Lord of the Runes

Chapter 338 Using Both Methods Together

Half a day later, Han Feng failed one after another. He didn't know how many pieces of golden talisman paper he had destroyed. In the end, all the golden talisman papers in his storage ring were consumed.

He had no choice but to use silver talisman paper, but the effect was even worse. Every time he walked halfway, the talisman paper would shatter on its own due to the unbearable pressure, causing the talisman power to burst forth and burn directly.

He had to stop for a while, took out the small stove and animal skin, and started cooking the talisman paper directly here.

With his current strength, he is naturally familiar with making talisman papers. The yield rate is 100%, and most of them are golden talisman papers. There are even purple talisman papers in a few furnaces.

He brewed nearly a thousand talisman papers in one breath, most of them were golden talisman papers, and there were more than ten pieces of purple talisman papers.

He put away these talisman papers, thought for a while, and simply took out the purple gold bamboo leaves he obtained in the early years, and boiled them into purple-gold talisman papers. The production rate also reached 100%, but purple talisman papers only accounted for [-]% That's all, the rest are golden runes.

In a short while, there were more than 100 purple talisman papers in his pocket.

After completing these tasks, he took a short rest and thought carefully for a while before continuing to refine the talismans.

He didn't use purple talisman paper. After all, this thing is of high value, but if you use one, you will lose one. Naturally, he is reluctant to waste it in the process of trying.

Time flickered, and another half an hour passed.

There were strange noises in the valley, and flames erupted everywhere, but Han Feng still failed.

However, after so many failures, his eyes became more firm and piercing, and he became more and more proficient at performing skillful divisions.

By analogy, he also had a breakthrough in his understanding of the other two methods. At this moment, he finally mastered the second method, the method of brute force to open mountains.

In fact, he has been using this method all the time, but he has not obtained the Samadhi. Every time he uses it, he cannot stabilize the balance of the rune power, causing the whole system to collapse.

Now, the talisman pen in his hand was once again blocked by a mountain. He didn't choose the method of ingenious splitting. Instead, he charged straight and used the method of brute force to break through the mountain. .

After he opened the mountain, he continued to move forward, but walked very slowly. After a few breaths, another mountain suddenly appeared in front of him.

This time, he bypassed it with the method of ingenious differentiation and succeeded in breaking through.

His talisman pen crossed the resistance peaks one after another, and within a short while, it smoothly reached the end of the talisman paper.

Another big mountain stands up, blocking the way!

Han Feng did not panic, and decisively used the method of brute force to open the mountain. The talisman pen was like a knife, breaking through the mountain in one fell swoop, and successfully reached the final stage.

There were no previous high mountains, but two big mountains stood side by side to block Fubi's way forward.

Han Feng's wrist moved slightly, and the soul power poured into the talisman ink wildly. The two techniques were deployed almost at the same time, as fast as lightning, hitting the two mountains, and two loud bangs were faintly heard.

Successful breakthrough!

Rune power is stable!

Han Feng was overjoyed. Just as he was about to add the last stroke at the end, the golden talisman paper was overwhelmed and it burst open. Amidst the chaos of the talisman power, spirit energy rushed around and burned up in an instant, burning it to pieces. net.

"Haha..." Han Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, not only was he not sad, but he was ecstatic.

He knew that the reason why he failed this time was because the texture of the golden talisman paper was not strong enough for him to use the two techniques at the same time. As long as he replaced it with purple talisman paper, he expected it would be successful!

After he calmed down a little, he was about to take out a piece of purple talisman paper and continue refining the fifth-grade talisman.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps from behind.

He was a little surprised, and quickly put away the fourth-grade talisman on the ground, stood up, and turned to look at the mountain corridor.

Two figures came out from there, one of them was short in stature, dressed in a red robe, handsome in appearance, it was the red robed boy that Han Feng had met before.

The other person seemed much bigger, with a bearded face, a huge body, more than nine feet tall, muscles can be seen everywhere on his body, emerging from the whole body like a dragon.

"You haven't left yet?!" The red-robed boy was extremely surprised, looked at Han Feng, and opened his mouth. Originally, he thought that Han Feng would not be able to break through the Snow Bone Flower, so he probably left already, otherwise he wouldn't bring people back again here.

In the previous battle, Han Feng's strength really frightened him, and he really didn't dare to make mistakes for a while.

It's just that he really didn't want to give up Snow Bone Flower, and by chance, he met a fellow clansman on the road, so he simply brought him back with him.

"Hey, wait for you to come back!" Han Feng grinned.

"Don't act recklessly, be careful that I will detonate this place, then everyone will suffer together!" The red-robed boy stepped back a few steps, holding the seal formula, and shouted loudly.

"Hey, where's the Snow Bone Flower?" He just woke up now, and looked around, but didn't see the existence of the Snow Bone Flower.

Han Feng remained silent, but looked at the two of them coldly.

"You picked it, didn't you?" The red-robed boy was terrified, and took a few steps back, almost back to the mountain path.

Han Feng remained silent, but his eyes turned to the strong man.

"Brother Yan, isn't it just a low-level Guiyuan cultivator? What are you afraid of!" The burly man glanced at Han Feng, then slowly retreated to the side of the red-robed boy, and said with a cold smile .

"Brother Gan, he has a broken sword in his hand. It's very strong when it's deployed. I'm not an opponent!" The red-robed boy moved his lips slightly, and he said through voice transmission: "Mu Lan from the Mu family was chopped off by his sword before. It's a terrible death!"

"Haha, there are other things like this, so I have to learn more about it!" The strong man said carelessly rather than surprised.

Hearing the words, the red-robed young man's eyes flickered, as if he remembered that his clan brother was a strong man in the middle stage of Guiyuan, and he was physically successful, and he had broken through to the middle stage of Fuhu, and he was definitely able to overwhelm an enemy!

"Be careful!" the red-robed boy whispered.

"Okay, let me avenge you, haha!" The brawny man laughed, his body arched slightly, and with a whoosh sound, he shot out like an arrow from the string, and reached Han Feng in almost an instant. , A punch fell, and the wind rose in all directions, roaring like thunder.

Han Feng remained motionless, and with a pop, he was smashed into pieces by his fist, but it was just an afterimage, blown away by the wind.

With a smile on his lips and a calm demeanor, the burly man swung his left leg violently. In the flash of light, a razor-like blade of light flew out, cutting towards Han Feng who had just emerged ten feet away.

This blow was astonishingly powerful, it actually brought up a hundred air waves, split the ground into dozens of deep ravines, and dust flew in all directions.

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