Lord of the Runes

Chapter 198 Meeting the Enemy Woman Again

Huang Luo's face turned cold, and when she was about to take out another talisman, the ground under her feet suddenly split open, the talisman light surged, and a series of stabs rushed out, crushing her whole body.

She was startled but not flustered, and stretched out her hand to wipe her waist, the talisman light suddenly lit up, and a fourth-grade talisman body protection golden light talisman appeared in her hand, and it was activated instantly, a thick layer of golden light gushed out from the surface of her body, She blocked the attack of the ground stabbing talisman of the fourth-grade talisman at the moment of time, but she also trembled violently and her face turned pale.

Before she could recover from her breath, Han Feng came to the top of her head at some point, holding a fifth-grade talisman in his hand, which burst out with dazzling talisman light. Judging by its posture, it seemed that it could be cast in an instant .

Huang Luo sighed slightly, and with a twist of his wrist, there was an extra fifth-grade talisman. The pressure was overwhelming, and it was not inferior to the one in Han Feng's hand. Obviously, it could be displayed in a blink of an eye.

The two of them didn't stop or back down, they activated the fifth-grade talismans in their respective hands almost at the same time, and the aura surged, so that a blazing crimson flame appeared above it, covering the entire ring, and a large group of dark blue rays of light below, The cold air was overwhelming, and icicles condensed continuously in the surrounding space, floating in the air.

There are two heavens of ice and fire!

From time to time, roaring sounds erupted from the middle area, the cold air collided with the heat, and the energy lifted the sky, rumbling.At this moment, even the pale golden mask around it rippled, as if it was about to burst, but after the horse-faced elder above entered a crimson formula, it immediately returned to normal.

After dozens of breaths, the power of the two fifth-grade talismans slowly disappeared, converged into the void, and became invisible.

The mist from the sky gradually settled down, revealing Han Feng and Huang Luo. Han Feng folded his hands on his chest indifferently, and looked at Huang Luo from a distance of thirty or forty feet, but he didn't intend to make a move.

Huang Luo's face turned pale, and he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, obviously affected by the fight between the two fifth-grade talismans just now, and couldn't resist it.

"I admit defeat!" After Huang Luo spat out a mouthful of blood, her body was on the verge of falling, and she forced herself to say this sentence.

"Senior Sister Huang, I've accepted it!" Han Feng said calmly, with a slight smile on his face.

At this moment, the horse-faced elder also landed, and with a wave of his hand, he removed the bowl-shaped pale gold mask, took a deep look at Han Feng, and announced loudly, "In the fourth round, Han Feng wins!"

Han Feng bowed his fists to Elder Malian, then nodded to Huang Luo, and left the ring first.

Huang Luo looked at his receding back with bitterness on his face, but there was not much resentment in his eyes, but a look of helplessness instead.

The arena had already exploded, especially those cultivators who bought Huang Luoying, they complained again and again, but they didn't dare to stop Han Feng and let him go.Of course, they didn't dare to abuse Huang Luo, they could only slander Huang Luo secretly in their hearts.

Han Feng returned to the open space where he was meditating before, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes, and silently condensed the true energy in his body.

In the past ten days, apart from participating in the daily competition, he has devoted most of his energy to concentrating his true energy.In addition, at night, he would sneak into the forest at the foot of the valley to practice the ten-picture secret code, once a day, and never fell behind.As for his choice to practice there, the main reason is that there is a power to isolate the soul from prying eyes. It seems to be a kind of power derived from the array arranged in this valley. Study the secret code of ten pictures.Of course, even if someone sees it, they may not know the goods, but it is always a good thing for him to be able to avoid it, so why not do it.

Time flies, and another few days have passed, and the outer sect Dabi came to No. 15 days, which is the fifth round.

Han Feng looked at the identity jade badge in his hand, his face slightly surprised. It turned out that he had a bye in this round, so he was a bit lucky.But he didn't take it to heart, just laughed it off, put away the identity jade badge, and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

Han Feng was immersed in condensing his true energy, time passed quickly, and it was night again in a blink of an eye. Han Feng opened his eyes, and his soul power spread out gently, covering the surrounding area for twenty or thirty feet, and found that there was no one there, and he didn't feel anyone peeping into it. He, he stood up slowly, stretched his limbs a little, and walked back.

In a short while, he came to a jungle at the foot of the mountain smoothly, and posed in the posture depicted in the first picture of the Ten Pictures of Secret Code. The more he looked at it, the weirder he looked, but his whole body was slowly warming up, as if there was a wave of A hot current flowed through his body, warm and very comfortable.

It is still 45 interest!

During this period of time, Han Feng has studied hard and practiced the ten-picture secret book, but he has not been able to improve his breath time, and he still maintains the level in the secret world.Perhaps the aura from the outside world is too thin, which is not conducive to his practice, or it may be because the time he persisted reached this point, and the speed of improvement began to slow down.

Han Feng didn't think so much, insisting day after day would not take up much of his time anyway.And every time he finishes training, he will feel sincerely comfortable, which can be described as refreshed.

He didn't leave just now, but took this opportunity to sit cross-legged on the ground to condense the true energy in his body. He discovered this last night. The speed will be several times faster, the efficiency will be greatly improved, and some difficulties can be quickly broken through, which is a surprise.

Soon, the time for a meal was over, Han Feng let out a breath of foul breath slowly, the breath became deeper, and a little smile appeared on his face, obviously he had made some progress in his cultivation.

At this moment, there was a slight swaying sound of branches and leaves in the jungle, as if someone was coming from a distance.

Han Feng frowned, quickly held his breath, and looked out through the gap in the jungle, only to see a tall figure appearing five or six feet away at some point, standing quietly, with his back to him by chance, as if waiting Like someone.

After a while, a blue shadow emerged from the jungle without warning, just in front of this person, its brilliance subsided, revealing a beautiful woman out of dust.

Han Feng's pupils shrank, and his face was full of astonishment. This woman was exactly the one who intercepted him in the mountains north of the Zongmen a few months ago, and cast a spell to probe his body.If it wasn't for the residual talisman that hid his fluctuations in soul power in time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have survived until now.

Although Han Feng didn't know the girl's name, he had already guessed that she had a close relationship with Qiu Tianyi, especially from her appearance, she was somewhat similar to Qiu Tianyi, so she must be from the Qiu family.

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