Lord of the Runes

Chapter 368 The Vitality of the Sky

"Could it be that the Necromancer Flower has the magical ability to transform these earth vein ghosts into life?" Han Feng muttered secretly.

"No, the earth vein ghost is obviously a ghost thing condensed with death energy, no matter how it changes, it will not be vitality, but compared to the dead spirit flower, it is vitality and a tonic!" Then he denied his own thoughts.

While he was thinking like this, more and more earth vein ghosts gathered above the sky, rushing over from nowhere, and the black light became bigger and bigger until it expanded to tens of thousands of feet in size, as if covering the sky and the sun.

After a while, a black vortex was raised at the center of the sea of ​​ghosts in the leylines, that is, at the top of the passage, peeping at everything in the world like a black hole.

Han Feng was terrified when he saw it, and he didn't dare to move for a while, for fear of disturbing the ghosts of the earth veins and the Necromancer Flower. Once they discovered his existence, the consequences would be disastrous.

Even if a strong person in the fake alchemy realm encounters such a large number of earth vein ghosts, they will have to go around!

What's more, there is such an unfathomable Necromancer Flower here, it is even more unimaginable!

Not long after, the vortex in the sky grew bigger and darker, and gradually, it became so black that it shone brightly.And that channel gradually became smaller, and finally disappeared completely.

The stamens of the Necromancer Flower no longer emitted a strong fragrance, and stopped devouring the ghosts of the earth veins. Suddenly, a golden light flashed, and a figure floated out of it. , looks like a living person.

Han Feng was a little surprised, he didn't expect her to appear in this world, maybe this is her real body, but she still looks a little weak, her whole body is not so real, as if it will dissipate when the wind blows like.

Just at this time, the huge vortex in the sky shook for a while, and suddenly collapsed, and a silver-white light shot down from it, not so fast, it fell more than ten feet in one breath, as if it weighed tens of millions of catties, and it seemed to be It's strange how out of tune with this world.

The residual talisman in the depths of Han Feng's soul sea suddenly lit up, causing waves of waves in his soul sea, which was extremely terrifying.

He was about to take the first step to intercept this silver-white light, but he glanced at the beauty below from the corner of his eye, and found that her expression was too calm, he hesitated in his heart, and stopped the urge to reveal his whereabouts, regardless of the remaining talisman The restlessness and frenzy of the sea of ​​souls floated away gently.

At this moment, a wave suddenly appeared in the void, and the talisman light flickered. A man in blood-red clothes emerged from the void, and immediately rushed towards the silver-white light, and couldn't wait to reach out to grab it. Trying to ingest it from the air!

This change was so sudden that Han Feng was taken aback. He immediately calmed down and watched coldly.

Sure enough, the beauty below showed an indifferent smile, and with a wave of jade hand, the ghost of the earth veins in the sky rolled down and burned again, forming a majestic cold flame that swept across the world, forming a wall between this person and that silver-white light. The huge ice wall stopped the man in an instant.


The man in the blood-red clothes snorted coldly, touched the storage ring with his hand, quickly took out a long halberd, and slashed down fiercely. Amidst the flashes of red light, a huge light blade with a length of several tens of feet flew out. , slammed into the ice wall, smashing it directly.

He rushed past immediately, before reaching the silver-white light, he was about to stretch out his hand to grab it.


A loud cry came out of his mouth suddenly, blood gushed out from his left hand, dense cracks appeared, and then it exploded completely, turning into a cloud of blood mist.

He screamed and retreated hastily.

Han Feng could see clearly from a distance, this guy didn't even touch the silver-white light, his left hand was shattered by the power it emanated, and he couldn't get close to it at all!

It was only now that Han Feng realized that this silver-white ray of light seemed to be a thin layer, only about a foot in size, but it was extremely heavy and mighty, like an abyss like an ocean!

The man in blood-red clothes retreated more than a hundred feet away, glanced at the silver-white light with lingering fear, and then retreated decisively, as if he was about to give up fighting for this opportunity.

"Hmph, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you still want to leave?!" The beauty transformed by the Necromancer Flower snorted coldly, then raised her hand and pointed at him.

An invisible force suddenly surged out and went to the person's surroundings in an instant. Suddenly, the spiritual light flashed, and the person was bound by invisible shackles. No matter how he struggled, it was useless, and he couldn't move for a long time.

Of course, this is also due to the great damage he suffered, otherwise, he would not have been able to do so with his near-earth-level Guiyuan late stage cultivation.

Just a moment ago, he seemed to have only broken a palm, but in fact he suffered serious internal injuries. The silver-white light failed to kill him, which was also a manifestation of his extraordinary strength. A slightly weaker monk must die!

Han Feng's eyes brightened slightly. He noticed that the beautiful woman transformed from the Necromancer Flower could manipulate the aura of heaven and earth to transform into the form he wanted, and suppressed this person simply and brutally.

"Could it be that this is the power of the False Pill Realm?" Han Feng secretly suspected, and had great expectations for the follow-up realm.


Suddenly, the giant iceberg that sealed Long Min and Ran Lintian cracked, and Long Min, who was filled with purple air, flew out from one of the cracks.

She didn't pause for a moment, and swept a distance of hundreds of feet in the first place, completely away from this giant iceberg.

Immediately afterwards, there was another muffled sound, and Ran Lintian also broke through the ice from the other side, his whole body covered in blood, and his momentum was like a rainbow. this beauty.

The beauty transformed into the Necromancer Flower glanced at the two of them in surprise, but she didn't move her body to kill them. Instead, she waved her hand casually. The head of the man in the blood-red clothes fell off in an instant, and the blood surged for several feet, and then was frozen in an instant, shining brightly.

"Marquis Luo Shen?!" Ran Lintian seemed to know this person, and under the cover of his soul power, he saw this scene and said to himself in surprise.

He knew very well that Marquis Luo Shen was a direct disciple of the Blood Wind Sect. Although this sect was not well-known, this man was a proud son of heaven. So dead.

"Heaven's vitality?!" Long Min stared at the silver-white light with piercing eyes at this moment, his face was full of astonishment, and he blurted out.

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