Lord of the Runes

Chapter 399 Arrive

Murong Xue's body was trembling, and she kept running exercises to suppress the black energy in her body, but she couldn't completely suppress it. Instead, her combat strength dropped to half, her face became more and more blue, and she looked deeply poisoned.

"If that's the case, then obediently become my food, haha!" The grey-clothed old monster laughed loudly, his figure swayed slightly, gray light shone, and a ghost appeared from behind him, wrapping him around, and was about to dive Go down and devour Murong Xue.

"you dare!"

At this moment, a loud shout came from a distance, coordinated with his soul power, and spread in all directions. It was Han Feng's voice.

The gray-clothed old monster sneered, looked up at the source of the sound, and saw a long rainbow flying towards it rapidly, but it was still nearly ten thousand away. You actually dare to disturb me! I dare, so what can you do!"

As he said that, the ghost figure behind him was even more solid, dressed in a gray robe, with narrow cheeks and fair complexion, he looked like a middle-aged man, but at this moment he suddenly grinned, revealing two sharp fangs, with a gloomy expression The sound of clucking came towards Murong Xue.

Murong Xue frowned, and when she heard Han Feng's voice, a look of anxiety flashed in her eyes, and she immediately held her breath, ignoring the disturbing ghost energy in her body, she stood upright with her sword in her hand, and suddenly slashed out a beam of sword light, sword intent In the long run, white lotus flowers emerged out of thin air, rushing towards the old monster in gray.

The gray-clothed old monster screamed and stretched his hand forward. The gigantic ghost figure behind him also kept in line with his movement. He stretched out a big hand that covered the sky, and with a ghostly aura, it suddenly slapped on the snow-white lotus in the sky. Immediately, most of the snow-white lotus cracked and shattered.

The other dozens of snow-white lotus flowers also quickly became dim, and they were about to wither completely. At this moment, Murong Xue's forehead suddenly lit up, and a lightsaber emerged, immediately setting off a violent sword intent. Those snow-white lotus flowers As if being nourished, they returned to their original state in the blink of an eye, more prosperous than before, and what's even more amazing is that they began to differentiate, one life was two, two life was three, and the cycle went on and on. After a short time, it formed a trend that filled the sky, layer upon layer. Stacked, densely packed, the light is like snow, bright and dazzling.

For the first time, the face of the grey-clothed old monster showed a dignified look, and he made a tactic with his hands. Suddenly, the ghost behind him floated up, and quickly grew in size. Big or small, set off a violent storm, causing the snow-white lotus flowers in the sky to collapse together, making a crisp sound.

Murong Xue retreated again and again, the corners of her mouth couldn't stop the blackened blood, but she still persisted, her forehead became brighter, and the lightsaber became more and more brilliant, burning like a ball of fire Then, lotuses grew in the void, one after another, emerging endlessly, and soon covered a radius of more than a thousand feet, surrounded the giant ghost shadows that were thousands of feet tall, emitting dazzling rays of light, like a sword chopping, Even the grey-clothed old monster felt a chill in his heart, so he had no choice but to get serious. He moved his hands and fingers together, and a series of spells flew into the giant ghost shadow, making it even more imposing.

It's just that each of those snow-white lotus flowers is formed by the condensation of sword intent. After being broken, they can still form a huge lethal force. Every time they kill, the ghost image gradually becomes dim.

The gray-clothed old monster snorted coldly, and the giant ghost shrank suddenly, turning into a size of hundreds of feet in an instant, and then slammed a palm, bursts of ghostly air filled the air, and the sound of devil crying came out of the void, and the cold air seemed to come from the nether world. The air seeped out, and the whole world became gloomy, like the end of the world, which made people feel a sense of coolness from the bottom of their hearts.

A look of panic flashed in Murong Xue's eyes, the opponent's palm was the Nether Palm, she was seriously injured by this move before, and she has not recovered so far, and even the residual ghost energy in her body is getting worse.

And at this moment, the gray-clothed old monster is the Nether Palm cast by the giant ghost, the power is even more astonishing, the void seems to be unable to bear the pressure, it bends slightly, refracts the light, and appears colorful astigmatism, making People are terrified!

Murong Xue's body retreated violently, at the same time the lightsaber between her eyebrows emitted a hundred feet of light, and snow-white lotus flowers sprang up out of thin air around her, rushing towards the opponent one after another, trying to block his Nether Palm.

However, before the thousands of snow-white lotus flowers touched the entity of Nether Palm, they were overwhelmed by the distorted light around it and the pervading ghostly aura, without even a bubble popping out, they were annihilated and disappeared.

Murong Xue couldn't take it anymore, and vomited a big mouthful of blood again, the blood color was thick black, and the black air was lingering, it seemed that the injury was more serious.

The lightsaber at the center of her brow dimmed suddenly, the sword intent all over the sky faded, and the snow-white lotus no longer appeared out of thin air, and it was even more difficult to resist the attack of Nether Palm with the remaining lotus. Nether palm devours.

"I didn't expect that I would fall here!" Murong Xue sighed softly in her heart, but her face was as calm as water, without any negative emotions.

Even so, she still didn't give up, even though her body was on the verge of falling, she tried her best to urge the lightsaber between her eyebrows to emit light, release the sword intent, and white lotuses grew in the void, resisting the ghostly palm of the old monster in gray.

After a while, she spat out another mouthful of black blood, her eyes became dimmed, and she was no longer able to support the lightsaber between her eyebrows, it dissipated suddenly, and disappeared into her soul sea.


The grey-clothed old monster was already furious, and he no longer considered the matter of eating Murong Xue alive, but let's kill her in one fell swoop first, so as not to cause any trouble.

Just at this moment, an ellipsoid exuding black light suddenly slanted in from a distance, and directly crashed into the ghostly aura of Nether Palm, causing waves of waves immediately.

All the ghost aura can't stop this ellipsoid, and it is instantly dissolved by its black light, as if it is innately restrained. If one can't breathe, a channel about Zhang Xu's size will appear within the range of the ghost aura, reaching directly to the Nether Palm's body.

In the next moment, the weight of the ellipsoid hit the Nether Palm's body, and it exploded immediately. Terrifying black fire spread in all directions, burning most of the ghost energy and crackling.

Nether Palm, destroy!

The gray-clothed old monster was terrified, his wrinkled eyes glowed with a strange green light, he turned his head to look into the distance, and saw the long rainbow getting closer, within a few breaths, a figure appeared in front of him, It cut between him and Murong Xue, firmly protecting Murong Xue.

At this time, Murong Xue was in a state of half awake and half unconscious, tried to open her eyes to look, and vaguely saw the back of this person, wearing a set of light blue Taoist robes of Sanyemen.

It was Han Feng!

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