Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1575 Ripped


The loud noise shook the sky, and the surrounding space collapsed, submerging everything, and even the earth-element nuclear magnetic mountain in the center was pushed out for hundreds of miles, which invisibly stirred up the surrounding magma, like a tsunami.

The collision didn't last long, and it took only one breath to reveal the figure of the giant dragon, but it seemed to be unharmed, and its eyes were slightly dimmed.

Han Feng used a drop of Dao blood, so naturally he wouldn't have this kind of power. With a slight movement of his mind, five-element sigils suddenly appeared in all directions, but they were not the ones he used in the past, but a fusion of them. The power of the ancestral talisman makes it more complete, and its power is naturally greater.

"Boom boom boom..."

Before the giant dragon could react, these five-element sigils unceremoniously fell on it, causing explosions and disordered laws.

In an instant, the giant dragon couldn't help but let out a scream, which was deafening. The waves of energy released were higher than the waves, colliding fiercely with the talisman power all over the sky. It also shattered the law of infinity, which was extremely strange.

At this level, the legacy laws of this broken world can no longer suppress the fierce battle between the two pinnacles of enlightenment.

Han Feng knew that this battle had to be fought quickly, otherwise this place would become a hornet's nest, attracting a large number of experts to gather. At that time, he might become honey, and it would not be so easy to escape.

Without saying a word, he fully mobilized the power of the ancestral talisman, and even used the secret method, even the phantom of the ancestral talisman emerged, and the burst of power was even stronger, infinitely approaching the level of the sub-sage.

With the blessing of this level of power, his attack was extremely powerful, and the talisman sword, talisman seal, and talisman power all rushed towards the opponent, and instantly knocked down the giant dragon that came out.

"Ah... I, I won't just let you go..." Under the unparalleled pressure, the giant dragon cursed angrily, and then suddenly cast a special Taoism, making a bang all over the body, or breaking into endless fragments, Integrating with the laws of the world here, it disappeared without a trace in a flash, without a trace.

"Huh? What kind of Taoism is this? Use the local law to escape the void?" Han Feng diffused the power of the ancestral talisman and searched carefully, but found nothing. Presumably the other party really escaped.

Sure enough, any existence of Dao enlightenment should not be underestimated, especially monsters who have reached the peak of Dao enlightenment, there are so many methods emerging one after another, it can be said that it is impossible to guard against.

Han Feng sighed, and without thinking too much, he moved slightly, and came to the edge of the earth element nuclear magnetism, exerted the power of the ancestor talisman, wrapped it tightly, and forcibly took it away.

With this earth element nuclear magnetic nourishment that is as big as a mountain, the ancestor talisman is bound to recover faster, which is also beneficial to his overall strength invisibly.

Of course, it will take a lot of time to digest so many earth element nuclei, but it is also extremely worthwhile.

Now, his body has reached the peak level of enlightenment, and with the blessing of the ancestor talisman, he can fight the sub-sage undefeated. As for whether he can defeat the sub-sage, it is still a bit difficult, after all, the sub-sage's realm has already left the level of enlightenment. In the comprehension and fusion of the power of law, he has extraordinary attainments, which cannot be completely offset by relying on external forces.

It's a long story, but Han Feng's battle with the giant dragon only lasted for a few breaths, but the surroundings had exploded into a pot of porridge, and the laws were still chaotic, as if they had fallen into chaos.

Such a situation is bound to attract the attention of the existences in the realm of enlightenment, no matter how far apart they are, with their strength, they can more or less perceive it.

Han Feng didn't wait any longer, and immediately hid his figure and flew out.

But just as he left this unique space area, a sword pierced from thousands of miles away without warning.

Wan Jianyi's sword!

Han Feng sensed the sword's intent right away. Without any hesitation, before his drop of blood dried up, he decisively fused the power of the ancestral talisman and once again condensed a talisman sword to fight against it.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a series of loud noises, and the two swords were fighting evenly. Every time they hit, a dazzling brilliance burst out, which was extremely dazzling, and the power of various laws emerged, sweeping thousands of miles around.

Han Feng didn't want to get entangled with him, so he quickly gathered a large number of five-element sigils, bombarded them in unison, and exploded in an instant, successfully disrupting the time and space around him, as if reappearing chaos.

Naturally, his purpose was not to defeat the opponent, but to escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

It's a pity that Wan Jianyi was not the only one who came this time.

At this moment, a long spear came out of the oblique stabbing with lightning speed, and stabbed directly at Han Feng's left half of his body.

Han Feng's body was filled with the power of the ancestral talisman. Naturally, he had sensed the shot early in the morning. He raised his hand and punched to the left without any panic. After increasing by several percent, there was a loud bang and it was successfully intercepted.

Right at this time, on Han Feng's right side, thousands of white silk threads suddenly flew out, entangled like a spider's silk, and where they passed, even time and space were collapsing.

"Hmph, Wan Jianyi, Daoist Baili, and Taoist Yuxian, you three are really like dogs. You laid down an ambush early in the morning, right?!" The power of the talisman was extremely surging, and it spread like a tsunami, shaking off the opponent's attack in one fell swoop.

"Aren't you afraid of backlash?!" After a pause, Han Feng questioned.

The three of them didn't respond, but continued to attack. The power of various laws surged, sword lights emerged, gun shadows were heavy, and silk threads were like bundles. They attacked with overwhelming momentum.

Han Feng clenched his fist and attacked, but the Batian Fist Seal only resisted it for a while, then it became weak and unable to resist.

For an attack of this level, these three people definitely used Dao blood, otherwise they would not be able to reach such terrifying power with their avatars.

Han Feng didn't care about that much, he condensed a drop of Dao blood again, mobilized the power of the ancestor talisman with all his strength, his whole body was covered with layers of white armor, and rushed out directly, facing the attack of the three of them head-on.

"Bang bang bang..."

The endless explosions shook the heavens and the earth, and the magma in a radius of ten thousand miles was evaporated, and time and space were also annihilated, almost returning to chaos, which was extremely tragic.

Wan Jianyi, Baili Daoist, and Yuxian Daoist showed their figures, all of them had ugly faces, and their eyes were full of disbelief. It seemed that they couldn't believe that Han Feng was only a clone, and he could resist the power of the three of them joining forces. .

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