Lord of the Runes

Chapter 335 Snow Bone Flower

Han Feng turned a corner, and after a while, he came to a relatively open area, and unexpectedly came to a place that looked like a valley.

The valley is quiet, it looks wide, but in fact it is only a hundred feet square, the ground is covered with gray stones of different sizes, without any green vegetation, only a snow-white plant stands in the center, the height of which is no more than [-] feet. Three feet, like a white bone, alone supports a pale flower.

It is exactly what they call Snow Bone Flower!

At this moment, the Snow Bone Flower exudes a soft light, spreading like snow, spreading endlessly, reflecting the entire valley, adding a bit of bright color to the gray earth, but it looks a little white.

Han Feng stopped at the edge of the valley, and didn't dare to move forward. After all, neither of the two people was capable of picking. There must be a restriction here.

His soul power stretched out, and he took a closer look.

However, when his soul power stretched ten feet forward, the snow-white light emitted by this snow bone flower suddenly fell on his soul power like a needle prick, causing it to sting unbearably, and it involuntarily shrank back.

What is even more frightening is that the snow-white light emitted by Snow Bone Flower seemed to be consciously chasing after him, swift as lightning, and came to him in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng was shocked, and retreated a few feet in a hurry, while silently running the Tianlong Yuqi Art, forming a phantom of a golden dragon on his body, trying to intercept the pursuit of these snow-white rays of light.

But as soon as Fang touched it, these snow-white rays of light ignored the obstruction of the golden dragon phantom, directly penetrated through, and went straight to the position between his eyebrows.

"Huh!" Han Feng snorted coldly, the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body turned automatically, and a blood-colored giant tiger emerged from behind him, and when he didn't let his hair out, a thick layer of bloody light formed between his eyebrows, Suddenly, it collided fiercely with the snow-white light of Snow Bone Flower, making a chi-chi sound, and wisps of electric light shot out in all directions, twisting like a snake, which was extremely dazzling.

Han Feng didn't dare to resist, so he took this opportunity to quickly exit the valley and hide in the mountain corridor.

Snow Bone Flower's snow-white light faded away immediately, and Han Feng was greatly relieved that it did not follow her again.

"What a domineering flower!" Han Feng stretched out his hand and rubbed the aching brow, muttering to himself.

He thought to himself, no wonder those two people didn't succeed in plucking this Snow Bone Flower before. They specialize in cultivator's soul sea, and no one can bear it.

After a short pause, he stepped into the valley in front of him again. After scanning his eyes carefully, he found that the road ahead was on the opposite side of the valley. If he wanted to continue walking, he had to step over the barrier of this snow bone flower.

Han Feng thought for a while, decided to try again, and immediately stepped forward.

But just as he walked a distance of three feet, the white light emitted by the Snow Bone Flower condensed again, blocking him like a wall, violently rubbing against the phantom of the golden dragon protecting his body, and the flames radiated everywhere. Shine in all directions.

When he reached ten feet, the white light of the Snow Bone Flower became more intense, as if it was boiling, and mighty, it broke through his golden dragon phantom in one fell swoop, and rushed towards his eyebrows again, trying to penetrate into the sea of ​​his soul, completely strangle him!

Han Feng didn't back down, stabilized his body, and executed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art. A layer of bloody light flashed out from between his brows, like a shield. Standing in front of the white light, he successfully blocked it with a loud bang. down.

Han Feng gritted his teeth and insisted, and unconsciously transformed the phantom of a golden dragon and a giant blood-colored tiger outside his body, stepping forward step by step against the white light all over the sky.

After walking another five zhang, his head was covered with sweat, his face turned blue, and there was a sharp pain between his brows.

What's more, even though his defenses were not breached by the white light, his soul sea fluctuated uncontrollably. At this moment, the inside seemed to be overwhelmed.

Han Feng started to retreat, but when he was about to retreat, the snow bone flower burst into a brighter white light, blazing like a bright sun, and thousands of beams shot out, surrounded by the aura of the sky , turned into a rope-like existence, twining him tightly in an instant, making him unable to move at all.


In a hurry, Han Feng pushed the Tianlong Yuqi Jue and the Spirit Refining Vajra Jue to the extreme. The golden dragon phantom and the blood-colored giant tiger quickly grew in size, trying to stretch the beam ropes around them, but to no avail. Big or small, changing at will, still imprisoning his body tightly.

Han Feng didn't believe in evil, and exerted all his strength, the whole valley was shaken. His aura became stronger and stronger, and he also rolled up the spiritual energy in the sky. The golden dragon and giant tiger became more solid, and the golden light and blood light reflected each other. Break thousands of beam ropes!

There was a series of crackling sounds, and Han Feng retreated a few feet, almost failing to stand still.

He took a deep breath, took the opportunity to jump up, retreated more than ten feet back, and turned into the mountain corridor.

When he came to the corner, he was gasping for breath, sweating profusely, and it took him a while to recover.

He raised his head and looked at the valley in front of him. He didn't know what to do for a moment. If he really turned around and left in such a despondent way, he would really not be reconciled.

"It's strange, with such a powerful spirit flower in front, the residual talisman didn't react at all!" Han Feng thought of the residual talisman deep in his mind, and was a little surprised. According to its past inertia, if it encountered such a spiritual plant, It should have surfaced long ago to help him.

But now, let alone it came out on its own initiative, even if Han Feng called repeatedly, it didn't respond at all.

Han Feng secretly analyzed, and finally judged that this might be the kingdom of the undead, and the spirit plants born had dead energy, no real vitality, and the residual talisman was useless, so he didn't come out to snatch it.

Thinking of this, Han Feng couldn't help feeling even more helpless. With his current strength, if he tried his best, he wouldn't have a chance to rush over. The key is that there are sleeping skeletons hidden in the surrounding mountains. Come here, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Therefore, he was debating whether to try again.

For some reason, he had a premonition that as long as he rushed over, the front might be the exit of this mountain maze!

This is a kind of divine perception, which cannot be explained clearly.

Maybe it's a special ability that he acquired after he succeeded in cultivation!

"Forget it, just try again, I don't believe I can't rush out!" Han Feng clenched his fists, let out a long breath, and encouraged himself.

This time, he took out the broken sword from the storage ring, but at the moment he took out the broken sword, a faint white light suddenly appeared inside the storage ring, which flashed and disappeared in an instant.

Han Feng was amazed, and quickly released his soul power to seep into it, searched carefully, and after a while, he locked his soul power on the left leg bone.

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