Lord of the Runes

Chapter 420 Strong

Han Feng didn't look at him directly, but continued to look at Didi, and asked through a voice transmission: "Which gang are these guys?!"

Didi wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and replied with an unnatural expression: "They are members of the Zhao family gang. That Mr. Zhao is named Zhao Jiabing, and he is Zhao Yunsong's third son, a dude, but his father and his eldest brother They are very strong, they are all celebrities on Guiyuan Thousand Talents List, we can't afford to offend them, so let them go quickly!"

"Guiyuan Thousand Talent List? What's it from?" Han Feng raised his brows and asked through sound transmission.

"It's also the list made by the Yuxian Sect. It's specially made for us loose cultivators. Anyone who can stay in the top [-] on the list for ten years can enter the Yuxian Sect and become their official disciple!" Di Di pouted, and said through voice transmission.

"Is this difficult?" Han Feng didn't think so, and asked through sound transmission.

"Of course it's difficult. No matter who stands in the top [-], there will be countless monks coming to challenge. What's even more frightening is that within seven days, you must fight, otherwise you will be considered a loser! That's why you can stay in the top [-] for ten years , is definitely an extremely difficult task, but the harvest will also be great, and you will get a generous reward from Yuxianzong, at least you can hope to form an alchemy!" Didi was a little excited, and quickly responded via voice transmission.

Han Feng raised his brows, and when he was about to say something, the young master of the Zhao family sneered in displeasure, "You're so arrogant, how dare you ignore our words, and talk with your fists!"

"Give it to me, beat me to death!" After a short pause, Zhao Jiabing waved his hand and ordered the four people behind him to rush out.

The strength of the four of them is not weak, they are all at the level of late Guiyuan, and they are even stronger than Didi. After rushing out at this moment, they immediately used their strongest attack methods without any hesitation. People have been waiting in this chaotic place for a long time, and when they come, they will kill them. They will not dawdle like sect monks, deliberately weighing other people's abilities.

The two men are using swords, but the one on the left is two short swords, while the one on the right is a big sword, which is more than six inches wide and about ten feet long.

The other two women are completely different, one is a shining white silk, and the other is a nine-section stick that is eight feet long.

They urged their cultivation with all their strength, swords radiated everywhere, white silk rose to the sky, shadows of sticks were heavy, sand and stones flew away for a while, waves of air surged, and brilliance shone.

What's more, behind them appeared their own true essences. There were human figures, civet cats, tigers, and giant snakes in different forms. Although they were not fully unfolded, they were all twenty or thirty feet in size, exuding terrifying power. Squeeze, roll up a frenzied storm, and rage in all directions.

Didi shivered with fright, hid behind Han Feng, her eyes rolled wildly, as if she wanted to escape.

Han Feng glanced back at the four of them, then flicked his hand, blood burst out, and a tiger claw emerged out of thin air, with a size of forty or fifty feet, and slapped down on them with the momentum of covering the sky.

This blow seemed to seal off the world, a huge force enveloped the five or six hundred zhang radius, covering all of them, even Zhao Jiabing couldn't avoid it.

All of them turned pale with shock, the four of them were the first to bear the brunt of it, and tried their best to expand the true essence behind them, but they blushed and were powerless. !

With a muffled sound of "bang", all the attacks and defenses of these four people collapsed in an instant, and all of them disappeared. Now that there are four more bodies, just like the two of Long Yuan's gang, they are limp on the ground, motionless and groaning.

Zhao Jiabing was knocked several feet away by the aftermath of the blow, spat out a big mouthful of blood, and struggled to stabilize his body, but he was still fighting with each other. He looked at Han Feng inexplicably in horror, and opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't say anything. When the voice came out, it seemed to be completely stunned.

"Brother Di, why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry over to collect the spoils!" Han Feng casually threw the scarred youth at Didi's feet, and said calmly.

Didi was also stunned, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time. When he felt the shock of the scarred youth after he landed, he just reacted. He didn't dare to shirk any more. He immediately bent down and took the storage ring on the scarred youth's body. Rolled it down and put it in the bag.

Afterwards, he did the same, scraped off all the belongings of the remaining five people lying on the ground, and finally returned to Han Feng's side, respectfully presenting all the trophies.

"Are you really going to kill them?" Didi asked Han Feng via voice transmission, his lips moving slightly.

"It's okay, if you don't kill them, these storage rings can also be unlocked, and your share will be indispensable at that time, don't worry!" Han Feng smiled lightly, and the sound transmission responded.

"I'm so anxious, that's not what I meant!" Didi slandered. If Han Feng really killed the seven of them, it would be really troublesome. Stop running away.

"Hey, do you think we can get rid of the relationship if we don't kill them? Liang Zi has already tied the knot, and the problem can't be solved by giving in. It's just that these little shrimps are not worth our killing!" Han Feng seemed to see that Seeing Didi's thoughts, she chuckled lightly and transmitted the voice.

Didi blushed, and sighed in his heart that these people are not small shrimps, especially that Mr. Zhao, his elder brother and his father are strong men, if he really touches him, then the fun will be great, and he will go to heaven Even the land can't get rid of their Zhao Clan's pursuit!

"Young Master Zhao, why are you still standing there? Could it be that you still want me to carry you here?" Han Feng ignored Didi, and suddenly looked up at Zhao Jiabing, who was more than 200 feet away, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a smile. Said with a sneer.

Zhao Jiabing trembled all over, hesitated for a while, and finally dared not refuse, moved his trembling feet, and walked over slowly.

His speed was really not fast, and it took him a cup of tea to arrive in front of Han Feng, who were five or six feet away from each other.Facing the expressionless Han Feng, his heart beat extremely fast, his face turned blue, his thighs trembled even more, and he dared not speak for a long time.

"Well, you look pretty good, you're not timid, and you can still stand firm. I'm optimistic about your future!" Han Feng looked at him and said seriously.

Zhao Jiabing blushed, he couldn't hear the sarcasm in Han Feng's words, but he dared not speak out, and stood there dejectedly, motionless.

"Brother Di, Mr. Zhao's family came forward to deliver something in person, why don't you hurry up and entertain him!" Han Feng changed the subject, looked sideways at Didi, and shouted in a cold voice.

"Master Zhao, I've offended you!" Didi clasped her fists in apology, walked to Zhao Jiabing's side, stared at the storage ring on his hand, and motioned for him to take it off by herself. 18110

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