly.

Lin Xiaoyue took a serious look at Han Feng, as if she suddenly thought of something, she quickly took out two stone-like things from the storage ring, the whole body was amber, smooth as jade, only the size of a fist, and felt like a gem.

She handed it to Han Feng, and said, "This is the voice stone, as long as we drip each other's blood into them, it will form a small sound-transmitting blood formation by itself, as long as it does not exceed a million miles, we can Communicate without hindrance!"

Han Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that she would have such a good thing. Unhindered communication within a million miles is definitely a rare treasure of extremely high value!

"Okay!" Han Feng nodded without saying anything superfluous, and bluntly dripped his own blood into the two voice stones.

Naturally, Lin Xiaoyue didn't have the slightest hesitation, and immediately cut her fingers and dripped two drops of blood, falling into them.

In just a split second, the inner formation of the Voice Stone was formed smoothly, and an invisible wave penetrated from the two stones, but only Han Feng and Lin Xiaoyue could perceive it.

Han Feng felt very miraculous, took one of them, put it in the storage ring, nodded slightly to Lin Xiaoyue, and then flew away, decisive and firm, without any hesitation.

Lin Xiaoyue stared at his back in a daze, after a while, Fang Rumeng woke up, released a bright white light, and galloped away.


Half an hour later, Han Fengfei landed on an unfamiliar land to the east of the Wild Gobi. He found a hill at random, hid at the bottom of the hill, dug a cave, hid in it, and sat down cross-legged.

He took out the pile of secret books, his brows glowed, and he studied them carefully.

After his soul power cultivation reached the subtle level, his reading comprehension ability improved greatly. A glance at a hundred lines was not enough to describe his speed. In just half a day, he read all the collection of secret books.

Although there are no miraculous skills in these things, they have given him a systematic understanding of the follow-up practice and increased his knowledge, but it is not comparable to one or two powerful methods.

He opened his eyes, and with a wave of his hand, the flames flashed, and immediately burned the pile of secret books to ashes without leaving any traces.

After finishing all this, he got up and left the cave, and flew straight towards Dachuan City.


When Han Feng saw the north wall of Dachuan City from a distance, it was not yet noon, but the scorching sun was pouring down like a furnace with hot light, which made the large grass and trees outside the city turn yellow, like soldiers who had been defeated. Depressed, but tenaciously survived.

He landed according to the procedure, and walked into Dachuan City through one of the city gates.

All the way was fine, Han Feng walked from north to south smoothly, returned to the "Yunlaifeng" inn, plunged into it, and when he entered his courtyard, he saw Didi walking back and forth in the middle of the open space, looking anxious. look.

"Ah, you're finally back, as long as you're fine, as long as you're fine!" When Didi saw Han Feng, his face was excited, and his eyes were filled with joy.

"What's the matter, you are so worried about me, could it be that you have received some message?" Han Feng raised his brows and asked calmly.

"According to what Uncle Ren said, the leaders of the Longyuan Gang and the Zhao Family Gang have lurked there. I wonder if you have encountered them?" Didi nodded and asked instead.

"No, they were very cautious and sent other people to kill me, but I escaped. Those who chased and killed me were wiped out for some reason." Han Feng opened his mouth and came, making an excuse at random. Said.

Han Feng didn't intend to tell the whole truth. It's not that he doesn't trust the other party. The main reason is that he is afraid that Didi will ask the bottom line again, find out his own strength, and let him have more anxiety. For him, it is both a test and a growth in disguise.

"Who are they?" Didi asked immediately, becoming nervous.

Han Feng glanced at him, and described the situation of the group of people, emphasizing the battle formation technique of their joint attack.

"I see, it is the sharp blade of the mercenary regiment, and it is also well-known in the area of ​​​​the Baicrocodile River! I didn't expect these two guys to invite them here. It seems that they have been planning for a long time. Fortunately, you escaped quickly, otherwise it would have been a disaster." Trouble, under the battle formation, they can join forces to exert the strength equivalent to the consummation of Guiyuan, which is extremely terrifying!" Didi said, he is indeed a know-it-all person, and it seems that there is no one on both sides of the river that he does not know. matter.

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