Lord of the Runes

Chapter 4 Introductory Quiz

Early the next morning, Han Feng still went to the back mountain to practice Qi Condensing Baguazhang. He found that after his soul was awakened, he could condense more spiritual energy. When he used the move of Pushing Qi Palm, the power became even greater. He actually directly pushed down the big tree two feet away in front of him, and there was a huge recoil force blowing him backwards, making him shake for a while, but his eyes were full of surprise.

In addition, he also found that even if he was not standing in a place with strong aura, he could still use the Pushing Palm, but the accumulation time needed to be several times longer, and the power was much weaker.But at least he can maintain this kind of combat power at all times, even if he meets someone like Sun Qiang again, he will be fearless.

Soon another hour passed, Han Feng finished his morning exercise, and he rushed down the mountain with two wooden barrels, and still walked towards the still water pool, but he just hid the wooden barrel in a piece of water when he went to the still water pool. In the miscellaneous forest, turn around and run towards the nearby outer door area.

He had lived in this area for more than ten years before, and he was naturally familiar with the way. With the blessing of Yunfengbu, he came to the gate of the outer gate area in less than two quarters of an hour. Looking inside, there The flowers are blooming like a brocade, full of aura, and all kinds of ancient buildings carved with dragons and phoenixes rise and fall, with different heights, shining brightly in the morning sun, which is too beautiful to behold.

Since he is still the disciple of the handyman carrying water in the No. [-] Stove Room in this area, he passed the inspection of the hidden formation and entered inside, but he did not go to the No. [-] Stove Room. The memory, successfully arrived at a hall.

The hall is 33 feet high, with green walls and green tiles, which are faintly shining, and majestic and magnificent are not enough to describe its magnificent momentum.

There are 49 steps in front of the main hall. At this moment, there are people struggling to move on the steps. Many people are standing on the steps and hesitant to move forward. Some people are even crumbling and sweating.

Han Feng raised his eyes to look at the plaque above the main hall. There were three gilt characters written on it, each of which was about ten feet in size, so even if they were far away, they could be seen clearly. Suddenly, it was the famous "Entrance Hall".

According to the door regulations, if you want to enter the entrance hall and apply to join the outer door, you have to pass the test of 49 steps in front of the hall.Gravity talismans are engraved on these steps, and every step up will exert a force of one hundred catties on the person who steps in, so at level 49, there will be a gravity of 25 catties on the person who steps in. It's unbearable at all. People like Sun Qiang have come here before, but they can only go to level [-] or [-]. Very few handyman disciples can break through level [-].It is said that this step is prepared for the disciples in the realm of Qi storage, and only those who have reached the realm of Qi storage can rely on their own true energy to resist the gravity imposed by the outside.

Therefore, the first condition for entering the outer gate is to reach the realm of Qi storage.

Han Feng took a deep breath and immediately walked up to the first step.Although he has not been promoted to the realm of gas storage, but after a night of thinking, he has found a way to understand the formula.

Han Feng passed the first seven levels very briskly, then passed three levels in a row, and reached the tenth level, bearing the weight of a thousand catties, but his body was still as stable as Mount Tai. He continued to walk up, but of course his speed slowed down.

Not a moment later, he went up to the first five levels, and after exhaling, he lifted his foot to the No.16 level.

In the wide square in front of the hall, there were many deacons or apprentices staring at them, especially seeing that Han Feng had reached No.16 level so quickly, all of them looked sideways and gave him complicated gazes.

After a while, Han Feng had already reached the height that Sun Qiang reached before, No.19 level.He continued to go up, No.20 level, No.20 level one, No.20 level two...

After a while, everyone's eyes were focused on him, because he had already reached No.30 level.

Han Feng's body was shaking right now. Just when everyone thought this was his limit, he started to use the Qi Condensation Baguazhang. With the help of the first glimpse, the condensed spiritual energy became stronger, and his hands seemed to be on fire. As if emitting a clear glow, he pushed it back suddenly, the power exploded, the wind blew up, and an impulse reacted against him, and he took advantage of the momentum to pass the third level.At the same time, his soul power was released, condensing the surrounding spiritual energy into his body, protecting his figure, and resisting the [-] catties of force from the outside.

Fortunately, he was relatively far away from other disciples, and he was still on his own path, so the Pushing Palm on the back steps did not affect others.

At this time, everyone in the audience exclaimed, and many people applauded and encouraged.

Han Feng ignored the people below at all, and did the same thing again, using the Condensing Qi Baguazhang, using the power of the Pushing Qi Palm to keep rushing upwards, allowing him to stand on the fourth step of No.40 in a blink of an eye, but his soul There is not much strength left, if you don't fight quickly, you may not be able to hold on.

There are five levels!

Han Feng looked forward with a firm look in his eyes, and pushed his hands back again, connecting two levels.

There are three levels!

Han Feng was already sweating profusely at this moment, but his eyes were even more radiant. He suddenly shouted loudly, and with the last of his soul power, he slapped the Pushing Palm for the last time.

This time, the power of the Pushing Palm was far better than before, and it was performed beyond the level, and the recoil force was extremely huge. Han Feng groaned across the last three steps and successfully climbed onto the platform in front of the door of the entrance hall.

The pressure on Han Feng's body dropped suddenly, but the sweat on his body also burst out instantly, dripping down like a stream.

Most of the dozens or hundreds of handyman disciples under the stage cheered, and even those disciples who were still fighting on the steps showed strange lights, and some of them even performed supernormally, and went up one step more.

Han Feng adjusted his breath on the platform in front of the door for a while before slowly walking into the door.

The hall in the hall is extremely wide, but it is empty, only a table and a chair are placed in the middle, and an old man with white beard and hair and wrinkled face is sitting there, holding a dilapidated book in his hand, shaking his hands. Sleepy, his snoring sounded from time to time.

Han Feng was a little dumbfounded, but at this moment he could only bite the bullet and walk up to him, coughed, cupped his fists and shouted, "Senior, I am Han Feng from No.

But the other party didn't wake up, and was still sleeping soundly, and the snoring sound was increasing.

Han Feng had no choice but to stand quietly and wait silently. By the way, he adjusted his breath to recover some strength and soul power.

More than an hour passed without knowing it, but the old man still didn't feel the slightest wake up.

Han Feng was about to reach out his hand to wake him up, but at this moment, the old man slowly woke up.

He yawned like no one else was there, and then he glanced at Han Feng, and said calmly: "Little boy, you have good concentration, you don't get bored after such a long time, you are a good seedling."

Han Feng smiled slightly, but did not speak.

"Come on." The old man suddenly touched a ring on his hand, a light blue light flashed, and a piece of wood like a brick appeared on his hand. He looked at Han Feng and said.

Han Feng knew that this wood was a treasure to test his aptitude. He had heard his adoptive father Han Hao mention it before. The cultivation base and aptitude of all disciples.

When Han Feng heard the other party call him, he quickly put aside these distracting thoughts, stretched out his hand and pressed on the piece of efficacious wood, as the old man's spell sounded, the lines on the surface of the efficacious wood gradually lit up, and soon emitted a dazzling blue light, It enveloped Han Feng.

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