Lord of the Runes

Chapter 377 Achievement of the Heaven Rank

The injuries on Han Feng's body have already healed, but his body is like a mess. All kinds of vitality are crowded together, making him feel like he is going to explode and die at any moment, so he has to use all his strength to refine and absorb. , Try to transform it into a body training cultivation base.

It's just a pity that there are too many of these vitality, and the innate energy derived from his body has also become a burden, and it is pouring into his dantian with the life energy of thunder and lightning, constantly promoting the expansion of his dantian , The pain is unbearable!

If it wasn't for his cultivation of soul power to advance to the Subtlety Realm one step ahead, he would have been unable to cope with such a complicated situation, let alone be distracted to sort it out.

This is also the benefit of people with strong soul power. When faced with a difficult situation, they will have more energy to deal with it, and the more complicated things are, the more they can be straightened out, and they will not be a mess.

After Han Feng stabilized the chaos in his meridians, he immediately allocated part of his energy to deal with matters in his dantian. Although he didn't have top-level qi training methods, he still had to use the Heavenly Dragon Controlling Qi Art to stabilize his dantian as much as possible, so as not to It just collapsed. If that happens, it will be troublesome, and years of hard work will be in vain.

His dantian expanded rapidly, and soon broke through to the size of ten thousand feet. After more than ten breaths, it reached fifteen thousand feet. It was like a wild horse that had run loose, and it couldn't be held back!

He was anxious, but there was no better way for a while, he still had to deal with the thousands of lightnings pouring down, distracted to sacrifice to the blood-colored giant tiger, smashing the pieces of lightning with claws one by one, those The life qi of thunder and lightning is not something that the blood-colored giant can resist. They can only be allowed to pounce on him, rush into his body, temper his body, let him improve his body training and cultivation level, and directly pass the late stage of Fuhu. Go straight to Fuhu's perfect state.

After a while, those life qi machines were too huge. Even if he used all the exercises and squandered his physical strength, he was unable to maintain his balance. They began to go to his internal organs, and in an instant, the internal organs Bloody, agitated.

There was a glow between his brows, and he hurriedly mobilized part of his soul power to infiltrate the internal organs, to assist the refining of the Spiritual Vajra Art.

When he managed to calm down the vital energy inside his internal organs, those excess vital energy went straight to his brain.

This frightened him. The brain is the foundation of a human being, and there is no room for negligence. If he is a little careless, he will die.

What's more, he still has to rely on a huge amount of soul power to help him control the overall situation. If these life energies rush in, he will die.

Therefore, he took strict precautions to keep these excess life energy out of his forehead, but they had nowhere to go, so he had to pour them back into his internal organs, causing him a sudden increase in pressure and a large area of ​​internal bleeding. A mouthful of bright red blood couldn't help but spit out wildly, and his figure was shaking unbearably.

In desperation, he had no choice but to guide these excess life qi into his brain in an orderly manner, which at first made him refreshed, as if he had received some great tonic, his forehead glowed, and his eyes shone.

But after a short while, he started to have a splitting headache, and bumps appeared on his scalp, as if they were about to explode.

He was terrified, so he had no choice but to guide these life qi into the huge soul sea, and the pressure suddenly eased.

The soul sea is the core area of ​​a monk, and it is even more important than the dantian. Han Feng does not want to make such a bad move unless it is absolutely necessary.

Fortunately, his soul sea has just condensed foggy soul power into a liquid, and it is very spacious. It will not burst his soul sea in a while, allowing him time to deal with problems in other areas.

After being relieved, he began to carefully sort out the life qi in the dantian, allowing them to slowly transform into the power of his true essence.

Not long after, the space of his dantian expanded to nearly [-] zhang square was filled with the power of true essence, and his dantian was still expanding, as if there was no end to it.

After successfully completing the dredging of the upper and lower areas, his condition immediately improved a lot, and he began to deal with the problems of the internal organs. With his cultivation base of soul power, he can naturally observe the subtleties, and take the opportunity to open up the meridians in the internal organs, so as to let the vital energy The machine flows through it to form an internal circulation, so as to prevent them from scurrying around and causing internal damage.

This combing actually benefited him a lot, a burst of qi, the color of platinum, spit out from his mouth suddenly from his lungs, and with a snort, he slashed at those lightning bolts, immediately smashing a large piece of it, with powerful force It is not weaker than his Broken Sword's aura, and it is endless. Supplemented by a huge amount of life energy, he uses it recklessly to further relieve his pressure.

Han Feng was overjoyed. He once read a piece of material in the classics, saying that the lungs of a monk can nourish the Qi of Gengjin, and it is the purest metal Qi machine. It can fly to cut mountains and block rivers. , if practiced to the extreme, it can even cut through the void.

But this kind of pure qi cannot be possessed by those who have blood. I have never heard of any ordinary monks holding it, but he has obtained it by accident at this moment. Can you not make him excited? !

With this kind of pure energy, his combat power has soared several levels, and he can also launch surprise attacks. After all, no one would think that he can possess such magical power.

He swayed this Gengjin Qi to his heart's content, so that he had a place to vent, so that all life energy would not be stagnated in his body, allowing him to achieve a dynamic balance again, and the crisis was basically resolved.

At this moment, he has actually successfully stepped into the position of heaven, it depends on how far his dantian can expand.

However, just as he was thinking this way, the shattered sky above suddenly healed, the silver-white lightning gradually disappeared, and finally the wind cleared and the clouds cleared, and everything returned to calm.

So far, his dantian has expanded to more than 9000 feet, and there is still a little distance from [-], which makes him feel a little regretful.

Under his internal inspection, the innate qi no longer emerged from his body, and his internal organs were restored as before, as if nothing had happened, but the Gengjin qi stored in his lungs seemed to be telling the truth. what.

He looked at his sea of ​​souls, there were still thousands of meters of life energy left in it, it was extremely thick, and it didn't attract the residual talismans to emerge and snatch it away, so he had to do it himself, guide them out, and replenish them in the dantian again , let it expand.

In a short while, one-third of this piece of life energy was consumed, and his dantian finally entered the realm of [-] feet in size. The power of the liquid true essence fluctuated ups and downs, with magnificent waves, and a strange silver-white light shone. , It's like a vast ocean.

All of this is a long story, but in fact, it took less than a quarter of an hour before and after.


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