Lord of the Runes

Chapter 183 Accident

Han Feng was naturally overjoyed. Coincidentally, more than half of the medicine stones he obtained before were consumed, and there was room in the mysterious small world. It was time to replenish a large number of medicine stones.

He immediately took out the broken sword, cut off the pillars of medicine stones one by one, and put them into his storage space one after another. When he couldn't fit them all, he communicated with the residual talisman to open the mysterious small world, and put them into it all at once.

But even so, there were still half of the pillars of medicine stones that could not be taken away, so Han Feng had no choice but to give up, but he didn't leave in a hurry, but sat cross-legged here, silently recovering his state to the peak, and then quickly passed through. In this area, he entered the corridor leading to the outside, because his strength had improved qualitatively compared to when he entered. In less than an hour, he broke through all kinds of stone blocks in the narrow corridor and successfully walked out.

In the sea, he swayed, his two-foot-tall body creaked, and returned to its original appearance in a blink of an eye. Then his body moved slightly, the sea water surged, and his whole body rushed out of the sea level like an arrow from the string. The Fufeng Talisman was attached to the body, and the breeze was blowing, and it was suspended in the air steadily.

"Hey, Your Excellency finally came out!"

Just at this time, the talisman light flashed in the void, and a red and blue light and shadow emerged, quickly revealing its true face, it was Lan Qinran from Wanjianmen.

Han Feng suddenly realized that he had released his soul power to investigate in the sea just now. Even with the sea water blocking him, his soul power had crossed the sea level and swept the surrounding area for nearly a thousand feet. He didn't find any abnormalities. He actually used an invisibility talisman to hide his figure, even if his soul power was not hindered by the sea, he couldn't peek out.

"Who are you?" Han Feng pretended not to know the other party, looking at Lan Qinran with a slightly nervous expression, and asked quickly.

"Hey, stop pretending to me, don't think I don't know that you've been spying on the three of us all the time!" Lan Qinran sneered.

Han Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that she knew what he said, even the golden turtle couldn't sense his existence before, let alone this person.With a confused look on his face, he said in surprise: "I've seen you? But I was trapped in the Yinfeng passage, and it took me a long time to escape again, and I didn't see anyone behind me. As for the inside, then I will I don't know."

Lan Qinran fell silent when she heard the words, her heart was a little uncertain, her eyes rolled suddenly, she suddenly thought of the third hole, and immediately shouted: "Boy, how dare you fool me? You didn't go in, the first hole How did the three holes open, and they should have opened before I entered!"

"Then how do I know!" Han Feng's heart was shocked, it was true, he didn't expect the existence of this loophole, but at this moment he still refused to admit it, with a mournful expression on his face, his eyes were full of grievances Panic look.

Lan Qinran looked at him like this, doubts reborn in her heart, and she thought to herself: "Could it really be him?" But she changed her mind and said to herself: "Catch him first, and search the soul to find out whether it's true or not!"

As soon as his thoughts fell, his figure immediately disappeared in place, and appeared in front of Han Feng like lightning. The distance was less than ten feet away, and red and blue rays of light intertwined all over his body, turned into two big hands and grabbed Han Feng.

Han Feng still showed panic at first, but at this moment, his eyes erupted with a scorching light, and his whole body was covered in purple light like a dragon coming out of the abyss, covering a radius of more than ten feet in an instant. surrounded her.

In the next moment, he took a step in the air, struck out with both fists, and smashed her red and blue ray grips with one stroke, and hit Huanglong with the momentum of thunder, hitting her lower abdomen hard.

With a puff, Lan Qinran turned into a phantom and disappeared without a trace. Han Feng's fists immediately hit the air, but the power of the fists did not leave any traces in the air, and they were all blocked by the surrounding purple light.

At this time, Lan Qinran appeared several feet away, even though she activated the Mirror Flower Technique at the very moment, she still couldn't get out of the blockage of purple light.

Her face was pale, and the corners of her mouth were bleeding. It seemed that she was injured by the shock when Han Feng smashed her grip just now. She was about to grit her teeth and perform the magic trick again to escape from here completely. It popped out in front of her body, and went straight to her lower abdomen.

This blow came too fast and too abruptly, as if he knew in advance that she would appear here!

Lan Qinran was terrified, and before she had time to think about it, she pulled her body up subconsciously.


The broken sword crossed across, and a pair of feet wearing snow-white embroidered shoes fell straight down, blood splattered like flowers in full bloom, but was instantly obliterated by the purple light in the sky.


Lan Qinran let out a shrill scream, her head was dripping with cold sweat, her face was pale and blue, but she still gritted her teeth and used the mirror flower technique, and instantly turned into a phantom, which was not smashed into pieces by Han Feng's fists following him .

Tens of feet away, Lan Qinran flashed out, the ends of her legs were still dripping with blood, she squatted down in the air enduring the severe pain, stretched out her hand to wipe it, the blue light flashed by, the wound was frozen, and there was no more blood left. Blood drips.

Han Feng didn't go forward to give chase, he was a little surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that the other party could escape in such a desperate situation, no wonder even the dragon-headed golden turtle couldn't keep her.

What surprised him even more was how she didn't cause the backlash of this world. She performed the mirror flower technique twice in a row, but she was safe and sound, which really puzzled him.

"You cunning and shameless bastard!" Lan Qinran looked at her feet that had disappeared beneath her, feeling sad, tears pouring down uncontrollably, it took her a while to recover, and raised her head Looking at Han Feng, his eyes showed extreme hatred. If his eyes could kill people, he would have died countless times.

Han Feng stood still in the air, ignoring her words, fighting to the death, there is no right or wrong, let alone condemning himself on the moral level.

However, an even more astonished expression gradually appeared on his face, because the brows of the other party began to emit a scorching cold light, and strands of soul power seeped out, transforming into thousands of illusions, ice spears, one after another The arrows of ice, the flaming sabers, and the red flying swords were flying one after another, covering a radius of more than a hundred feet, as if thousands of troops were deployed in front of them.

"You are not a cultivator at the Subtlety Realm!" Han Feng finally came to his senses. He was not punished by the secret world for his cultivation. It was obvious that the other party was not a real cultivator of the Subtlety Realm.

"When did I admit that I am a cultivator in the Subtlety Realm!" Lan Qinran said proudly.

At the same time, the cold light that overflowed from the center of her eyebrows trembled slightly, and the thousands of weapons around her shot at Han Feng like a storm.

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