Lord of the Runes

Chapter 370 Re-entering the Mysterious Small World

Long Min opened his mouth, his face full of astonishment, she did not expect such a scene to appear.

The beauty transformed by the Necromancer Flower had cold eyes, and immediately launched a more terrifying attack. She put her hands together, and the seal formula flew up, and suddenly there were mountains behind her, all of which were condensed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, weighing more than ten million Jin, rumbled and hit the invisible diaphragm around the vitality of the sky, immediately set off a strong wind, and the violent noise continued for a long time.

At this moment, Han Feng was covered in blood, as if he was going to collapse completely in the next moment, but he managed to survive every time, his body surface was protected by a thick blood light, absorbing the vitality of the sky, he was also protecting himself He forms great protection.

But even so, the pressure he was under was getting bigger and bigger, especially when the residual talisman was getting more and more busy breaking through, the protection against him became weaker, and his body appeared again and again. Blood gurgles out of the gap, and it will burst open at any time, turning into a piece of minced meat.

At this moment, in his dantian, for unknown reasons, a clear light suddenly appeared, shining brightly in the true essence, illuminating the sea of ​​true essence that was nearly ten thousand zhang in radius.

As if being summoned, wisps of innate energy began to emerge from all over his body, but at this moment he did not repair his physical body, but instead absorbed the breath of heavenly vitality that had infiltrated into his body endlessly, expanding them , From a strand, it changed into thousands of strands in no time, and finally all gathered in his dantian, and merged with that touch of brilliance. Gradually, this touch of brilliance became solid and transformed into form It is a ball-like thing, but it does not look like a solid body. It is between reality and illusion. It moves left and right in the lake of his true essence, like a millstone, constantly tempering the power of his true essence. , making it more pure, slowly emitting traces of brilliance, and then turning into silvery white.

The aura of vitality from the sky is endless, and it keeps growing the ball in Han Feng's body, allowing it to refine more power of true essence with each breath, and within a short while, half of the lake of true essence turns pale silvery white The brilliance exudes amazing power, which is very magical.

Han Feng was pleasantly surprised. Although he had never seen any records of such a change, he personally felt that he was getting stronger every breath, so it must not be a bad thing.

"Could it be that this is the process of being promoted to heaven and returning to Yuan?" Han Feng was excited, he thought of it naturally.

But at this time, in the depths of his soul sea, the residual talisman suddenly withdrew all the light, and condensed in the last gap of the ninth branch line, and the last gap of this gap was finally stitched.

Bursts of snow-white light radiated out, and runes flashed within the light, filling Han Feng's huge soul sea!

Afterwards, this piece of talisman light seeped from the center of Han Feng's eyebrows and spread everywhere, but it was shielded by the vitality of the sky, this piece of talisman light could not spread out, and instead could only absorb the majestic aura of the vitality of the sky , making it shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye, its power weakened, and even its invisible diaphragm shrank, and after more than ten breaths, it became only seven or eight feet in size.

Han Feng was secretly anxious. He also urgently needed the supplement of the vitality of the sky at this moment, otherwise he might not be able to complete the promotion of the heavenly rank Guiyuan. If he gave up halfway, he would feel heartbroken and worried. And if it is abolished, then there will be no tears.

He gritted his teeth, and stopped running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to reduce the body's snatching of the vitality of the sky, in order to increase the replenishment in the dantian.

However, this is still a drop in the bucket, better than nothing, after all, most of the head has been plundered by the residual talisman, and only a few leftovers are left for him.

The ball in his dantian slowed down immediately, and the speed at which the true essence lake turned into silvery white also slowed down, making his promotion fall into an embarrassing situation.

As the vitality of the sky weakened, its defensive barrier became smaller and smaller, and the aura it exuded became much weaker, and a greater crisis followed.

The beautiful woman transformed from the Necromancer Flower glared at her with furious eyes, constantly manipulating the aura of heaven and earth to condense into mountains, which are much smaller than the previous ones, but more powerful. Cloud Road, one after another, hit the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky, causing it to shake slightly, as if it would be shattered in the next moment.

Ran Lintian suddenly let out a cold snort, and flew over quickly. With a flick of his wrist, he also condensed hundreds of swords of blood and light, and slashed at the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky.

He naturally didn't want to see Han Feng successfully devouring the vitality of the sky, after all, there was a big enmity between the two of them.

Long Min's eyes flickered in the distance, he sighed, and rushed over, driving five purple little dragons, hitting the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky repeatedly, making dull sounds.

But no matter how the three of them attacked, the invisible diaphragm of the vitality of the sky was not broken, and it still guarded Han Feng unbreakable.

Of course, it could also be said that Han Feng's retreat was blocked!

Han Feng was in a hurry, but there was nothing he could do for a while. He could only quietly wait for the devouring of the residual talisman to complete, hoping that it would leave enough vitality for him to break through.


After a while, the residual talisman shook suddenly, humming continuously, and a strange fluctuation spread out, and finally stopped absorbing the vitality of the sky.

Han Feng was overjoyed, and quickly distracted himself to look inside. He saw that the ninth branch line on the surface of the residual talisman had finally been repaired.

Just at this moment, a door of light appeared without any warning in Han Feng's soul sea, inside it shone like a wave of light, both real and illusory.

A suction force suddenly struck, even if Han Feng was a little defensive, his soul power was pulled in instantly, and his whole consciousness was suddenly blackened.

When he woke up, he found that he was already in a vast world.

This piece of world seems to be familiar, because he came in once a few years ago, that is when the residual talisman just repaired the third branch line. It is also much higher from the ground, which is fifty or sixty feet high.

What's even more amazing is that the interspatial storage bags and even the storage rings he threw in earlier still lay quietly in place, and they were not damaged due to the expansion of the world.

Han Feng walked over, picked it up, injected soul power, opened it easily, and there was nothing missing inside.

When he picked up one of the storage rings, he found that it was a storage ring left by a monk he killed with a broken sword in that secret world. After tempering the world built into the Talisman, he can easily turn it into his own.

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