Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1579 Interception

It's not that Han Feng didn't think about using the secret technique to teleport himself to that soul clone through the ancestral talisman, but this was too costly, and he didn't want to make such a bad move unless it was a last resort.

As for how to enter that dilapidated big world, you can just figure out a way when you get there. With the Ancestral Talisman body in hand, it will not be difficult.

Time passed little by little, and three more human days passed before I knew it.

When Han Feng was getting closer and closer to his destination, a vortex appeared in front of him. It grew from small to large, spinning faster and faster, and gradually gave birth to the prototype of a world, grotesque, colorful and beautiful.

Han Feng frowned, and whispered: "I didn't expect these people to catch up so quickly, and Yasheng's methods really shouldn't be underestimated!"

As he spoke, he turned around and flew in another direction, trying to avoid their interception.

But at this moment, Wan Jianyi's voice came from that vortex: "Boy, we paid such a high price, how can we let you go like this!"

As soon as the sound fell, the rudimentary form of the world was shaken, and it expanded rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it became a giant that spanned more than a million miles, encompassing this piece of chaos, evolving the five elements, and recreating time and space.

Naturally, Han Feng was also wrapped in it, hindered by an inexplicable force, and his speed was greatly reduced.

"The realm of saints?" Han Feng was amazed. He had obtained a lot of information from Mrs. Bailong before. After reaching the realm of saints, he could recreate the world and build his own world, which was enough to crush most people. Dao-enlightened monks, even those at the sub-sage level, are severely constrained.

"No, this is the power derived from the saint's relics, not the real realm of the saint." Right at this moment, Madam Bailong's voice sounded in Han Feng's heart.

This is also the reason why Han Feng let go of the restrictions on the ancestral talisman, otherwise Mrs. Bailong would not be able to pass on the message.

"Anyway, the power in this world is really not ordinary. With my current strength, it's really not easy to get rid of it quickly." Han Feng frowned.

Of course, he didn't give up either. He used the power of the ancestral talisman to cover his body with dense talisman patterns, shining white light, isolating the oppression of this world, and tried his best to escape.

However, after all, it was still a step too late. Wan Jianyi and the others successfully teleported from the vortex and landed in this world.

They stood high above the blue sky, looking down at Han Feng, without any extra words, they directly used the sub-sage's method to besiege Han Feng, and the sub-sage's power surged like a magma eruption.

Without any hesitation, Han Feng immediately invoked the power of the ancestral talisman, releasing a large amount of milky white light from his forehead and eyebrows, attacking the opponent in the opposite direction like a huge wave.

Two completely different energies collided together, and immediately set off an extremely violent law storm, tearing apart the space in an instant, as if to completely shatter this world.

"Hmph, you have a good idea!" Naturally, Wan Jianyi will not let this world collapse, he suddenly sacrificed a small knife, the whole body is as black as ink, the handle and blade are all black, exuding a strange aura.

But what is miraculous is that the light released by this knife at the next moment is extremely bright, like the scorching sun in the sky, shining in all directions, stabilizing the world that is about to collapse in an instant, and all kinds of suppression are even better, making Han It was as if Feng was carrying the whole world on his back, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Han Feng fought hard, exhausted all his strength, and successfully broke free from the invisible shackles of this world.

"Today, you can't escape no matter what, because you are the heir to the mantle of the talisman ancestor, and the talisman ancestor treated us well back then. You can release the inheritance of the ancestral talisman by yourself. We will give you a way out and let you Return to the human world and protect the Heaven Sealing Formation." Taoist Yuhua said slowly.

Han Feng sneered, while keeping silent, he communicated with Mrs. Bailong, trying to find a way to break this world.

This side of the world is like a cage, if you don't break it, you will be very passive, and it will be difficult to display your full strength.

"It's very difficult. Unless the knife in Wan Jianyi's hand can be destroyed, this world will continue to regenerate. Fortunately, this is just a world derived from the saint's relics. If the saint comes in person, the world cage he arranged will be here. In a moment, you will be in difficulty." Mrs. Bailong said helplessly.

After Han Feng listened, he didn't say much anymore, and started to use that backhand instead.

Without saying a word, he quickly formed a seal with his hands, and a white light flashed above his head, revealing the body of the ancestral talisman.

In an instant, the world here began to vibrate violently, as if being pulled by an inexplicable force.

"What exactly does this guy want to do?" Daoist Hehuan said coldly with a gloomy expression.

As he spoke, he waved his long spear, slashing out thousands of cyan spear shadows, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a giant dragon, roaring towards Han Feng.

These giant dragons were all transformed by the power of the sub-sage, not to mention hundreds of thousands of Taoists, they appeared together. No Taoist monk would dare to underestimate them, but Han Feng directly ignored them. The power is fused together to form an absolute defense layer, which blocked his attacks one after another.

Wan Jianyi and Taoist Yuhua were also not idle, using their own means, but did not destroy this world, and controlled their power to the peak.

The three parties worked together, combined with this world, trying to suppress Han Feng with the strongest force and snatch the ancestral talisman in his hand.

Naturally, Han Feng would not sit still. Even though the pressure was getting heavier and there was no pain in his body, he still gritted his teeth and condensed three drops of Dao blood into the ancestral talisman, making it more radiant. Open up the oppression of this side of the world and get some space.

However, he didn't struggle to support, but secretly got in touch with the soul power clone of the broken world, crossed the endless chaos with the power of the ancestor talisman, and finally connected with each other after a stick of incense.

The scene on that side was transmitted, and it appeared inside the ancestral talisman, but the situation there was not optimistic. Han Feng's soul power avatar was still fighting hard, especially when the ancestral talisman body was fighting here. With less support from the side, the avatar almost relied on its own strength to resist the siege of Wan Jianyi and the other avatars.

However, after connecting with each other, the ancestral talisman imprint on the head of this soul power avatar immediately lit up, and its power soared twice as much. The other party backed up again and again.

Han Feng did all this in secret, Wan Jianyi and the others didn't notice anything, they only thought he was desperately resisting.

"Burn it!" Han Feng thought to himself, and the mass of matter in the Ancestral Talisman World began to disappear. Fortunately, it began to collapse from the edge, and it would not affect the sects and monks living here.

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