Lord of the Runes

Chapter 200 Thunderbolt Bloodline

"Hmph, it's just because Mang Liu has practiced in the main vein, and according to reliable sources, he once beheaded a monk in the Guiyuan Realm!" The fat man snorted, puffed out his fat chest, and said confidently.

Han Feng's eyes flickered for a moment, and he secretly slandered in his heart. Sure enough, the rumors were not credible. Obviously, Mang Liu himself didn't dare to boast in front of the woman from the enemy's family, saying that he was able to kill the monks in the Returning Yuan Realm, but he came to the mouths of these onlookers. , he became capable of beheading Guiyuan Realm powerhouses.

In fact, Han Feng had already learned from Murong Can that even a Guiyuan Realm cultivator who relied on Guiyuan Dan to be promoted was not comparable to ordinary extreme warriors, let alone beheaded. The level of life is different.

Han Feng quickly passed these thoughts in his mind, glanced at the fat man, and said calmly: "Oh, then you bought Mang Liu to win this time?"

"Of course, what's the point?!" The fat man straightened his waist and said.

"Well, I hope you didn't buy a lot, or if you buy another bet that I won now, maybe you can make up for it in time!" Han Feng sighed, and after saying this, his figure flickered, and his whole body jumped up. He got up and landed on the ring more than ten feet away in an instant.

"Ah, so you are Han Feng!" Fatty was so surprised that he opened his mouth wide and shouted, pointing at Han Feng.

"Hey, it's me, listen to me, you're right!" Han Feng grinned, confident.

"Shhh..." Some of the onlooker monks who heard him talking to the fat man booed and laughed heartily.

"Bah, I don't believe you. When Mang Liu comes on stage, you'll know how powerful he is. You'll be beaten to the bone, so don't cry!" The fat man spat and sneered.

Han Feng didn't mind their attitude, turned around, and ignored their gossip, just reminded that fat man kindly on a whim, since he didn't believe it, then forget it, he can only say that he has no good fortune up.

After a while, a sharp sound suddenly sounded, and a purple shadow flashed out in the distance. After a few flashes, it came to the ring in a blink of an eye. With a swish, the flying body stopped in the air and slowly landed.

"Mangliu has appeared, and with the state of Qi storage, he can fly across the sky. He really deserves to be one of the top ten figures in the outer sect!" Someone cheered.

Without squinting, Mang Liu landed on the ring, folded his hands on his chest, looked at Han Feng indifferently, and said with a sneer, "You are Han Feng?"

Han Feng didn't avoid his gaze, and went up to meet him, only to see strands of lightning flashing through his eyes from time to time, which was very miraculous.Moreover, he himself is more than eight feet tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a square face that exudes a different sense of fortitude. His body is full of muscles, full of vigor, and occasionally purple lightning flashes.

"Exactly." Han Feng nodded and answered concisely.

"I hope you can bring me some fun and support me for a while!" Mang Liu said bluntly.

Han Feng smiled lightly, and didn't answer, but looked at him with an obvious look of looking at a fool.

"Hmph, I'll just make you proud for a while, and I'll see how I smash your so-called pride later!" Mang Liu snorted coldly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a cruel smile.

Han Feng still kept smiling and remained silent, not being moved by his words at all.

At this moment, an elder dressed in a cloud-white Taoist robe galloped from a distance, and in an instant came to the ring, stood in the air, looked at the two of them, and said bluntly: "Let's start!" After saying this As soon as he said that, he casually waved a snow-white ray of light, and after shooting into the arena, a pale golden shield immediately rose from the arena.

Mang Liu launched an attack immediately, with a single step, the whole person rushed towards Han Feng beyond the speed of sound, and instantly came to him, raised his fist, and drove a torrential wave, hitting his abdomen.

A cold light flashed in Han Feng's eyes, and he punched out with the same punch, directly hitting the opponent's fist. The vigor of the two collided violently, sparks shot out, and there was a chirping sound, causing the surrounding pale golden The shield shook for a while, showing the power of the collision here.

The audience in the audience looked dumbfounded. Even if there was a light golden mask blocking them, they subconsciously backed away, for fear of being affected by this power.

Just at this moment, the two people on the stage broke up as soon as they touched each other, and they walked away, and the scene returned to calm in an instant, as if the collision just now hadn't happened.

"Han Feng is so strong that he blocked Mang Liu's attack!" Many people were surprised to see that Han Feng was safe and sound, with expressions of disbelief.

"I didn't expect that you are also a body refiner. No wonder you are so confident, but just now it was just a snack before dinner, and the next meal is the main meal. I hope you can have a chance to enjoy it!" Mang Liu said.

As soon as his words fell, he clenched his fists with both hands, and his whole body became more energetic. A series of electric lights suddenly aroused in the air, dancing like snakes, the light was dazzling.

Mang Liu's figure swayed slightly, and instantly disappeared in place, missing his whereabouts.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared on Han Feng's back, and at some point in his hand, two lavender lightning spears appeared, one left and one right, piercing Han Feng's shoulder from both sides.

So fast, it all happened in the blink of an eye!

Unfortunately, after his two lightning spears pierced Han Feng's body, they passed through directly. It turned out that Han Feng in front of him was just an afterimage.

The pupils of Mang Liu's eyes shrank slightly, and immediately moved horizontally to the right, moving more than ten feet in an instant, barely avoiding the attack of Han Feng's palm that appeared from his side at no time.

Han Feng didn't chase after him, he just stood there with his palms together, as still as still water.

Mang Liu's face became serious. He has the blood of thunder and lightning in his body, and he is best at speed. He didn't expect that he would be dodged by the opponent in advance under the situation, and he would have time to fight back, which made his face slightly hot .

"Hmph, playing tricks, it seems that I have to get serious, the Thunderbolt bloodline doesn't only have this speed!" Mang Liu snorted heavily, and suddenly pinched a complicated seal formula with both hands, the whole body of lightning flashed, turning into a stream of light to attack Han Feng didn't make a sound, his speed was already extremely fast.

Han Feng couldn't dodge this time, but he didn't need to dodge either. With a thought, purple light burst out all over his body, just colliding with the light of thunder and lightning transformed by Mang Liu.

There was a loud bang, and the entire arena shook violently, as if the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking. Cracks appeared in the surrounding protective masks, and a tragedy was about to happen.

The faces of the monks outside showed horror. Seeing that the situation was not good, everyone shouted and fled one after another, and the scene was chaotic.

The elder who was suspended in the air had an extremely ugly face. While continuously punching white seals into the base of the ring with both hands, he shouted loudly: "Calm down, there is an elder here, what are you afraid of!"

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