Lord of the Runes

Chapter 382 Prohibition

Long Min thought silently for a while, then suddenly soared into the sky, flew high into the sky, and rushed straight to that position in the blue sky.

Sure enough, when she was only tens of feet away, an invisible barrier stopped her, no matter how she attacked, it was useless.

She had to land first and think carefully about the countermeasures.

Han Feng searched the dense forest for two days and two nights, but did not find any trace of Long Min. Although he had obtained the aura left by Long Min in some areas, it was intermittent and not coherent. Obviously, she had Casting strange treasures along the way eliminated part of his aura.

At this moment, Han Feng landed on a big tree, stepping on the branches and leaves, and it was steady, without any sign of shaking.

He frowned and thought about Long Min's whereabouts, and secretly analyzed.

If it was him himself, after the opportunity disappeared, he was worried that the enemy would come to pursue him, and he would probably try every means to escape from this kingdom of death as soon as possible. As long as he left here, he would have no worries.

Moreover, after careful calculation, in fact, there is not much time left before the death trial, and it is estimated that there are only about twenty days left.

If the opportunity is really missed, then they all have to stay in this country, or stay in the Grand Canyon of Death, and they are not allowed to leave for ten years. God knows what will happen.

"So, Long Min will definitely try to leave this country, how will she choose?" Han Feng looked around, secretly guessing.

Qiu Huahua had told him before that she had just come in, and after beheading a lot of ghosts in the ground veins, she was unable to continue to support, so she used the space teleportation talisman to escape while the surrounding space was not completely healed. If there is time, she can't guarantee whether she can go out.

When Han Feng first entered this country, he did feel that the space was not that strong. Perhaps he could use the high-level space teleportation talisman to escape from that area, but now he is not sure if he can still succeed. .

"Smart people like Long Min must know this. It is obviously unrealistic to go back the same way, not to mention that maze of mountains is also a big obstacle. Even if I try again with my current strength, I am extremely afraid! "Han Feng said to himself.

"Then where will she go?" Han Feng thought hard.

"By the way, there!" Han Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he immediately flew to the central area where the Necromancer Flower was.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, Long Min will definitely choose to go there.What's more, there seemed to be another mystery in the small area on the top of the sky. It once shattered and showered countless lightning strikes. If it wasn't for Han Feng's thick flesh, he might have been chopped into pieces long ago.

Three days later, Han Feng finally returned to that area, but he didn't enter rashly, because he had traced Long Min's aura and it spread all the way here.

His soul power spread, covering an area of ​​dozens of miles, and he saw Long Min's trace, and saw that she was constantly trying to break the restriction above the sky, break through the sky again, and escape from this place.

Han Feng didn't say anything, just watched quietly.

Suddenly, Long Min took out a talisman that shone with crystal light. The grade seemed to be extremely high, and the talisman light was dazzling. She quickly spread it out, and a ball of crystal light spread out, wrapped it tightly, and disappeared in an instant with a slight flash. trace.

Han Feng frowned slightly, wondering if she had discovered him.

However, just over ten breaths later, Long Min's figure broke into the range of his soul power again and flew back quickly.

It turned out that she was just trying to see if she could use the space teleportation talisman of the seventh-grade talisman to escape.

Since she came back again, she naturally failed.

Long Min frowned, and after quickly returning to this area, just as he was about to continue his research, a person appeared in front of him, suddenly it was Han Feng.

"Fairy, hello, it's really fate, we meet again!" Han Feng casually leaned on a big tree at the edge, and said to Long Min with a smile.

"You came to me to settle the matter?" Long Min asked calmly.

"No, no, I'm here to cooperate with you!" Han Feng said with a slight smile.

"Oh, how do you want to cooperate?" Long Min frowned and said with a cold face.

"Do you know what I want to cooperate with?" Han Feng asked back with a look of surprise.

"What else can I do, I just want to cooperate with me to destroy this dome!" Long Min glanced at him sideways, and pointed to the position in the sky.

"Hey, it's easy to talk to smart people, that's exactly what it is!" Han Feng laughed and replied with a little praise.

"Come on, what's the condition?" Long Min was floating in the air, staring at him and said indifferently.

"Help me keep a secret, how about it?" Han Feng said bluntly.

"Yes, but if someone sees your details, I will not be responsible!" Long Min pointed out.

"That's natural. I guess most people can't see through my depth, not even the alchemist." Han Feng glanced at her and continued, "How can you guarantee it?"

"What I said is a guarantee. Believe it or not, if you want to kill me, I will accompany you!" Long Min straightened his face and said with a sneer.

"Fairy, you're joking. I'm from your same school as Lingfen, but I'm a good friend. I wouldn't fight with you. It wouldn't sound good to say it!" Han Feng said with a natural expression and a smile.

Long Min didn't speak, but just looked at him with a strange face. After all, Ling Fen chased and killed him when he was in that secret world in the early years. How could he not be surprised that he opened his eyes and told nonsense now.

Han Feng laughed, and immediately explained to her that he had secretly traded Yixin Stone with Ling Fen before, and also confessed that he had saved Ling Fen's life a while ago.

Long Min took a serious look at him, felt that he was not talking nonsense, and then said slowly: "I have tried many methods in the past few days, and I heard that you are still a talisman master, maybe you have a way to undo this restriction."

Han Feng nodded, and began to communicate with her to understand what methods she had used during this time, so that he could judge the characteristics of this restriction, so as to lift it in a targeted manner.

"Actually, I'm just a fifth-grade talisman master, and I'm not good at formations." Han Feng thought for a while, and said slowly.

"Then you still say to cooperate with me?" Long Min was stunned for a moment, a little speechless.

"It doesn't matter, I can learn it now. Since it is a restriction and there is a flash of talisman light, it is a kind of talisman formation, which is related to talismans. Even if it is a formation technique, I have the confidence to break it!" Han Feng said with a confident smile.

"I hope so." Long Min expressed doubts. After all, even if she is not a talisman master, how can there be no talisman masters in Jiuxiao Palace? There are even a lot of more powerful talisman masters. The talisman array is much more complicated than the talisman, and it is definitely not something that a small fifth-grade talisman master can decipher.


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