Lord of the Runes

Chapter 186 Negotiation

"Fellow Daoist Ye, sorry for the trouble. Let's take a step forward from the Xuanqing Sect. We hope to have a chance to cooperate in the future!" The old Taoist priest Li Muxuan of the Xuanqing Sect put away his Dharma door, arched his hands at Ye Yuntian, and then turned to the other sects. The strong man nodded, and with a flick of his sleeves, he would coerce the disciples of his own sect to leave.

"Li Daoyou, don't rush to leave, wait a moment, there are still important matters to discuss!" Wu Jianlong from the Five Elements Sect suddenly shouted, calling to stop Li Muxuan from the Xuanqing Sect.

Li Muxuan stopped what he was doing, turned his head to look at Wu Jianlong, and said indifferently: "Fellow Daoist Wu, what else is there?"

Wu Jianlong seemed to see his impatience, and quickly said: "Didn't you listen to what your disciples said, the disciples of the main branch sect appeared in the secret realm, if the four major sects know that we secretly opened the sword gate, send the sect I don’t know what kind of punishment will be imposed if the disciple sneaks into the secret realm and distributes the elixir? Do we have to discuss a countermeasure?”

The strong men of the other sects seemed to know about this, and they turned their eyes to Li Muxuan of Xuanqing sect.

"It doesn't matter, you fellow Taoists don't need to worry too much. The main lineage sect has always advocated the principle that the treasures of heaven and earth should be obtained by the strong. Since we have the strength to open the sword gate, we are qualified to participate in this feast!" Li Muxuan pondered for a while , slowly opened the mouth and said, there was no panic on his face, as if his chest was full.

"Oh, if that's the case, will we be able to regularly arrange disciples to enter that secret realm in the future?" Li Murong of Yulingzong asked suddenly with a flash of his eyes.

"It's not that easy. I have to go to Yuxianzong to find out, but I have to borrow something!" Li Muxuan shook his head, and suddenly looked at Feng Yunchang, the ancestor of Guiyunzong, on the other side, as if Said with a smile.

"Li Daoyou wants to borrow the Jianyun Token?" Feng Yunchang immediately responded and asked.

"Hehe, Fellow Daoist Feng is smart, you can tell right away." Li Muxuan showed a soft smile on his face.

Feng Yunchang was silent, it seemed difficult to make a decision for a while, he looked at the ancestors of the other sects, and after a while, he nodded and said: "Yes!"

"You don't have to worry, I will pay back the borrowed ones. After all, our three sects and four sects will need to join forces to enter that secret realm. My family will not be able to make a difference, don't you think?" Li Muxuan swept towards the other sects The strong man at the door glanced and smiled slightly.

Faced with the potential punishment from the four major sects, the other six sects had no choice but to make concessions and nodded in agreement. Who said that only the Xuanqing sect could talk to the Yuxian sect among the four major sects.This is also one of the foundations of the Xuanqing Sect. Over the years, no sect has dared to challenge its position on this branch of the Jianyun Mountain Range.

"That's good, it's getting late, why don't we go our separate ways!" Li Muxuan said with a smile on his face.

Feng Yunchang and Ye Yuntian looked at each other helplessly, and had no choice but to throw the sword cloud token to Li Muxuan.

Li Muxuan took the token, his eyes were bright, and after sweeping it slightly, he put it into his storage ring with a smile, flicked his sleeves, and the soft brilliance flickered, engulfing hundreds of disciples under his sect together, Turned around and flew up, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The rest of the sects also left one after another, and after a while, only Sanyemen and Guiyunzong's people remained in place.

"Brother Feng, I didn't expect the Xuanqing Sect to be the final winner this time, but I miscalculated." Ye Yuntian looked at Feng Yunchang with some guilt and said.

"Brother Ye is serious. If you hadn't been in the middle of it this time, the crisis of our family might not have been resolved smoothly!" Feng Yunchang said quickly, paused, and suddenly laughed, and then said: "Everyone didn't expect that this secret realm has been used by the main line sect for a long time. Brother Ye doesn't need to blame himself. In fact, it's a blessing to be able to throw the hot potato of Jianyun Token to Li Muxuan, an old fox, so calmly. Misfortune, otherwise no one will be convinced, and we can't afford to leave it on our side for a long time."

"Haha, it turns out that Brother Feng had planned it long ago." Ye Yuntian laughed, cupped his fists at Feng Yunchang, and said, "Then let's go first, and we will meet later!"

"Brother Ye, the two sects of you and I depend on each other as lips and teeth. I hope there will be more exchanges in the future, and there will be some time!" Feng Yunchang cupped his hands.

"It's a deal!" Ye Yuntian laughed.

"Four horses are hard to chase!" Feng Yunchang said solemnly.

Ye Yuntian didn't stay any longer, and took out a flying boat with his hand. After silently reciting a spell, the flying boat swelled under his feet, and instantly became over a hundred feet long and ten feet wide, floating in the air like a giant dragon. Carved dragons and painted phoenixes, pavilions and pavilions are densely covered, shining and colorful.Then he swayed a large ray of light casually, engulfing all the disciples of the Sanye Sect below, and after landing behind the flying boat, they turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the vast night.

Han Feng sat cross-legged in a corner on the deck of the flying boat, and got together with Lin Yuxin and others. No one spoke, and closed their eyes in silence.

The speed of the flying boat was extremely fast, like lightning, far exceeding the speed of sound. After two or three hours, it traveled tens of thousands of miles and returned to the area where Sanyemen was located smoothly.

A burst of talisman light suddenly appeared on the surface of the flying boat, ignoring the defensive magic circle of the Sanye Gate, as if it came from the same source, directly entered the inner gate area, and landed slowly on a huge square not long after.

Ye Yuntian flew out first, and stood in the air without making a sound.The rest of the Guiyuanjing elders also flew out of the attic, landed on the ground, and stood aside, breathing slowly, for fear of offending the ancestor above.

With a wave of Ye Yuntian's hand, the more than a hundred disciples on the deck all landed on the square amidst the radiance, each of them lowered their heads slightly, equally nervous.

Ye Yuntian still didn't speak, but with a calm face, he made the flying boat on the ground smaller and quickly put it into his sleeve.

After a while, there was a whistling sound in the sky suddenly, and seven rays of light flashed out, each one's aura was as deep as the sea, and they were all the ancestors of the alchemy state.Judging from the direction from which they appeared, it was obvious that they had also returned from the outside, perhaps they had been secretly protecting this spaceship.

"Well, since you are all back, let's start." Ye Yuntian glanced at the seven of them and said calmly.

One of the strong men with stubble on his face nodded, took a step in the air, looked down at the hundreds of disciples below, and said with a buzz: "All disciples, hand over what you have gained this time, my ancestors! Here, your rewards are indispensable!"

Most of the disciples below seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and they all took out their space storage bags and respectfully placed them on the ground beside their feet.

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