Lord of the Runes

Chapter 430 Playing

Han Feng chatted and laughed with Ren Qingfeng for a while, then left.

He walked down the steps, instead of walking towards the street where Long Yuan was, he turned sideways and left towards a horizontal road.

A cold light flashed in Long Yuan's eyes, and he followed quickly.

Han Feng took his time, looked east and west, and led Long Yuan to run around in the streets and alleys. He was so angry that his complexion was so ugly that his face was about to condense, and the seven orifices were short of smoke.

Finally, Han Feng walked out of the bustling downtown area, came to the edge of the Baicrocodile River, and waited in a small forest.

Long Yuan rushed over, held his breath, without saying a word, stretched out his hand to condense a brilliant glory, and was about to hit Han Feng with a palm.

But at this moment, a dark blue jade pendant hanging on Han Feng's waist suddenly lit up, the dark blue light filled the forest, and instantly turned into a figure. Like, I only heard him shouting with a serious face: "Dare to provoke the challenger, die!"

The moment Long Yuan saw the dark blue jade pendant light up, he came to his senses, hurriedly changed his attack direction, and slashed towards a forest on the right with his palm, causing devastating damage immediately. Most of the trees on the other side were smashed, leaving The next big pit was filled with smoke and dust, covering the sky and the sun.

"You..." Long Yuan was so angry that his eyes and nose were smoking this time, wisps of blue smoke came out from his eyes and nostrils, the scene was strange.

Han Feng turned around slowly, looked him up and down, and suddenly laughed: "Oh, fellow Taoist, what's wrong with you? Why can't you think about it, even your eyes and nose are smoking!"

"I'm so mad!" Long Yuan looked at Han Feng's face full of sarcasm, and couldn't hold back any longer, but he couldn't attack him, so he could only slap his palm to the left, destroying the large bushes over there. a mess.

"Brother Tai is so elegant. I won't accompany you to slap the trees here. I got up early in the morning to walk the dog. I'm exhausted. Go home and rest!" Han Feng laughed.

"What did you say!" Long Yuan was furious, and with a flash, he stood in front of Han Feng, blocking his way.

"Oh, so you understand, I'm sorry, slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, it should be changed to walk some kind of creature, haha!" Han Feng laughed out loud, ignoring his furious expression, and walked straight around. Pass him and walk away.

Flames were really bursting out of Long Yuan's ears, which showed how intense his anger had reached, but he still endured it forcefully, gnashing his teeth and said: "You'd better not die by Mu Chun's hands, or I will be the first to kill you." If I challenge you, if I don't blow you up, I won't be called Long Yuan!"

"Very good, then you can change your name to Gou Yuan from now on, hahaha..." Han Feng's voice rumbled and fell clearly in Long Yuan's ears.

"Boy, you can only be proud of this short period of time. Dachuan City is not a place where you can run wild!" Long Yuan said harshly.

Han Feng had already left, and he didn't pay any attention to his words.

It didn't take long for him to return to the "Yunlaifeng" inn smoothly. After entering his room, he adjusted his breath a little, and then started the day's practice again.

Another three days passed in a blink of an eye.

At noon that day, while Han Feng was still in meditation, the dark blue jade pendant he was wearing around his waist suddenly lit up again, and a burst of messages came into his soul sea.

"Tomorrow evening, Thousand-story Pagoda, [-]th floor, fight!"

Han Feng opened his eyes, grunted, and said to himself, "It took so many days for this guy to take up the challenge, what a waste of my time!"

As he spoke, he ignored it, closed his eyes, and continued to practice.

After these days of meditation, his Sunshine Tongtian Jue has become more and more profound, and all the power of the true essence in his body has been transformed into the power of the sun, and he has great power with every gesture.

Soon, the next day will come.

It wasn't until noon that day that Han Feng woke up from his samadhi. This was the timely reminder from the challenge jade pendant, otherwise he would have been an hour later to finish his training.

He stood up, stretched his limbs, posed strange postures, and practiced the ten-picture secret code again. After 56 breaths, he was sweating profusely, but his spirit was vigorous. Then he sat down cross-legged and adjusted his breath for a stick of incense. .

After doing all this, he really left the customs and came to the courtyard, but he didn't expect that Didi had already been waiting here early in the morning.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you're finally out!" Didi smiled.

"What's the matter, what happened again?" Han Feng asked with a smile in a very relaxed mood.

"Today is the day for you to challenge Mu Chun, you don't know it?!" Didi was a little surprised.

"Of course I know, I was informed about the jade pendant yesterday." Han Feng reached out and flicked the dark blue jade pendant on his waist, and said in a flat tone.

"Then why aren't you nervous at all? Why don't you rush to the Thousand-story Pagoda? You're not the only one who is challenging today, and you may have to line up to enter. Don't waste time, or you will lose all your achievements. If you lose, you will be banned for three years." Challenge again!" Didi seemed to be more concerned than Han Feng, and hurriedly urged.

"No hurry, no hurry, I have plenty of time, I'll go right away, you stay here, don't run around!" Han Feng instructed, and told him about Long Yuan's threats to him, telling him to be cautious Some, in case he was secretly tied up by members of the Longyuan Gang after he went out, then Han Feng would not be able to save him for a while.


When Han Feng came to the Thousand-story Pagoda, there were indeed many monks gathered here, chatting in small groups. Obviously, they were all high-spirited spectators who had nothing to do with themselves.

"Hey, the person who challenged Toona appeared? He looks so young!"

"Do you know what his name is? I found out that his name is Han Feng. His cultivation base is suspected to be in the middle stage of Guiyuan. He is in the same group as Didi that stinky fart. He just came to our Dachuan City not long ago!"

"Really, then this guy is quite courageous. He dared to challenge Mu Chun before he gained a firm foothold. No wonder he didn't know that Mu Chun had already reached the late Guiyuan stage?!"

"Hey, I have a hotter message, do you want to hear it!"


"Say it!"

"Say it now!"

"It is rumored that this kid has robbed Mr. Zhao Jiabing from the Longyuan Gang and the Zhao Family Gang in the outskirts of the Baicrocod River before he entered our Dachuan City. Now the Longyuan Gang and the Zhao Family Gang are going to deal with him intensively. If he hadn't held the challenge jade pendant and stayed in the Yunlaifeng Inn for a long time, the two gangs wouldn't be able to do anything to him!"

"However, he won't be alive for long. I have the latest news. The Long Yuan Gang and the Zhao Family Gang have already contacted Mu Chun. They promised that as long as he cripples this kid, they are willing to pay 300 million spirit stones!"


Han Feng's soul power was amazing, even if they were communicating through the air, these conversations could not escape his eavesdropping, but he didn't care, and lined up to enter the first floor hall of the Thousand-story Pagoda with an honest appearance.

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