Lord of the Runes

Chapter 328 Walking Through the Black and White World

The world has changed again!

The eyes are no longer pitch-black, but pale as snow, not knowing where he is, as if he is in a vast snow field, but completely lost his direction, as if he does not exist.

Panic, anxiety, helplessness...

All kinds of bad emotions came flooding in, as if they were going to drown themselves!

Han Feng's eyes flickered. At first, his mood fluctuated a bit, but he quickly recovered his calm. He felt the real pressure and corrosive force, and silently adjusted his breath to endure it, tempering his body as if he was absorbing nourishment!

Ten breaths!

He had to take a step back, but what shocked him was that this time he failed to return to the black world, but was still in the white space. He really just took a step back, nothing changed. Any scene and situation!


He was sweating profusely, and couldn't help cursing inwardly, but the matter had come to this point, and he had no choice but to find ways to get out of the predicament.

Han Feng's body began to tremble, his breathing became heavier, and the golden light on his body began to flicker, as if he was about to collapse in the next moment.

"no way!"

Han Feng let out a low growl, he squeezed every ounce of strength in his body, and held on tightly.

His thoughts turned, and even though he was burning with anxiety, he still forced himself to calm down and think carefully about the mystery, maybe there is still a glimmer of life.

"One more step back!"

His eyes lit up, and he suddenly thought of this, and immediately exerted all his strength, moved his steps, and took another step back.

After this step, everything around him remained the same, what was even more frightening was that the pressure and corrosive force around Linjia seemed to be stronger, faintly about to completely crush him.

Han Feng's face was flushed, and he exerted too much force, veins appeared in his hands, and he writhed like a dragon.

"One more step back!"

He shouted loudly, but he didn't believe in evil, and took another step back!

The scene changed instantly, snow white turned into black, and he successfully returned to the previous world!

Pressure plummets!

He was out of breath, and a lot of dirt oozes out of his body, which quickly condenses into a thin hard shell, which looks very strange.

At the same time, the blood-colored glory on his body became much more solidified, and it was obvious that the Spirit Refining Vajra Art had improved a lot.

Han Feng felt bursts of joy and secretly guessed that if he continued like this, he believed that he would be promoted to the middle stage of Fuhu soon, allowing him to enter the depths of this undead kingdom with greater confidence.

He silently adjusted his breath, recovering his physical strength and the power of his true essence.

Fortunately, in the dark world, although there is huge pressure and corrosive force, and it is unimaginable torment at all times, the pure spiritual power inside is also extremely abundant, especially in this area near ninety feet. It's even more majestic, it's like falling into a sea of ​​spiritual power, it can be said to be inexhaustible!

In other words, the reason why there is so much pressure is derived from these spiritual powers, but the corrosive power is extra, and I don't know where it came from, maybe it was produced by the black light river.

With the supplement of huge spiritual power, Han Feng recovered very quickly. In less than half a stick of incense, he regained his peak, and even went a step further, stronger than before.

Without hesitation, he stepped into that snow-white world again.

This time, he persisted for twelve breaths, and when he exited, he also took three steps backwards, returning to the pitch-black world.

Time flies, and Han Feng tossed back and forth between the two worlds. It took three days and three nights before he fully adapted and was able to persist in the snow-white world for a long time.

So, after he entered the snow-white world again, he didn't retreat back, but continued to move forward.

He walked quietly in this world alone, every step was silent, leaving no trace.

He himself felt as if he was stepping on nothingness, completely powerless, but he was able to support him steadily, and also propped up the invisible mountain he was carrying.

The deeper he went, the greater the pressure. Even if he was running the Spirit Refining Vajra Art at a very high speed, it was difficult for him to move forward, and it took him a while to take a step forward.

The snow-white world looked infinitely large, but Han Feng knew it was just an illusion. In fact, it was only ten feet away from the Wuguang River.

Of course, he didn't know what would meet him after walking the distance of ten feet, but he had no way out, he could only fight with his back, put it to death and survive!

There is still a glimmer of life to move forward, and thousands of ghosts are waiting to devour you when you go back!

With a firm gaze, Han Feng stepped forward step by step without any hesitation.

The distance of ten feet is like a moat lying in front of him at this moment. He has exhausted all his efforts and spent less than half an hour, but he only managed to walk three feet away!


This is his personal feeling. I don't know how much sweat has poured on his body. The whole body is covered with sweat vapor, like smoke and mist, winding like silk, which adds a bit of immortality to him.

He stopped and took a deep breath, and a large amount of spiritual power poured into his body by itself, which was refined by his Spirit Refining Diamond Art and transformed into physical strength.

The Spirit Refining Vajra Art is magical, otherwise, after the corrosive power carried in the spiritual power enters the body, ordinary monks cannot get rid of it at all, and it is very likely that its meridians will be burned and rotted!

Han Feng was surprised by this not once or twice, but unfortunately, Sanyemen's Artifact Refining Hall only has the first two volumes, and they seem to be fragmented. At least in the first volume, there is no formula for him to evolve white light , that was the secret light that he had self-generated in his body after many twists and turns, under various blows, and finally returned to his original nature, and his skin was restored to its original state, but it was promoted to the real peak.

He is looking forward to what new changes will appear in the Subduing Tiger Realm in the second volume. He can be sure that he will never be limited to condensing blood-colored giant tigers, and there may be more magical places.

He took a break, and in less than a meal, he was back to his peak form and was moving forward again.

Stopping and stopping, after another three days, Han Feng finally managed to reach the end of the distance of ten feet.

He stopped, did not cross over immediately, adjusted his breath for a while, and only took the last step when he regained his perfect state.

In an instant, the snow-white world disappeared, replaced by a world with towering mountains and gray sky!

Han Feng's soul power unfolded, and he suddenly realized that he had returned to the undead country outside, but he came to an area with mountains and mountains. The Wuguang River was behind him, still flowing quietly, as if it would always exist.

He was a little stunned, maybe the Wuguang Dahe didn't really exist, but just a manifestation of an illusion. Its purpose was to stop all intruders, unless someone could walk through the black and white world!

Han Feng calmed down and spread out his soul power with all his strength, and found that the area he could cover was wider, reaching a radius of seven thousand feet!

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