Lord of the Runes

Chapter 330 Bone Mountain

Han Feng probed back with his soul power, his heart skipped a beat, and he saw two skeletons following him far away, but their speed was no slower than his own, and even a little faster, gradually drawing closer to each other distance.

"Damn it!" Han Feng muttered, accelerated with all his strength, and ran forward desperately.

Not long after, they walked forward for dozens of miles in the mountains, but the peaks on both sides were still like trees, countless, and there was no end in sight.

After Han Feng entered the Subduing Tiger Realm, his physical strength increased greatly. He was only tens of miles away, but he didn't seem to be panting at all. The problem was that the two skeletons behind him didn't seem to relax at all. Not daring to relax, he had to grit his teeth and continue to move forward.

After a while, Han Feng surpassed hundreds of mountain peaks and covered a distance of two to three hundred miles. The two skeletons were still chasing after him.

"It's like an ointment, you have to find a way to get rid of them!" Han Feng rolled his eyes, stopped abruptly, and used the Spirit Refining Vajra Art to restrain his aura to a minimum, making it undetectable.Then he took out a gleaming white talisman from the storage ring. This is the melting mountain talisman, which belongs to the fifth-grade talisman. It can almost perfectly blend with the mountain, and it is difficult for even a soul cultivator in the subtle realm to find it.

He just bought this one from Murong Can, and he took it out as a last resort, because he could feel that the two skeletons behind him were very powerful, not inferior to himself, if he was entangled by them , which may lead to bigger problems.

Without hesitation, he immediately poured a large amount of true energy into it to move it away, and a cloud of white light spread out, tightly enveloping himself.

Immediately afterwards, he flashed lightly towards the mountain peak on the left, and blended into the mountain peak without a sound, disappearing without a trace.

What's even more amazing is that even his breath disappeared without leaving any trace.

After six or seven breaths, the two skeletons chased up from behind, but they didn't find Han Feng's location at all. They rushed past and disappeared in front of them in a blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Han Feng was hiding in the mountain on the left, but his face was full of bitterness.

The moment he just merged into it, he saw a tall skeleton buried in the mud and rocks, and he could feel the strange fluctuations inside it, like soul power, or origin power, in short, it was very active , and very violent, fortunately, this ghost thing did not wake up, and was still in a deep sleep.

What surprised him even more was that there was more than one skeleton in the mountain. He changed positions several times in a row and saw them all, and there seemed to be a more terrifying existence buried deeper in the mountain. Come here, let him feel chills.

He held his breath, didn't dare to release any breath, and didn't dare to move any more, just hoping to escape from this place smoothly.

When the two skeletons outside left in a hurry, Han Feng secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to walk out of the mountain, there was another strange noise in the distance, which seemed to come from another valley.

He stopped and continued to stay in the mountain, watching the changes.

It didn't take long for the three of them to rush out from another mountain depression, and the aura they exuded was so strong that they all belonged to Guiyuan of the Earth Rank.

They were also being chased by the skeletons at this moment, but not by two, but by a group, no less than ten, whizzing past with them, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Han Feng was secretly surprised. He didn't expect that someone would successfully find this kingdom of the undead and successfully break through the black and white worlds arranged by Wuguang Dahe.

Obviously, they are all very strong, certainly no worse than themselves!

Even, they have more rare treasures in their hands, and their comprehensive strength may still overwhelm themselves.It was also fortunate that they passed by in a hurry this time, otherwise they might have discovered their hiding place.

Feeling the pressure, Han Feng sighed inwardly. Sure enough, Qiu Huahua was not the only one who got the news.

It's normal to think about it. For so many years, this kingdom of the undead has been born for countless times. Those disciples of many sects will always break in by mistake. Although most of them have failed, over the years, they always Some sons of Tianjiao will escape successfully, so this existence will be remembered by others.Based on their background, there must be some way to locate the approximate location of the Necromancer Kingdom, just like Ling Fen has the Sky Mirror in his hand, it cannot be ruled out that there will be sharper treasures brought by the disciples.

At this moment, Han Feng didn't know how many strong men had come, and what danger he would face after breaking through this dangerous mountain forest.

But no matter what, he has to compete once!

This time, it's not for completing Qiu Huahua's mission, but for myself to go one step further!

He clenched his fist slightly, and walked out of the mountain without staying for a moment, and immediately ran to the other side, he needed to leave this place as soon as possible.

This place is simply a gathering place of skeletons, which will erupt at any time. If all the skeletons in any mountain wake up, let alone him, a hundred more people like him will all die!

He raced against time and hurried away.

But this mountain forest is really like a labyrinth, it's too winding, even if he exerts his soul power with all his strength, he can only cover a range of seven thousand feet, and he can't see through it and grasp the overall situation.

"It's just luck!" Han Feng gritted his teeth and accelerated forward.

In a short while, he ran for dozens of miles. At this moment, the mountain on the right suddenly shook, and a huge crater exploded at the bottom of the mountain. Amidst the splash of sand and stones, a skeleton rushed out, and the head exploded. The fire was on, and the whole body was full of evil spirits.

As soon as it appeared, it rushed towards Han Feng!

It stretched out its left hand full of bones, and its five fingers were like five daggers, shining bursts of black light, covering Han Feng!


Han Feng didn't use other spells, turned his body around, and punched out directly. After a loud bang, he and the opponent retreated tens of feet at the same time.

Han Feng tapped lightly on the ground like a dragonfly touches water, and his whole body stabilized nimbly. He didn't stop, turned around and left, rushing towards the other side.

Although the strength of this skeleton is not very terrifying, he believes that he can crush it with all his strength, but he dare not do too many unnecessary fights. If he wakes up a large number of skeletons inside the mountains on both sides, then he will cry It was too late.

Seeing Han Feng walk away, the skeleton let out a soundless roar, and chased after him, bringing up gusts of wind.

It's just that its speed was slightly slower than Han Feng's, and it was completely thrown off by Han Feng not long after.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Feng came to the intersection of the three mountain passways. The place was densely covered with gravel, and there were seven or eight scattered snow-white skeletons lying there.

His eyes couldn't help but widen because there was only one person standing here.

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