Saying that, Wan Jian made a tactic with both hands, a bloody light flashed above his head, and a bloody contract with flickering red light emerged, but under his thoughts, endless sword lights gushed out, bombarding this bloody contract one after another, this The bloody contract immediately began to twist and deform, and the runes flashed.

At the same time, there was a thunderclap in the chaos, and a blood-red lightning landed without warning, slashing at Wan Jianyi's body like a sharp sword.

But Wan Jianyi didn't dodge at all, and forcibly took the blow.

His face turned pale, and he involuntarily opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, but under his rapid tactic, the blood did not dissipate, but quickly transformed into a human figure, as lifelike as his body, blocking the approaching Another blood-red lightning flashed, as if trying to ward off disasters for him.

As he kept attacking the bloody contract, the blood-red lightning in the chaos became more and more dense, almost enveloping it, as if it didn't give him any way out.

However, in fact, these blood-red lightnings just fell on the human-shaped blood shadow, killing each other.

After a while, the humanoid blood shadow was completely wiped out.

But when the chaotic lightning fell on Wan Jianyi's body again, he spit out a mouthful of blood again, and turned into a human figure again, blocking the catastrophe for him.

Taoist Yuhua and Taoist Hehuan did the same thing, and at the same time began to tear up the bloody contract.

In an instant, with Han Feng as the center, endless blood-red lightnings lit up all around.

However, he couldn't escape in a short time, because those three people still released endless sub-sage powers to trap them, leaving no gaps.

The amazing thing is that from the beginning to the end, Han Feng didn't make a move, just watched all this quietly.

Half an hour passed in a flash, Wan Jianyi and the others tore up the bloody contract one by one, and regained their freedom.

However, the price they paid was also very high. More than a dozen mouthfuls of true blood were consumed, and they would not be able to recover in ten thousand years.

Of course, for them, all of this is worth it, as long as they get the ancestral talisman, they are willing to pay no matter how high the price is.

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way!" Wan Jianyi opened his eyes suddenly, his radiance exploded, and a long sword emerged silently, stabbing at Han Feng, threatening to kill him with one blow.

Han Feng sneered, clasped his hands together, and released an infinite amount of milky white light, forming a mask of thousands of layers, blocking the sword, but it also made him groan, obviously feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Even if you win my ancestral talisman, how will the three of you distribute it? After all, there is only one ancestral talisman!" Just as the other two were about to make a move, Han Feng said suddenly.

"You don't need to worry about that, we have our own solution!" Taoist Yuhua laughed, and shot with all his strength, the whisk flew up, strands and strands, wrapped in the terrifying power of the sub-sage, crushed towards Han Feng.

Along the way, all the Taoist methods Han Feng deployed were shattered, unable to stop them in the slightest.

Han Feng put away the Taoism, and turned to mobilize the power of the ancestral talisman to intercept it. When the two collided, a bright light burst out immediately, shining for thousands of miles.

Such a fierce fight naturally attracted the attention of others, but the Yuan family and others did not dare to come over, so they could only hide and watch from a very far away, quietly watching the changes.

They also knew that this was the beginning of the three sub-sage ancestors turning their faces, and it was beyond their control. As for the ancestral talisman, it was beyond their control.

Han Feng's face turned pale, and he tried to block the blow after blow.

When it was different from the world, the attacks of the three of them had no effect.

There was no trace of Taoism at all, it was purely bombarded by the power of the sub-sage, continuous and continuous, without giving Han Feng the slightest chance.

The point is, the power of these sub-sages is extremely powerful, ignoring all Taoism to block, even if Han Feng tried his best, he was completely disintegrated. If he hadn't relied on the power of the ancestor talisman, he would have perished long ago.

"Today's battle, you will definitely die. We have planned for the ancestor talisman for more than [-] years. We knew that it would appear in the world sooner or later. I didn't expect it to be so many years. This time, no matter what, we will not let you escape!" Daoist He Huan saw Unable to attack for a long time, he seemed a little anxious, and suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry, even if he can mobilize the power of the ancestral talisman, he is not a sub-sage after all. No matter how tenacious he is, he won't last long. Every time he defends, he has to use all his strength. I don't believe he can persist forever." Taoist Yuhua reminded.

Wan Jianyi also nodded, and said: "The layout of Wannian is only for today, even if we fight here for ten days and ten nights, we must take this kid down and win the ancestral talisman!"

Daoist Hehuan hummed, stopped talking, and continued to attack, looking like he was going to fight for a long time.

In fact, they were also very helpless. Although their sub-sage power could surpass any of Han Feng's Taoism, they couldn't do anything to the opponent's ancestral talisman power. If Han Feng hadn't been in the state of enlightenment, he still couldn't mobilize the ancestral talisman The more terrifying power, how the battle is going to be is another matter.

Now, they can only adopt the method of siege, using the method of water grinding, and slowly consume Han Feng.

They believed that sooner or later, when the opponent was exhausted, as long as a flaw was revealed, they could take advantage of it and seriously injure him or even kill him.

However, when they fought fiercely for less than an hour, Han Feng's body suddenly shook, blood glistened, as if he had been severely injured.

Wan Jianyi and the others were extremely surprised. This was completely inconsistent with their predictions. Even if Han Feng was sure to lose, it was impossible for him to be unable to hold on so soon.

"Did you hit him?" the three of them asked in unison.

The three of them shook their heads at the same time, showing doubts on their faces.

"Oops, this is also a clone!" Taoist Yuhua was the first to react, and quickly took out a mirror-like treasure, threw it upwards, and spun it around.

Immediately, he quickly made a tactic with both hands, and the mirror released dazzling brilliance, sweeping across all directions, and the surrounding chaos was dyed with a layer of colorful brilliance, as if reappearing a bizarre world.

The other two also reacted, and increased their attack strength one after another, smashing the body in front of Han Feng's eyes in one go, leaving only a ray of bloody afterglow, without leaving any traces.

"Damn it, what's going on!" Daoist He Huan cursed angrily, and quickly cast a secret technique to cover the ray of bloody afterglow, preventing it from dissipating.

Wan Jianyi exuded sword intent with a gloomy expression, searching around.

But in the chaos, without the world as a support, it is not easy to find people.

Moreover, they didn't know when Han Feng left. Maybe this avatar followed them from the beginning. From the beginning to the end, Han Feng didn't arrange for the main body to follow them to Feiyunhai.

Taoist Yuhua continued to cast spells without saying a word.

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