The purple dragon's light flashed and quickly dissipated. Long Min emerged from it, and was about to reach out to grab the white jade bottle, but at this moment, a sword light that was about ten feet long flew towards him, accompanied by aura all over the sky. , Straight to her back.

With a shout, Long Min moved a few feet in an instant, dodging the attack.

Those sword lights slashed at the place where the jade bottle was. Amidst the loud rumbling sound, the air waves surged, but the white jade bottle remained motionless, unscathed, and seemed indestructible.

Long Min's face changed slightly, and he retreated a few feet again, surrounded by purple air, and waved his jade hands repeatedly to block the impact of energy.She turned around and looked coldly at a woman with a sword not far away, it was Murong Xue.

All this is a long story, but in fact it only happened in two or three breaths.

When everyone saw that the white jade bottle was so strong, they were not surprised but delighted, and were even more moved. They rushed over desperately, and various sects and factions collided with each other, fighting endlessly.

Long Min was the closest to the white jade bottle, and immediately stretched out his hand to explore it. When the purple energy condensed, a purple dragon claw appeared and grabbed the jade bottle on the ground.

"Hmph, don't think about it!" The man shrouded in lightning snorted coldly, and suddenly made a tactic, and a bolt of lightning landed on Long Min's head without warning, as if teleporting.

Long Min also snorted, raised his other hand, purple air flashed, another purple dragon claw emerged, collided with this lightning bolt, and with a loud bang, both of them were annihilated.

Her purple dragon claws were about to catch the white jade bottle, but at this moment, a blade flashed, and Duan Qiu rushed forward, cutting off her dragon claws with one blow.

Duan Qiu's eyes were bright, and he came to the white jade bottle, stretched out his right hand, and grabbed it, but he couldn't pick it up with all his strength.

He took a deep breath, concentrated the saber energy in his hands, and tried his best to make the white jade bottle move slightly in an instant. His veins bulged, and he roared again and again. With a strong breath, he slowly picked it up. It seems to weigh tens of thousands of catties.

How could Long Min let him get what he wanted, wrapped in purple energy, turned into a giant dragon more than ten feet long again, soared into the sky, rushed to Duan Qiu's side in an instant, condescended to bite down.

Duan Qiu had no choice but to put down the white jade bottle, and when there was no time to go, he flew back more than a hundred feet to the side, but at the same time as he retreated, he swung the big knife in his hand, and blue knife lights flew out, overlapping one after another, like Like a mountain of knives, it blasted towards the giant dragon transformed by Long Min.

Long Min remained unmoved, and manipulated the purple dragon to lower its head, open its mouth to grab the white jade bottle, and picked it up in an instant. Obviously, her strength in the form of a dragon at this moment is much stronger than Duan Qiu's.


The cyan light ball like a mountain of knives failed to hit her body, Ling Fen appeared in front of her at some point, with red flames billowing all over her body, turning into a phoenix, intercepting Duan Qiu's attack.

"Sister Xiaolong, I'm here to protect you, get out of here quickly!" Ling Fen's anxious voice came from among the fire phoenix.

Before she finished her words, Murong Xue's sword energy enveloped them like a vast ocean, instantly submerging the two girls, colliding violently with their body-protecting energy, sparks splashed in all directions, colorful and gorgeous like fireworks.

The rest of the strong men also made moves one after another, with saber light, electric spear, wind blade, sword shadow and other attacks overwhelming, rushing towards them, the light was as bright as day, the explosion was earth-shattering, and the whole ground was shaking , the aura between heaven and earth was surging.

Han Feng mingled in the crowd, pumping his fists again and again, and a series of purple fist shadows spewed out, forcing all the enemies attacking him back. He kept rushing to the central area, but seeing this situation, he didn't dare to go any further. Go forward, stand two or three hundred feet away, stop and watch, waiting for the opportunity to move.

"Brother, this guy hurt me!"

Just at this time, a delicate voice came, followed by two figures, the light converged, revealing their true faces, one was a delicate and beautiful girl, about fifteen or sixteen years old, with a slightly pale expression on her face. He was pale, and the other was a burly man nearly ten feet tall, with a stubble all over his face, and muscles all over his body, which looked a little scary.

Han Feng glanced at her, without the slightest impression, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Little sister, you must have admitted the wrong person, right?!"

"Hey, you turned into ashes, I also recognize it!" The little girl sneered, without saying a word, clasped her hands together and quickly made a tactic, with the blue light flashing, a thick ice spear that was about ten feet long came out, roaring loudly. Charged towards Han Feng.

The burly man remained silent, and disappeared in place in a blink of an eye.

Han Feng raised his brows and didn't explain anymore. He flipped his fists and shot out a large purple fist shadow like a wheel. In the blink of an eye, he smashed all the ice spears she cast. Of course, more than half of his purple fist shadow was consumed. , the remaining ones continued to pounce on each other.

Just at this moment, that strong man emerged, seemingly huge in stature, but extremely flexible. With one step left and one step right, he dodged Han Feng's purple light fist, and was not affected by the energy around him. From a distance of tens of feet, they came to Han Feng, without any nonsense, just punched Han Feng down with a blank face, hitting Han Feng's head.

Han Feng had long been shocked by his elusive movement skills, but at this moment he just subconsciously raised his hand to block it, the purple light flashed past, and there was a muffled bang, both of them involuntarily took a few steps back.

The strong man's eyes flickered, as if he hadn't expected that Han Feng would have such supernatural power, he had never suffered a disadvantage in a head-to-head fight, but this time he got a draw, which surprised him very much.

The little girl had used all her strength to block Han Feng's remaining purple light fist shadow. When she looked up and saw this scene, she was even more surprised. She opened her mouth slightly, her face full of disbelief. Others might not know her But she was very aware of the strength of this brother, at least 60 to [-] in one punch, although it was far from the limit of strength, but among the human race at this level, it was rare to meet an opponent.

Han Feng withdrew more than ten feet, just now he stabilized his body, the palm of his right hand was hot and painful, just a moment ago, he used the palm of his hand to condense the purple light to touch the strong man's fist, the purple light protecting his body collapsed instantly, if it wasn't for the purple skin on his palm Being extremely tenacious and retreating in time, I am afraid that this is not the only injury.

Han Feng was secretly vigilant and put away his contempt. He originally thought that except for Murong Xue, Duan Qiu, Long Min and others, most of the others were no longer his opponents. Unexpectedly, there were still such people hidden here. The sensuality almost caused him great harm.

With a thought in his mind, he quickly took out the broken sword. After passing through the two Yixin stones that devoured Ling Fen, the broken sword grew by more than half an inch, but without injecting true energy, it was still ordinary. Its appearance is not good.

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