Lord of the Runes

Chapter 306 Attacked

After many battles, Han Feng also felt a little tired, so he had to land on a black rock the size of a washbasin, took out a few pills, and silently adjusted his breath to recover his strength.

Since his physical body broke through again, his physical recovery ability has been greatly improved. In less than a quarter of an hour, he has returned to his peak state. The blood in his body is billowing, as if he has inexhaustible power. He can blow up the giant beast with a random punch. Crush the mountains!

At this moment, the black reef suddenly shook, and a fire whale emerged from below without warning, opened its mouth, and swallowed Han Feng together with the reef.

Han Feng really didn't notice the other party's aura. In an instant, he fell into the gloomy darkness. The fiery air wave hit him, and the brilliant suction acted on his whole body.

He was slightly panicked, but after taking a deep breath, he regained his composure. With a bang, the broken sword flashed out, and under the crazily pouring of his true energy, it immediately lit up brilliantly, filling the entire dark space.

With a flick of Han Feng's wrist, a sword light flew out, rising in the wind, and turned into the thickness of a bucket in a blink of an eye. It quickly slashed at the end of this space, causing a loud bang, and the smell of blood suddenly emerged, and then the entire space There was a violent vibration, and bursts of roaring sound came in.

Han Feng didn't stop for a moment, he continued to pour his true energy into the broken sword, and slashed seven sword lights in a row, all hitting the same place.

A blood hole emerged, and scarlet blood flowed out, surging like a river bursting its embankment.

Han Feng's eyes lit up, he kicked the fire whale's mouth, and rushed over at top speed.

But at this moment, the fire whale suddenly sank into the magma lake, and the magma immediately seeped in from the blood hole in its mouth, billowing thick smoke, extremely hot.


The fire whale let out a painful roar, but did not give up at all, and continued to sink down!

Han Feng was frightened and furious. He clenched his fists tightly with both hands, and immediately swung his fists, striking out a series of fist shadows as strong as mountains, which hit the blood hole heavily, instantly blasting the magma that rushed in, and the flames splashed everywhere.

The fire whale was in pain, and opened its mouth involuntarily. A large amount of magma poured in, forming a big wave, and submerged towards Han Feng.

Han Feng didn't care about other things, he gritted his teeth, held the broken sword in his hand, and slashed out a large piece of sword glow. At the same time, he quickly circulated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art in his body, and a thick layer of crystal luster radiated from his body surface, enveloping his whole body, followed closely by the sword. Going away, he rushed into the huge wave of magma.

After the awn of the Broken Sword touched the giant wave of magma, they were separated with a bang, forming an empty road in the middle.

Han Feng tapped his feet, rushed out with a few flashes, and left the fire whale's mouth smoothly, but as soon as he came out, the surroundings were full of magma, which quickly surrounded it, and the heat rolled in, even though he had Protected by crystal luster, the clothes on the body surface disappeared in an instant.

He was anxious in his heart, regardless of 21, he waved the broken sword in his hand, and circles of sword light flashed out, resisting the submerged magma.

But he also knew that it would not be long before the true energy in his body would be exhausted, and that would be the time when the vast magma would completely bury him.

Therefore, while urging the sword light to protect him, he also quickly took out a Winged Wind Talisman. Under the flashes of the talisman light, a gust of wind surged out of thin air, and then formed a pair of wings behind him, flapping suddenly, pushing him towards the fly up.

All this is cumbersome to say, but in fact it just happened in a blink of an eye.


The fire whale endured the severe pain and attacked again, as if it would not stop until Han Feng was killed!

Han Feng was depressed, he couldn't help but guess for a moment, could this guy be a close relative of a certain fire whale he had killed before?

Otherwise, as for being so desperate? !

These thoughts flashed through Han Feng's mind, before he could think about it, he turned around with a face as heavy as water, and slashed down with his sword, a beam of sword light flashed out, forming a huge force, splitting the magma below Open, cut directly on the opponent's head.

The Broken Sword's light is invincible, even if this guy's strength is comparable to the strong in the early days of Guiyuan, he couldn't resist it, and immediately left a scar nearly ten feet long on its head, with bones visible deep, and blood gushing like a fountain!

This is also the reason why the red-hot magma hindered the awn of the broken sword, otherwise it would hurt even more!

But this fire whale showed no fear, and went forward bravely. Its incomparably huge body jumped over the barrier of the vast magma, and swam up. It had no other moves, but ran straight at Han Feng with its scarred head.

Han Feng snorted coldly, no longer holding on to his true energy, but just when he was about to unleash a stronger sword light, a blackish red light suddenly appeared from the fire whale's body, and then it exploded with a loud bang .

Terrifying shock waves burst out, spreading in all directions, pushing a large amount of magma upside down, and rushing towards Han Feng!

Han Feng didn't have time to launch an attack, so he put his sword across his chest and defended with all his strength.

The explosion of such a huge fire whale was so powerful that if it was outside, it would be enough to sweep away a small city. Even within this magma lake, it also formed an impact that Han Feng could not resist.

He was completely overturned, his body shook violently, his throat felt fishy, ​​and he opened his mouth to spurt a big mouthful of blood. The true energy in his body could no longer be poured into the broken sword, his defense became weaker, and the hot magma immediately submerged him.

However, his body surface was protected by crystal luster, so he was not burned, but the heat was unbearable, and his mouth became dry very quickly, which made him extremely uncomfortable.

More importantly, the crystal luster was rapidly dimming under the burning of the billowing magma, but it slowly recovered under his continuous operation of the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, and it was in a dynamic balance.

He stabilized his figure, took advantage of the crystal luster on his body to protect himself, and swam up immediately, at an extremely fast speed. After a few breaths, he surfaced again and let out a long breath.

"It turns out that my physical body is so strong. I was a little timid before!" Han Feng found a black rock and climbed up. After sitting cross-legged, he muttered to himself with a little emotion.

Of course, he also knew that with his physical strength, without great medicine tonic, he might only last about fifteen minutes in the magma lake.

Fortunately, this time, he was not taken into a deeper area by the fire whale, otherwise it is really a matter of debate whether he can come out alive.

He put away his underestimation of this magma lake. He killed all directions a while ago, and he was really a little frivolous in his heart. He didn't expect that fire whale to escape his spiritual sense just now. Obviously, each of these fire whales They all have their own unique abilities. Although the combat power is not very strong, they cannot be underestimated at will!

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