Lord of the Runes

Chapter 148 Cruel

Everyone panicked, retreated one after another, and became chaotic.

At this moment, the huge body of the Fire Ape King descended from the sky as if teleporting, setting off a violent blood-colored wind, and suddenly appeared among the crowd on the east side, landed on both feet, and immediately trampled to death the two monks who couldn't dodge , a man and a woman, blood spattering, very terrifying.What's even more frightening is that the Fire Ape King opened his mouth wide and sucked it in suddenly, and the bodies of the two of them withered instantly, turning into two skeletons, which is frightening!

"Junior Sister Yao!" A male cultivator in a green robe inlaid with silver let out a terrifying cry, holding a long silver spear in his hand, and rushed over recklessly. A long silver streamer hit the Fire Ape King's head.

"Hmph, ants dare to compete with me, they really want to die!" A cold voice came from the heart of the Fire Ape King. In addition to being weird, he raised a palm and grabbed the silver streamer very skillfully. , With a firm grip, the male monk's state of being one with the gun was broken, revealing his true body, with a pale face.

The Fire Ape King didn't make any extra movements. He clenched his fist and made him scream immediately. Even if he was blocked by the silver light of his body, it was useless. His body collapsed in a breath, and the blood burst into pieces. There was a constant stream of miserable screams, and then he lost his breath and died.

The Fire Ape King had no expression on his face. He opened his mouth and sucked in, devouring the man's flesh and blood again, throwing away his bones casually, and staring at the monks who were injured by his appearance just now. At this moment, they still couldn't Get away far.It raised the corner of its mouth, and suddenly waved its hands, a large white flame emerged out of thin air, covering a radius of fifty or sixty feet. The monks wailed endlessly, used various methods, sacrificed various treasures to resist, and fled in a hurry regardless of their injuries.

But these white flames were extremely blazing, piercing through the defenses of most of them in no time, except for three people who escaped from the sky, the rest were all severely injured, fell to the ground, and were dying.

A wild laughter came from the white jade bottle, and then the Fire Ape King opened his mouth again, and sucked in quickly, a strange force enveloped them, their flesh and blood began to fester, separate, fly up, and all of them flowed into the bottle. The other party's mouth was swallowed alive, and the pain caused those monks to be hacked into pieces. Many people woke up from a coma, and then passed out completely, unconscious, and then became a naked skeleton, which is very painful. Terrified.

Seeing this tragic situation, everyone was even more flustered, and fled in all directions, rushing to the forest in a hurry.Murong Xue, Duan Qiu, Lei Guang, Long Min, Ling Fen and the others also turned pale, they didn't dare to think anything wrong, they reacted faster and fled one step earlier.

Han Feng was terrified. At first he just felt the voice coming from the white jade bottle was very familiar, but now after hearing its laughter, he suddenly remembered the owner of the voice. The mysterious strong man who encountered that drop of blood!

"As expected, he appeared again!" Han Feng was in a heavy heart, and after dodging into the forest, he spread his legs and fled quickly, leaving this place in a panic.

After the Fire Ape King absorbed the flesh and blood of more than a dozen living people, his whole body became more vigorous, and with a click, his body size shrunk rapidly and became more solid.However, it didn't stop, it chased those ordinary monks for more than a hundred feet, approaching the edge of the forest, its figure flashed, and with a few swipes, it knocked down several people, and then it devoured them alive like the same pattern The flesh and blood of the whole body is bloody.


The Fire Ape King seemed to be belching, but the sound did not come from its mouth, but from the white jade bottle.

At this moment, the white jade bottle at the heart of the Fire Ape King suddenly burst out with dazzling white light, covering all parts of his body like flames, burning blazingly, and continuously releasing black impurities.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and a bright blood-colored light emerged from the mouth of the white jade bottle, and a miniature ape slowly emerged, only the size of a thumb, but exuding a terrifying aura, like an abyss like an ocean.


Without any warning, in the low sky, there was a loud thunderclap, lightning flashed, spiritual energy crackled all over the sky, and there was a faint light of fire rising into the sky.It seems that its appearance has attracted the attention of this world, as if it is about to be punished by thunder.

The miniature ape let out a low growl, the white jade bottle lit up slightly, and a layer of white light floated out, covering it, completely isolating all the aura on its body, and immediately dissipating the lightning and flames between heaven and earth.

"Huh..." He let out a long breath, pinched his hands repeatedly, and his body gradually grew bigger, gradually filling the body of the Fire Ape King, as if putting on a new dress again.

After a short while, the little ape finally completely occupied the body of the Fire Ape King, and his aura increased a little, his eyes were like torches, and two bloody lights shot out from his eyes, which were about a foot long.


He looked up to the sky and laughed, releasing the breath all over his body unscrupulously, looking very comfortable, without causing any changes between the heaven and the earth, as if he was shielded by something.

"It's finally out!" He raised his eyes and looked around the world, with a little excitement on his face, and muttered to himself.

"Huh, that kid is here too?" He frowned, looked intently to the south on the right, and whispered as if he had sensed something.

As he said that, he clasped his hands together, interlaced his fingers, flipped the seal formula, and blood-colored rays of light floated out of his hands, and disappeared without a trace in a moment, without a trace.

Han Feng was running in the dense forest. With a display of his soul power, he found that the restrictions around him had dissipated, and once again covered a range of more than a thousand feet. A large number of monks were frantically fleeing for their lives, creating whirlwinds and flying branches and leaves.

Many people also released their soul power to explore the rear, spying on the movements of the Fire Ape King all the time. They found that the Fire Ape King suddenly moved and rushed towards the south, and disappeared in a flash, as fast as a surprise.

The monks fleeing in the south were frightened and uneasy, and dispersed to both sides one after another, changing their directions, trying to escape the pursuit of the Fire Ape King.

Han Feng quickly noticed this, and immediately moved to the east. He didn't want to face this guy's crazy revenge.

At this moment, Han Feng's chest suddenly trembled slightly. He frowned, stopped, and with a thought, he took out a pale yellow jade bottle from the storage ring, which contained the juice of the cactus. It was obtained by him in the desert oasis before.

He woke up suddenly. The blood man in the snow mountain lake had said before that this cactus was part of his original body.Han Feng screamed, and immediately threw the bottle away, but before the bottle hit the ground, it burst open suddenly, the juice inside flowed out, suspended in the air, and quickly turned into a face, suddenly it was the facial features of the bloody man, only Seeing this face suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Han Feng coldly, with the corners of his mouth raised, and smiled cruelly: "Boy, this seat is out, you run away, run away desperately, let's see how far you can go!"

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