At this moment, the golden light condensed, and thousands of arrows of light suddenly split out of it, raining down, colliding fiercely with the rushing wind blades, making a loud bang and surging air waves.

Under the intensive shooting of light arrows, most of the wind blades were shattered, and the pack of wolves scattered in all directions.

Some wind wolves failed to block the light arrows, and were shot in the body, and immediately exploded, leaving no corpses.

After a few breaths, only five top-level wind wolves and one high-level wind wolf escaped, and the remaining dozens of high-level wind wolves all died, with stumps and broken bodies everywhere, and the smell of blood filled the forest.

Everyone was stunned, and it took a long time before they burst into exclamations.

Wu Dayan chuckled, waved his hand, and said, "Hurry up and clean up the battlefield! It's all yours!"

Only then did the crowd come to their senses, and they all turned around to collect various materials from the wind wolf corpses, and everyone showed excitement.Han Feng also collected a pair of wind wolf skins and put them in his backpack.

Suddenly, Han Feng faintly felt that someone was watching him. He immediately looked back, but he saw nothing, only Wu Dayan and Qiu Tianyi were floating in the air talking and laughing happily.

Not long after, after harvesting the important parts of the corpses of the pack of wolves, they soared into the air again and returned to the team. Wu Dayan raised his hand and led the crowd to Laocheng together with Qiu Tianyi.

After this battle, it obviously played a deterrent effect. In the next thousands of miles, no group of alien beasts dared to harass their group.

It's just surprising that there were no beasts of the Yuan beast level along the way.

Because of this, the group of them traveled smoothly without any disturbances. When the evening approached, they finally arrived at their destination, Laocheng.

This place is next to a spirit stone vein, where a large number of miners work and live. Because these miners are not short of talented people, after years of hard work in the depths of the spirit stone mine, the spiritual energy infiltrates the body, and the spiritual veins are gradually opened up in the body, and then cultivated. Qi, became a cultivator, and was accepted by the Sanyemen. He stayed in this big city with the disciples who were originally stationed here, married wives and had children, and derived one family after another. After long years of construction, this place has changed. For a big city, it covers an area of ​​three hundred miles, surrounded by mountains, rivers and rivers, full of aura, and beautiful scenery. It is a rare city in Sanyemen deep in the Jianyun Mountains.Later, it discovered a huge reserve of middle-grade spirit stones in the depths of the spirit stone veins, and its status rose instantly, allowing Sanyemen to spend a lot of money on building a teleportation circle and strengthening its control. Of course, this also further promoted Its prosperity, many casual practitioners are willing to stop and practice in this city, and it can be regarded as a small reputation in the outer area of ​​Jianyun Mountain Range. Many chambers of commerce have branches in this city, which is extremely prosperous.

Listening to Wu Dayan's introduction, Han Feng saw the dilapidated city walls, dilapidated city gates, and busy people everywhere, and couldn't help sighing, feeling a little sorry.

Fortunately, only the city wall on this side was seriously damaged, and the other two walls with a height of tens of feet were only damaged in three or five places. It didn't take too much effort to restore them. As for the mountains on the opposite side, they were rushed The beast horde broke through a large area of ​​forest, which was harmless.

Unfortunately, when the beast tide rushed into the city, the teleportation circle in the center was destroyed, and the damage rate reached [-]%. Fortunately, it can be repaired, otherwise the Sanye Gate will suffer a lot.

The Sanye Sect urgently mobilized the disciples in the sect to rush here to support. On the one hand, it is to repair the teleportation circle as soon as possible and restore the sect's tight control over the city. On the other hand, it is also to stabilize the situation in the city and avoid panic. If this is the case, Sanyemen will suffer a lot. It should be noted that this city is just a mess of fees generated by various transactions, and a large amount of Lingshi is handed over every year.

In the past three months, together with this group of people, Sanyemen has deployed 400 people to support this place. It is reported that there is also a mysterious strong man with a cultivation level above Guiyuan who has also rushed over to sit in the town. degree of importance.

Not long after, a ray of light suddenly flew up in the city, and several figures flew flying with majestic aura, all of them were masters of Guiyuan realm.

Wu Dayan seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and flew out together with Qiu Tianyi to meet him.The few of them met in mid-air, exchanged a few pleasantries, and then flew down into the city together.

The other 100 or so people followed closely behind. Han Feng was slightly stunned behind him. He saw a beautiful girl in white clothes flying in the air. Her long clothes fluttered in the wind. She was as beautiful as a fairy. Murong Xue who meets.

I haven't seen her for a year or two, and her strength has become stronger. Han Feng can't see through it at all, but for some reason, she has not yet been promoted to a master of the Guiyuan Realm, but she can walk with several elders and inner disciples of the Guiyuan Realm. They were together, and those people didn't seem to mind, but looking at their clothes, they were still disciples from the outer sect, which Han Feng couldn't understand!

"Could it be that everyone respects her as a direct descendant of the Murong family, that's why they treat her so courteously?"

Han Feng thought secretly in his heart, unknowingly, he flew over the outer city with many shops and people coming and going, entered the inner city area where the roads extend in all directions, and finally landed at a magnificent hall built against the mountain, purple cloud palace.

The group of them slowly landed on the platform of more than a hundred acres in front of the hall. A middle-aged man dressed as an elder suddenly waved to the dozens of disciples who were waiting on the stage early in the morning, and said lightly: "Take them first!" Step back." After saying this, he led Wu Dayan, Qiu Tianyi and other elders into the main hall, and Murong Xue naturally also walked in.

Those dozens of people were dressed as servants' disciples. Hearing this, they hurriedly bowed and saluted. They should be respectful. They walked up to Han Feng and the others respectfully and said: "Brothers and sisters, please follow me. The house has been prepared under Yunshan Mountain." After finishing speaking, they turned around one after another, led the way, and soon got out of the platform and walked down the mountain road paved with purple boulders.

Han Feng was walking on the road and looking down, he had a panoramic view of Laocheng. Even though he was hit by the tide of beasts once, the lights were still brightly lit. From time to time, there were flashes of spiritual lights and sword shadows passing by. He was very busy. Obviously, the city had stabilized. up.

Ziyun Mountain is not very high, only more than a hundred feet. Everyone is a successful person, so naturally they came to a courtyard at the foot of the mountain in a short time. , Han Feng and the others were quickly assigned to a courtyard. Although it was not as good as the configuration in the sect, but fortunately it was spacious enough, and it also had a practice room and a talisman making room. Han Feng was not dissatisfied, either. Although the ground fire here cannot be flexibly controlled, there is no shortage of talisman paper on him, so it can be ignored. The only bad thing is that there is no spirit-gathering circle here, and cultivation cannot get twice the result with half the effort.

Han Feng sighed. His current cultivation had reached a bottleneck. Without the help of the Spirit Gathering Array, he would not be able to make a breakthrough. However, he had to settle for the time being. He hoped that he could complete the task as soon as possible, obtain various rewards, and return to the sect. The door practiced again.

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