Han Feng stood up slowly, his whole body creaking, and the skin of his arms occasionally flashed a little bit of luster, which seemed to be a little different.

There are many miraculous aspects of the Spirit Refining Vajra Jue. After completing the first week, the severe pain will subside for seven days, and then you have to run this set of exercises, and you need to enter the second week immediately, otherwise the pain of the first week will disappear. It was in vain, and everything had to start from scratch.After opening the second week, the severe pain will strike again, which is twice as powerful as the previous week. Unless the practitioner faints, the practice will not end.But after a practitioner faints, if he wants to continue practicing, he has to start practicing from the first week. This is the most terrifying part of it.This cycle goes on and on until the seventh Zhoutian is completed, and then it is considered as an introduction, and it can be regarded as the completion of the tempering of the outer skin.

After Han Feng survived the first week, instead of feeling tired, he was full of energy. He stretched his shins, and after eating the food he had accumulated for two meals and replenishing a large basin of water, he plunged into the talisman making room. Continue to draw talismans, he still has a lot of copper talisman paper and silver talisman paper in his hand.

For seven days in a row, apart from eating, drinking, and messing around, he devoted all his energy to drawing talismans. He actually produced nearly a hundred fireball talismans, all made of silver talisman paper. Now, the number of talismans he draws every day has increased to thirteen or fourteen. And with the help of that residual talisman, the success rate is 100%.

That night, he counted the time, sat cross-legged in the practice room, and started to practice the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, entering the second week of skin refining.

The itch strikes again!

The pain strikes again!

Han Feng's brows just twitched slightly, and he sat still as if nothing had happened, with no sweat oozing from his body.

Time passed by little by little, like a naughty little girl, running east and west for a while, there is a feeling that people can't see it.

Three hours later, Han Feng's forehead began to sweat, because the severe pain had already reached the strongest position in the first week, and then surpassed before, and it was still increasing, making his back also start to sweat, gradually drenched.

When his whole body seemed to be soaked in water, five hours had passed.

After another hour, Han Feng lowered his head, opened his mouth slightly, and moved it from time to time.

Still ticking!

"Phew..." Han Feng let out a long breath, and the second Sunday was completed!

He persisted in this way week after week, time passed very slowly, but he also came to the fifth week.And for some reason, during the third Sunday, he suddenly felt hungry, so he quickly took the second Dragon Yuan Pill, but on the fourth Sunday, he became even hungrier, and ate two Dragon Yuan Pills in a row. Yuan Dan supported it, and he was so frightened that he hurried to the Refining Hall to find Murong Can to ask the reason.

When Murong Can heard that he had actually made it to the fourth Sunday, his expression was extremely complicated. In the end, he exchanged twenty Dragon Yuan Pills for Han Feng, but he thought in his heart that Han Feng would definitely not be able to survive. Fifth Sunday.

Unfortunately, he was wrong!

Han Feng passed the fifth Zhou Tian smoothly, but he took four pills of Longyuan Pill before he regained his strength.

At this time, Han Feng naturally understood that Murong Can had never mastered this set of exercises at all, otherwise how could he have miscalculated the amount of Longyuan Pills, and he said that one pill a month, now four pills a day!

He had no choice but to go to Murong Can to buy Longyuan Pills again, but he didn't expect this guy to go out, maybe he went into business again, this guy was born a businessman.

Too fucking foolish!

Han Feng also had no choice but to go back to his residence in resentment, silently draw a talisman, and wait for the opening of the sixth week of the Spiritual Vajra Art.

When the sixth Sunday appeared, Han Feng almost fainted, not because of the severe pain, but because he almost fainted from hunger!

He had to eat a Longyuan Pill almost every short period of time. After eating sixteen pills in a row, he was able to survive.

"It's his grandma's. Fortunately, I bought twice as much Dragon Yuan Pill, otherwise I would cry to death!" Han Feng invested so much, if he fainted because of hunger and fell short, he would be really depressed to death .

So, as soon as he recovered, he immediately ran to find Murong Can, but this guy still didn't come back.

As soon as Han Feng became cruel, he sat outside his stone house and waited.

Of course, he didn't wait, but released his soul power to infiltrate the identity jade card, and checked where there were high-energy pills such as Longyuan Pill, but after browsing for a long time, he couldn't find the right one. Dozens of his contribution points were wasted.

He waited for three full days before Murong Can came back outside his stone house humming a little song.

"Hey, honored guest, Junior Brother Han, why are you here again? Have you failed?" Murong Can said with a wicked smile on his face, but he was still handsome, which was really helpless.

Han Feng suppressed his desire to beat him up, and didn't bother him, he took out ten boxes of talismans and said, "Give me one hundred Dragon Yuan Pills, these are five hundred silver-bottomed fireball talismans!"

"Why do you want so many Dragon Yuan Pills? This thing can't be eaten!" Murong Can was surprised, but she didn't refuse. After taking Han Feng's talisman, she gave him one hundred Dragon Yuan Pills.

"Cultivation!" Han Feng took it over, pocketed it, and replied calmly, "And, I really ate it!"

"You don't want to do it all over again, do you? You are too cruel to yourself, how can you go through that kind of pain again? Besides, you can't succeed, let alone, brother!" Murong Can misunderstood, Immediately persuaded earnestly.

"Who said I'm going to start over, I'm ready to hit the last Sunday!" After saying this, Han Feng walked away.

"What? Did I hear correctly, he went to the last Sunday?!" Murong Can turned around in disbelief, looking at Han Feng's disappearing figure, unable to calm down for a long time.

"No, this is a fierce man, I have to invest in him!" Murong Can's eyes suddenly brightened, and his thinking changed instantly, and he started to prepare more and better elixir for Han Feng.

After Han Feng returned to his residence, he stopped drawing talismans. Instead, he began to relax his body, meditate constantly, and adjust his state to the best.

Four days later, he sat cross-legged in the practice room again, and without any hesitation, he directly performed the Spirit Refining Vajra Art and entered the seventh week!

In an instant, the multiplied severe pain came like a wave!

Han Feng was like an island reef, constantly resisting the turbulent waves from all around him. He was washed over and over again, but he couldn't completely destroy it, and he still stood firm.

One hour, two hours, three hours, until the sixth hour, Han Feng had already eaten 64 Longyuan Pills, but his stomach was still very hungry, it seemed that the Longyuan Pills could no longer fill his stomach. Stomach.

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