Lord of the Runes

Chapter 160 Mysterious Little World

Not long after they started looking around, the unique aura shrank suddenly and disappeared almost without a trace. No one could catch where the source of the gathering was. The range is too wide, and it is impossible to track them with their strength.

They looked around for a while, and found no clue, so they had to disperse separately, and continued to snatch all kinds of heaven and earth spiritual materials, making roaring and vibrating noises from time to time, as if there was friction again, and a big battle broke out.

And at this moment, in the inner space at the bottom of Lingye Lake, Han Feng floated motionless in the center. Tens of thousands of auras wrapped in heavenly aura, gathered on his head like hundreds of rivers entering the sea, and finally incorporated into his soul sea. In the remnant talisman, everything was swallowed up, without any pressure.

Han Feng's consciousness also returned to its original position, and he saw that the entire soul sea was rippling in the soft white light, with bursts of warmth seeping out, as if it was nourishing his soul power, and the originally thin soul power gradually became stronger. It is solid, shiny and colorful.

After an unknown period of time, the residual talisman trembled suddenly, and a strange wave spread out, and the white light suddenly condensed into a light gate, covered with dense talisman pattern, which was extremely simple and unsophisticated.

Immediately afterwards, an inexplicable suction seeped out from the light gate, and Han Feng's consciousness was instantly sucked into it.

He only felt that he was going around, and his head was a little dizzy, as if he had experienced a long, long time, but it seemed that he appeared in an empty space in just a moment.

He looked around and found that this space was only a few feet in size. The sky above and below the circle was filled with a faint white light, with occasional black lights flickering like black stars, and the ground was solid gray-white land, extremely smooth, like The surface of the mirror is ordinary, with wisps of five-color light appearing from time to time, which is very strange.Outside the world, there is a gray area, which completely cuts off his soul power from prying eyes, covering this small world like a wall.

Han Feng touched his whole body and found that his soul and body were complete, as if he had entered this mysterious small world.But he stretched out his hand to touch his bosom, only to find that there was no storage ring, obviously he didn't bring in any external possessions.He closed his eyes, took a look inside his consciousness, and found that his body was empty, only colorful light, nothing else, not even flesh and blood meridians, let alone the blue spear that Qiu Tianyi got before.

He suddenly realized that he was just a soul coming in, which made him relax a little.

He didn't know what to do for a while, so he thought about it for a while, so he had to walk around, but the world was very small, and he walked around in a short while, even if the sky was only ten feet above the ground, he lightly He could touch the white light in the sky with a light leap, but of course he failed to do so. The moment he was about to touch it, a soft force bounced back and pushed it away.

After Han Feng landed again, he was a little unwilling, and kicked hard again, bursting out in an instant, rushing forward like an arrow from the string.But the result was still the same, a more powerful counter-shock force was transmitted, causing him to hit the ground heavily, causing severe pain in his legs and feet, and numbness all over his body, as if he had been struck by lightning.

He didn't dare to try again, but he didn't know how to break out of this cage and return to the real world.He frowned, walked back and forth several times, even squatted down and beat the ground vigorously, but apart from the dull bang bang sound, there was no effect at all, not to mention shaking the ground, not even a trace of shaking.

After about half an hour, he did not give up and tried various methods repeatedly. Without the talisman, he had to use the fireball technique he learned before to attack the world, but unfortunately all failed, and the world could not be shaken at all.

Han Feng sighed helplessly, and simply sat cross-legged on the ground to pass the time with practice.

Fortunately, although the world here is small, it is full of aura. Whenever there is a ray of five-color light on the ground, a large piece of aura will flow out and float to the sky, and it will be absorbed by the black light that just appeared above, disappearing.

Although Han Feng doesn't have a real physical body at the moment, it doesn't hinder his practice. The unnamed tome he got from a certain monk of Yulingzong is the ancient book in the shape of a parchment.

He had taken the time to study for a long time before, and he had also mastered the condensed method of the fireball technique. The fireball technique he played just now came from this technique, but during this period of time, there were many battles, and it was abandoned instead.

He raised his hand and muttered the mantra silently, the aura escaping from the ground immediately condensed in his hand, a fireball emerged, getting bigger and bigger, then he shook one hand, and a blazing fireball about the size of a foot jumped into the air , hovering above his head, but he kept uttering formulas, and the aura around him continued to gather, adding to its power. After a while, it became several feet in size, and finally fixed at nine feet in size, without any further progress. , and the entire fireball became extremely unstable, shaking endlessly, as if it would collapse and explode at any time.

Han Feng knew that this state could not be maintained for a long time, and with a thought, a huge fireball flew out and directly hit the gray-white ground five or six feet away, but there was only a muffled sound, and the five-color light on the ground shone slightly. , the huge fireball was extinguished, without the slightest wave of air being set off, and without leaving any traces.

He frowned, didn't even look at the result, as if he had expected it, he closed his eyes and silently recited the formula on the parchment, and pondered over and over again.

For some reason, as he sat on this mirror-like land, his thoughts spread in all directions, and he figured out many things that he couldn't figure out before in a short moment. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth from time to time, as if he was very happy. is to enjoy.

Time flies like an arrow, one does not know the time of practice, half a month has passed before one knows it.

Of course, this time was only calculated by Han Feng himself. After all, there is no difference between day and night here, so how can we calculate the sun and the moon.


Another dull sound spread across the world, and a blazing fireball with a size of two feet exploded, but it failed to stir up any waves, and was instantly wiped out by the five-colored lights flashing on the ground.

Han Feng seemed to be used to such failures, he closed his eyes, and continued to comprehend the mysteries of the fireball technique on the parchment.

Time passed quietly in his enlightenment and practice, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Han Feng opened his eyes, and at this moment, a blazing fire appeared. He put his hands flat on his lap, and quickly chanted the formula in his mouth. A big fireball came out, about two feet in size, and then rapidly grew in size, and finally became five feet in size, burning blazingly and exploding.

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