Lord of the Runes

Chapter 397 Coincidence

"Maybe it's just my illusion, Han Feng shouldn't be chasing him again, it's been such a long time!" Long Min comforted himself.

Having said that, she still flew forward with all her strength, and after a while, she flew for dozens of miles and came to a desert.

When she went deep into this place for more than ten miles, lightning bolts appeared in the originally gray sky above without warning.

Long Min hurriedly stopped his forward body, retreated more than ten miles away, stood in the air, looked around, trying to find the direction to go around.

However, as far as the eye can see, there are Gobi deserts on both sides of the lightning, filled with billowing sand and dust, stretching as far as the eye can see, you still have to go deep in, and don't know what heaven and earth visions will appear there.

This place is obviously not simple, most likely some kind of dangerous place!

Just when she was hesitating and in a dilemma, there were more lightning bolts above, densely packed, hanging in the air like spider webs, emitting a dazzling white light.

Suddenly, the void cracked, and strong winds seeped out, bursting out like a deflated windbag, and even the lightning was wiped out.

A void emerged in nothingness, only about Zhang Xu in size, with blue sky and white clouds inside, and the aura was so thick that it seemed to condense into a liquid, which was many times higher than here.

Long Min was astonished, and looked intently, his soul power concentrated to that side, he couldn't help being stunned, and saw a slim figure flying out of the hole, wearing a pink dress, looking extremely pretty, it was Ling Fen .

"Xiaofen, so you really fell into space debris?!" Long Min flew over quickly, with a slightly excited face, and said loudly.

"Senior Sister Long, did you really ignite the boundary-piercing talisman?!" Ling Fen responded loudly with an excited expression.

"Well, seeing that you haven't replied to my spirit message for a long time, you must have been isolated in a closed space, so you ignited the boundary penetration talisman. Could it have helped you?" Long Min nodded, and then asked .

"That's right, if we hadn't sensed the fluctuations in your runes, Sister Murong and I would have been unable to find the weak spot in this space and escape!" Ling Fen nodded heavily.

"Sister Murong?" Long Min asked suspiciously.

"Ah, by the way, she hasn't come out yet, she's helping me fend off an old ghost in the alchemy realm, let's go meet her!" Ling Fen woke up suddenly, and pulled Long Min to turn around and fly to the void hole .

Long Min's head was full of confusion, but he could only let her pull him, and he returned to the hole after a while.

Seeing that the hole was gradually healing, Ling Fen was burning with anxiety. Regardless of Long Min's objection, she wanted to rush in again to support the sister Murong she was talking about.

Just at this moment, a snow-white figure flew out from the hole, it was a beautiful woman, dressed in white clothes better than snow, holding a long sword of autumn water, it was Murong Xue.

It's just that she is in a very bad state at the moment, her face is pale gray, and black blood is constantly overflowing from the corner of her mouth. After walking a few steps in the air, she can no longer hold on, and falls crookedly.

"Sister Murong!" Ling Fen was surprised and delighted, and immediately flew over to support Murong Xue in the air.

Long Min also flew over, but stood in front of the two of them, staring nervously at the hole above, only to see a majestic breath like the deep sea coming out, the void trembled slightly for it, a A light gray figure passed through it like lightning, appearing in front of everyone.

"Haha, it's finally come out, how many years, how many years!" This man was dressed in a gray robe, his face was wrinkled, his hair was yellow, and he was so old that he looked like he had just crawled out of the grave Corpse in general.

But his aura is extremely terrifying, suppressing everything in the world, all spiritual energy seems to be afraid of him, scrambling to stay away from him, like a storm.

"This is the alchemy old monster?" Long Min panicked and muttered to himself, his jade hand clenched into a fist and tightened involuntarily.

"Huh?" The grey-clothed old monster lowered his head and glanced at the three of them, and finally his eyes fell on Murong Xue, and said indifferently: "It's really tenacious, after being hit by my Nether Palm, I was able to escape, and I haven't Die like this, the future life is terrifying!"

"However, that's the end of it. It just so happens that my body is empty, so I'll fill my stomach with you, haha!" The gray-clothed old monster said suddenly again.

Long Min was shocked when he heard this, and turned to Ling Fen hastily and said, "Let's retreat!"

Ling Fen was also full of panic, and supported Murong Xue to fly away quickly, while Long Min stood behind to protect, staring cautiously at the grey-clothed old monster.

But he was unmoved and let them go, not knowing what he was thinking.

But Long Min became more and more nervous, feeling as if the other party was deliberately teasing them, or he didn't take the three of them seriously at all, and he had great confidence to catch them all.

Sure enough, when the three of them flew more than 20 miles away, the gray-clothed old monster laughed, his figure moved slightly, and he suddenly disappeared in place, galloping towards him like a gray lightning bolt, with a breath spanning more than 20 miles. When he couldn't breathe, he caught up with the three of them. With a flick of his torn sleeves, a gust of wind swept out, covering the world and surrounding the three of them, approaching quickly like a wall of storms , as if they would be squeezed into patties in the next moment.

Long Min's face was ugly, and even repeated attacks couldn't break through the walls of the storm, so he sacrificed the Eight Dragons Seizing Pearl Plate to release scorching purple light to protect everyone's bodies.

Murong Xue woke up slowly, her face haggard, and she was about to stand up and break the wall of storm around her, but when she moved a little, she felt a sharp pain all over her body, and she opened her mouth to spit out another mouthful of black blood. There were strands of black air in the black blood Turning around, it looks terrible.Her face was like gold paper, and her breathing became much faster.

"Sister Murong!" Ling Fen shouted loudly.

"It's okay, I've already forced out the ghostly poison of his Nether Palm, and he will be able to recover after a short rest!" Murong Xue said lightly.

But Long Min and Ling Fen looked at each other, and both felt that it was impossible for her to recover so soon.

Just at this moment, the walls of the storm on all sides were getting closer and closer, making a rumbling sound, like a thousand drums beating together, it was deafening.

Long Min's pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and the purple light protecting them was also shaking violently, as if it would be torn apart at any moment, completely swallowed by this storm.

Long Min frowned, and said suddenly: "Xiaofen, give her Zhenyuan Pill, I need her help, otherwise we will all die here!"

"With her injuries, can she withstand the impact of Zhenyuan Pill?" Ling Fen wondered.

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