Han Feng's eyes flickered slightly. These emerald green pills were obtained from Ran Lintian's body. He did not expect the effect to be so good. Three pills made him regain his peak.

He swayed casually, evaporated the sweat from his body, and when he was about to get up and leave the cave, a spiritual pressure like a vast ocean descended without warning, covering all directions, and even he felt palpitations.

The bloody light on his body suddenly appeared, and a blood-colored giant tiger rose up to the sky, squeezing the cave and at the same time blocking the suppression of this spiritual force!

But even so, he still felt as if his body was bearing the weight of thousands of mountains, and there was not a single air pocket in his body that was not emitting light, trying his best to resist the spiritual power from the sky.

Old Monster Forming Dan!

Han Feng came to his senses right away, only those in the Alchemy Realm could have this possibility to make him so embarrassed.

"Ancestor Situ?!" Han Feng raised his head and looked up at the sky, and said in a low voice.

The sky was quiet, not a single person appeared, but the coercion really existed, as if it had emerged out of thin air, and there was no way to see where the source was.

"Hmph, pretending!" Han Feng snorted slightly in his nostrils, and urged the blood-colored giant tiger to expand to the extreme. It was four to five hundred feet in size. Soaring into the sky, the roar continued.

At this moment, a point of crystal light suddenly appeared in the distant void, which quickly became larger and became several feet in size in the blink of an eye. Like thunder, it arrived thousands of feet away from Han Feng in an instant.

Han Feng's soul power swept across, covering a ten thousand zhang area, but when it landed on this ball of crystal light, his soul power disappeared like a mud cow into the sea, if he could not see it with his eyes, otherwise he would really be unable to pass the soul power detection to his existence.

The crystal light was too bright, and he couldn't see the figure inside clearly. He just felt that there was a person in the crystal light, floating above the sky, and was overwhelming him with a posture of overlooking!

"Disciple has met Patriarch Situ!" Han Feng calmed down his beating heart, straightened his face, clasped his fists with both hands, and saluted respectfully.

"Hey, kid, do you still think I'm your ancestor? Situ Changqing, my great-grandson who killed me, is still so calm in front of me, which is beyond my expectation!" Situ's powerful voice pierced through Jingguang, rumbled in Han Feng's ear.

"Situ Changqing came to kill me himself. I was just defending myself. Who knew that he was not good at learning, but I beheaded him instead!" Han Feng said calmly.

"In that case, you don't plead guilty?" Patriarch Situ said flatly.

"Death trial, life and death are fate, what should I do!" Han Feng said confidently.

"Since you are innocent, why did you abscond!" Patriarch Situ asked forcefully.

"I have a need for cultivation, so I purposely took this opportunity to come to the depths of Jianyun Mountain Range to get a chance, so how can I abscond!" Han Feng responded casually without blinking his eyes.

"Hehe, he has sharp teeth and good strength, but it's a pity." Patriarch Situ laughed, his tone still unhurried.

"What a pity?" Han Feng wondered.

"It's a pity that you killed my great-grandson, otherwise I would consider taking you as a disciple? Haha." There was a sense of regret in the words of Situ Patriarch, but the laughter that fell on Han Feng's ears was extremely piercing. .

"I'm not guilty, you want to attack me?" Han Feng knew it well, but still asked tentatively.

"Hey, who said you are not guilty, I say you are guilty if you are guilty, do you understand?" Patriarch Situ sneered.

"Understood!" Han Feng nodded his head heavily. As soon as his words fell, the blood-colored giant tiger outside his body kicked the ground with both feet, and there were two loud bangs.

At this instant speed, Han Feng soared to more than two thousand feet, scraping a gully tens of feet deep along the road, like a huge scar.Then he soared into the air and fled rapidly, with a breath of more than 200 zhang.

In no time, he flew ten thousand feet away, and the range of his own soul power could no longer cover the figure of Patriarch Situ.

At this moment, he didn't dare to relax at all, he sprinted with all his strength, increased his speed to [-] zhang, and flew towards the southeast in a panic.

"Hehe, boy Han Feng, do you think you can still escape?"

Suddenly, Patriarch Situ's voice reached Han Feng's ears, his tone was relaxed and free of any sense of urgency.

Han Feng turned his head and turned pale with shock. A moment ago, Patriarch Situ had rushed behind him even though he was still thousands of feet away, less than five thousand feet away.

With a flash of crystal light, Patriarch Situ crossed a distance of [-] feet and approached Han Feng more and more, the distance between them was less than [-] feet.

Han Feng was shocked in his heart. It turned out that the real Alchemy Realm expert was so fast that he could fly such a long distance with a single thought.

Knowing that he couldn't escape, he turned around quickly, urged the blood-colored giant tiger to stick out its sharp claws, and attacked Patriarch Situ.

Patriarch Situ hovered in the air, and with a movement of crystal light, a big hand suddenly split out, and it expanded rapidly, and finally it was five or six hundred feet in size, crystal clear and shining, and slapped on the claws of the blood-colored giant tiger .

With a muffled sound of "bang", the claws of the blood-colored giant tiger immediately shattered. Han Feng's body was shaken violently, and he flew back, opening his mouth to spit out a mouthful of bright red blood.

Han Feng didn't care about the three sevens and twenty ones, he stretched out his hand, clenched his fist tightly, and immediately blasted out a Batian fist, the power of the fist surged like a tide, swept all directions, and submerged towards Patriarch Situ.

Patriarch Situ stood motionless in the air, letting the tide of Batian Fist's power overwhelm him.

The power of the Batian Fist can flatten mountains and rivers, but it impacted on the crystal light outside Situ Patriarch's body, only bringing out circles of ripples, and then disappeared peacefully.

"This is not the boxing technique of our Sanyemen, where did you learn it?!" Patriarch Situ asked.

Han Feng ignored him, took out the broken sword, crazily injected the power of true essence, and slashed out with one sword, a brilliant sword light flew out, directly attacking Patriarch Situ.

The light of the broken sword was so fast that it went thousands of feet away without breathing, and hit the group of crystal light several feet in size of Patriarch Situ.


There was a strange sound, and the group of crystal light swayed slightly, and then hovered in the sky as steadily as Mount Tai, and Patriarch Situ was unscathed.

"Hey, you have a lot of secrets about you, no wonder you were able to kill my useless great-grandson!" Patriarch Situ sneered and said lightly.

Han Feng was astonished. The three moves he used in succession just now can be said to be his very powerful attacks. Even if it was faced by a fake alchemy master, he had to put up all his energy and deal with it seriously in order to resist.

Unexpectedly, this ancestor Situ resisted lightly, without any pressure at all.

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