Lord of the Runes

Chapter 379 Trailing

The Necromancer Flower stared at Han Feng resentfully, while the corolla was still burning under her feet, she was able to provide her with extreme speed, turned around and left without saying a word, it was extremely decisive!

Han Feng chased after him, but even though he had a speed of more than 200 feet in an instant, he couldn't catch up. After all, after the opponent's self-ignited foundation, the speed he gained directly surpassed the level of [-] feet in an instant, comparable to lightning. Comparable, disappearing into the sky within a few breaths.

Han Feng naturally didn't want to waste time and energy. Anyway, this banshee was no longer a good thing, and there was no threat to him anymore. He immediately slowed down and turned to fly in the direction where Ran Lintian disappeared.

This guy is a direct disciple of Wanjianmen, he doesn't want to leave him alive, if he is allowed to go out smoothly, and publicizes that he has achieved the position of heaven, he will not cause trouble at that time, he knows the truth of the big tree attracting the wind , not to mention that he is still just a sapling, and he is still unable to bear such a storm.

Of course, if the Sanye Sect was one of the four major sects, that would be a different matter. Most likely, they would be able to get the protection of the sect. I dare not say that there will be no worries and smooth sailing from now on, but at least no one dares to blatantly bully others.

Han Feng unfolded at extreme speed, and in an instant, he was [-] feet away, bringing out a long cloud path, stretching towards the horizon, and quickly disappeared into the sky.

Han Feng is now a soul cultivator in the Subtlety Realm. Not only is his soul power strong, but more importantly, he has the ability to observe the subtleties. He can detect Ran Lintian's aura from the traces of Ran Lintian's flying past, especially if the other party has other traces. The breath of the ancestor's true blood is easier to recognize, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a guiding light.

Han Feng searched all the way there without any hindrance. In less than a quarter of an hour, he saw Ran Lintian flying in the sky through his soul power, pulling out a long blood cloud. Compared with Han Feng, it was still a bit worse.

What's more, Han Feng's soul power covers a full [-] zhang at the moment, and the other party is tens of miles away from him. He can see it clearly, and the other party has not yet discovered his existence.

All of this was brought about by the particularity of the Subtlety Realm, which raised his comprehensive combat power to an unimaginable level.

Han Feng didn't say anything, and even slowed down a little, roughly at the same level as Ran Lintian. He followed behind the opponent. He was afraid that the opponent had a secret technique. Once he used it, he might not be at such a speed. If he throws himself away in a short time, if he uses secret techniques to cover up his aura, then it will be difficult for him to track him down.

Ran Lintian didn't do that before, most likely because he felt that Han Feng didn't have the ability to find his own traces from the traces of his flying past, and his secret technique also consumed a lot of energy, so he wouldn't do it rashly things.

In order not to startle the snake, Han Feng followed very patiently, and the day and night passed like this.

On the second day, Ran Lintian seemed to relax his vigilance. On the other hand, he was really exhausted after traveling a long distance, even with the support of his ancestor's true blood. He had to stop and landed on a big tree in the dense forest. Sitting on a tree to rest.

He took out a few pills and took them, and his complexion improved a little. He closed his eyes and silently adjusted his breath to restore the power of his true essence.

Han Feng was thirty miles away, watching his every move. Seeing that he had rested, he landed, restrained his breath, and lurked past silently.

Han Feng's speed was neither too fast nor too slow, one breath was more than a hundred feet, and in less than forty breaths, he went to Ran Lintian's side, and the distance between them was only a few miles.

At this moment, Ran Lintian suddenly opened his eyes, got up without any warning, flew into the air, his eyes were like lightning, and he looked around.

At the same time, his soul power also spread out as much as possible, covering a range of thousands of feet, but apart from seeing some strange beasts and even primordial beasts wandering around, there was no other stronger aura.

He couldn't help laughing, and muttered in a low voice: "It seems that I am really paranoid. That kid is probably still fighting with the Necromancer Flower. He is not sure whether he is alive or dead. How come he has time to come and chase me!"

"What's more, even if he really came after me, I have no fear, the big deal is that we will die together!" Then, he said viciously.

"If both of them are hurt, I will lurk back. I wonder if I can pick up a ready-made one? If I use a secret method, maybe I can extract his vitality from the sky and graft it to me!" Ran Lintian's eyes suddenly lit up, and he said to himself Said to himself.

"Forget it, don't take this risk, be careful sailing for thousands of years, it's a pity to lose my only drop of true blood!" Ran Lintian shook his head, and suddenly vetoed his own idea.

He looked around, and suddenly waved a large bloody sword, sweeping across hundreds of feet below, chopping up all the big trees, sawdust flying, dust in the sky, and even the ground left a ravine, full of scars.

He showed his soul power, and found nothing unusual, only a large number of strange beasts and primordial beasts trembled, stunned by the sudden attack, prostrate on the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

"No fun!" Ran Lintian smiled triumphantly, and after leaving this sentence, he hurried away, turning into a bloody light and quickly disappeared into the sky.

After more than ten breaths, Han Feng crawled out from under a strange beast, and the strange beast he used to cover his body was trembling like chaff.

Han Feng didn't make things difficult for it, he glanced at the direction Ran Lintian was leaving, no longer staying here, and immediately flew up to chase after it.

Just a moment ago, he was thinking of attacking the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to be so vigilant and felt a little uncomfortable, so he shot decisively.

This is the intuition of a strong man, often very accurate, and he himself has it.

Originally, he wanted to ignore 21 and rush out to fight the opponent directly, but when he heard the opponent talking to himself that he could die with him, he couldn't help dispelling that idea, so there was a scene where he used the body of a strange beast to hide his whereabouts .

Since the enemy is in the open and I am in the dark, why not kill with one blow, there is no need to take risks at all!

Han Feng thought to himself.

He started chasing at a very high speed, and after a while, he passed through the envelope of soul power again, and saw Ran Lintian's figure, and there was nothing abnormal.

He followed from afar, time passed quickly, another day passed, and Ran Lintian hid in the dense forest.

This time Han Feng didn't make a move, feeling that the timing was still wrong, after all, the opponent was still very vigilant.

But what surprised him was that when he saw the other party again, the other party seemed to be in a good mood, sweeping away his gloomy face before, and laughing lightly from time to time.

After careful observation, he found that Ran Lintian seemed to be merging the blood light all over his body, and he was still gradually becoming stronger. From his feeling, the other party had truly surpassed the realm of Guiyuan Consummation, and should have reached the realm of fake pills.

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