Lord of the Runes

Chapter 1542 The events of the year

"Hmph, back then I killed countless masters of the two races of devils. I was doing justice for the heavens. How can I say that I have become a god!" Xiao Qiong cursed endlessly.

"That's right, you killed a lot of enemies back then, but you also secretly killed many strong men of our human race, otherwise you could have improved so fast? Your way seems to be the way of talisman, but in fact it is the way of devouring. Others I don’t know your background, how can I not know? Many years ago, when I went to the chaos with you, in Langya Cave, you got that exercise. I didn’t know what it was at the time, and then your Taoism rose rapidly , I sensed something was wrong!" Wan Jianyi sneered.

"So, that's what you sued me in front of the talisman ancestor?!" Xiao Qiong shouted coldly.

"I didn't complain, it was because you were too arrogant and was discovered by Fu Zu! But he didn't attack you directly, but took the opportunity to let you deal with the number one general in the demon world, Condylarsaurus. You yourself were forced to break through the realm and succeeded. Kill him, but you will also be cursed by him, so that your way will collapse, and you will not be able to escape from the hands of the devil in the end." Wan Jianyi responded.

"It's just that I didn't expect that you didn't really die, and you left some wounds on the devil. It's amazing! I think you should have other opportunities in the Langya cave, or you wouldn't have survived under the hands of the saint." Come down!" Wan Jianyi paused and continued.

"Hey, I'm amazing, you will never understand, the law of condylarus' curse is just nourishment for my way, if it weren't for him, I might not be able to understand the deeper level of way, let alone be in the magic world. The golden cicada has escaped from its shell in the master's hand, and after many years, it will be reborn again!" Xiao Qiong said proudly.

"You're an evil way, what's there to brag about!" Daoist He Huan scolded coldly.

"Tao is the foundation of nature. How can there be a distinction between good and evil? If I use it as righteousness, I will be righteous. If you use it as evil, then you will be evil!" Xiao Qiong's voice spread loudly, shaking the whole world.

"It sounds good, then why did you slaughter your own brothers back then!" Daoist Yuhua sneered.

"Hmph, I haven't done such a thing, everything was arranged by you, the purpose is nothing more than not wanting me to get the holy position, and to overwhelm you!" Xiao Qiong snorted heavily.

"Then why would Ancestor Fu attack you!" Wan Jian cursed.

"He was just deceived by you villains!" Xiao Qiong continued to retort.

"It's useless to talk too much, you can't be reborn no matter what, otherwise we will all die without a place to bury!" Taoist Yuhua said.

As he said that, he also urged the sixth-grade world treasure to shoot out a dark blue light beam, stabbing at Xiao Qiong's body like a spear, but it was blocked by the opponent's protective shield and failed to cause any damage to him.

"Hey, there's no reason to blame me if you want to commit a crime. You are just afraid that my survival will affect your plan to dominate the human world!" Xiao Qiong sneered again and again.

As soon as his words fell, he moved his hand casually, and a black sword glow flew out, directly aiming at the face of Taoist Yuhua.

It's just that Taoist Yuhua is not a fuel-efficient lamp. With a twist of his wrist, the sixth-grade world treasure immediately released a light curtain, blocking the black sword glow like a mountain.

When the two collided, a star-like brilliance was immediately aroused, and there were non-stop chirping sounds.

At this moment, strands of runes suddenly emerged from the black sword light, sticking to the light curtain as if spiritually, wriggling endlessly, as if burrowing inward like a worm.

"This is the way of devouring?!" Daoist Yuhua was extremely surprised, he didn't care to think about it, and urged the power of the law with all his strength, so that the sixth-rank world treasure released a more intense flame, burning everything, and blocking the attack of those runes attack.

It took a while before those worm-like runes disappeared and became invisible.

However, Xiao Qiong seemed to be limited by certain rules. Before he was really resurrected, he couldn't use stronger moves, so he just sent out a blow from time to time to hinder their attack and give himself more room for resurrection.

As for Ling Yuntian being protected by the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams diagram, there is no danger of his life, but he is almost at the end of his rope.

"We attack Ling Yuntian with all our strength, as long as we interrupt his spells, we can prevent Xiao Qiong from being resurrected!" Wan Jian suggested suddenly with a flicker of eyes.

"But this kid has the Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Taiji Eight Diagrams Diagram, which is not easy to break. Haven't you tried it several times before?" Daoist Hehuan said.

"No matter how good the Chaos Treasure is, it has to be motivated by this strength. He just pretended to be indifferent. In fact, he might not be able to hold on. With his strength, it is impossible to hold on for so long!" Wan Jianyi analyzed.

"Brother Wan is right, let's try again!" Taoist Yuhua nodded in agreement.

Daoist Hehuan pondered for a while, then agreed, and responded: "I hope it won't be in vain!"

The three of them made up their minds, and immediately joined forces to attack Ling Yuntian.

The incomparably violent power of the world rushed out, submerging Ling Yuntian in an instant, making the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams outside his body shake unceasingly, and the light flickered non-stop.

But he didn't collapse after all, the Tai Chi gossip diagram firmly protected his body and shielded him from all attacks, it was simply impenetrable and indestructible.

What's even more amazing is that part of the attacks of Wan Jianyi and the others were absorbed by the Taiji Eight Diagrams, and transformed into Xiao Qiong's nourishing power, allowing him to make a sound comfortably.

"What's going on? Could it be that I have misread it?" Wan Jianyi frowned, puzzled.

"Forget it, let's focus on breaking through Xiao Qiong's light of rebirth. As long as we kill it at this stage, no matter how capable he is and how many backhands he has, he won't be able to revive him in the short term!" Daoist Hehuan Said.

Taoist Yuhua was silent, and he couldn't say much.

"Impossible, I'll try again!" Wan Jianyi was not reconciled, and quickly raised his hand to chop out a sword light.

Like chasing the stars and chasing the moon, he arrived in front of Ling Yuntian in an instant, and with a sharp bang, the protective mask of the Tai Chi Eight Diagrams picture was turbulently shaken.

This time, Ling Yuntian was no longer unscathed, but spat out a mouthful of blood, his face pale as paper.

"This kid is really cunning, so he has been hiding all the time, he is really forbearing!" Daoist He Huan reacted quickly, and immediately raised his hand to make a tactic, a large pink light emerged out of thin air, and rushed away like a tide.

Taoist Yuhua activated the sixth-grade world treasure, releasing a scorching black light, which spread over one after another.

"Bang bang bang..."

The attack power of the two of them is so strong that even the void here is distorting, reflecting thousands of brilliance, which is extremely gorgeous.

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