Han Feng looked at her and didn't speak for a while, as if he wanted to see through her mind.

Necromancer Flower looked natural, showing a smiling face, with a frank look.

"Okay, I promise you, take me to find Long Min!" Han Feng finally nodded and agreed to cooperate with her.

"Okay, please follow me!" Necromancer Flower showed a little excitement, but it was well restrained and did not show it too much. Immediately nodded heavily, turned and flew southeast.

Han Feng soared into the sky, followed her without taking a step, and flew away from here quickly.


After Long Min successfully escaped from the kingdom of death, he tried his best to stay away from that location, flew all the way tens of thousands of miles away, and came to a mountain peak to hide and recover his state.

In less than a day, she recovered to her best condition, and immediately left the mountain, taking advantage of the last time to search for the treasures of this world, and at the same time, she went to look for Ling Fen's trace.

In Long Min's view, although Ling Fen is not weak, her heart is too pure and she is easily deceived, otherwise she would not have a relationship with a dangerous person like Han Feng. Long Min was worried and naturally had to find her as soon as possible.

Obviously, she also believed what Han Feng said, and felt that Ling Fen was probably Han Feng's friend, but it was unlikely that they were friends. Maybe they had cooperated with each other. It cannot be compared with the interests of the sect.

That's why she resolutely used her means to keep Han Feng in the kingdom of death, so that he could never come out, so that she would not be able to threaten her sect.

Although Han Feng's current cultivation level is not high, when she saw his talent for refining talismans, she was overwhelmed. He is no longer comparable to a genius, he is completely a monster, as long as he is given enough growth Time, no matter how bad the starting point is, no matter how small the sect is, it will make him take off, and eventually become a giant, and it is difficult to guarantee that he will not pose a threat to his own sect.

In fact, this is also an order secretly given by many big sects to their direct disciples, to stifle the geniuses of those small and medium sects so that their respective positions can be stabilized.

Generally speaking, it is the big sects who keep an eye on the disciples of the middle sects, while the middle sects are wary of the disciples of those branch sects. One level controls the other, and each has its own interests.

In this regard, the Nine Heavens Palace is not exempt. Long Min performed this task conscientiously. He secretly killed many talented disciples of middle-level sects, leaving only some crooked melons to live. After all, they can't all be killed. , then the medium sects will definitely form a group to boycott.

This is also one of the reasons why the Grand Canyon of Death is so bloody. On the one hand, everyone is fighting endlessly to seize the spirit of the earth veins. On the other hand, some disciples of the major sects specialize in the "cub removal" operation to eliminate potential threats.

In addition, there are also collisions and frictions between the four major sects and the eight major families, and their disciples will also fight bloody battles, which is why this place is called "death trial"!

Then again, there are some talented and brilliant people in those medium sects and even small sects, and they also have people assassinating the direct descendants of the four major sects and eight major families, but the proportion is not that many.

Therefore, when Long Min used all kinds of methods and spent eleven or twelve days to find Ling Fen's trace, she couldn't help but secretly anxious, and also worried that Ling Fen would encounter such a disaster and meet the son of a giant from another sect , unfortunately died.

"Where did this girl go? Could it be that she was also caught in some space fragments?" Long Min was hanging in the air at the moment in a swamp, muttering to himself with an anxious expression on his face.

I can't help but she is not eager, not to mention that Ling Fen grew up with her and has a close relationship with her sisters, but before she came, Ling Fen's mother, who was also her master, told her to take good care of her after entering the Death Canyon Ling Fen.

Originally, with the status of the two of them, there is no need to come here to take risks at all, the sect has its own arrangements.But Long Min later accepted the task of "removing cubs" for a certain spiritual creature in the door, so he had to come in. Seeing that she was going to participate in this year's death trial, Ling Fen was worried about her first, and secondly I'm also a little curious.After all, there are many low-level disciples in the Jiuxiao Palace. If they want to achieve the realm of the earth-level or even the heaven-level Guiyuan, they can only come here to participate in the death trial that they are all overwhelmed by.

Ling Fen has heard a lot from people, so it's not surprising that she was curious. Anyway, she has countless treasures on her body, so she will definitely be fine, and she is not afraid of danger.

The more this is the case, Long Min feels more guilty at the moment, if she doesn't participate, Ling Fen will not be able to listen to persuasion to come here to get involved.

"Maybe it's just me scaring myself. Xiaofen has no fewer rare treasures than me. As long as she can successfully advance to the realm of returning to the earth, no one can do anything about it. She must have fallen into a certain situation." It is a piece of space and cannot escape for the time being." Long Min stabilized his mind, suddenly took out an ordinary talisman, approached it and whispered something, and then suddenly poured the power of true essence into it, and it suddenly glowed. Bright, disappeared without a trace in the next moment, turned into strands of brilliance, and disappeared without a trace.

After doing this, she felt a little more at ease. Just as she was about to leave, two long rainbows suddenly flew in the distance. The speed was extremely fast, and within a few flashes, they rushed to her, and they were not far away from each other. Baizhang.

"It's you?" Long Min turned pale with shock, and pointed at the person behind him.

That person was Han Feng, standing behind the dead spirit flower in white.

"Hey, Fairy, don't get hurt!" Han Feng clasped his arms around his chest, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a relaxed look on his face.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to escape like this. She helped you, right?!" Long Min snorted coldly, and turned his eyes to the Necromancer Flower.

"Don't talk nonsense, the young master brought me out." Necromancer Flower stared.

"Young Master?" Long Min was full of suspicion, and said in surprise: "You think he is the master?!"

"Don't talk nonsense, it's Huahua who admires me and decides to cooperate with me to eliminate the villains in the world, just like fairy you, you have to get rid of as many as you have, don't you think?!" Han Feng said seriously.


Necromancer Flower couldn't help being slightly stunned, with a look of helplessness on her face. It's true that she doesn't have her own name yet, but it feels weird to be called by him like that.

Long Min even got goosebumps for a while, despising him, but when she heard him swearing at her bluntly, her face turned gloomy again, wishing to kill him immediately.

But she knew that she was probably not the opponent, so she immediately took out another talisman, which shone with crystal light. It was a space teleportation talisman. As long as she deployed it smoothly, she could be teleported hundreds of miles away in an instant, and then she would be able to get rid of Han Feng's entanglement.

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