Lord of the Runes

Chapter 144 Trading

Before the time for a stick of incense, he and Murong Xue lurk back to the shining place. At this time, most of the monks are gathered here, and a large number of fire apes are also gathered here for some reason. The two sides are fighting fiercely. , Mutual casualties.

Standing on the edge of the forest, Han Feng looked ahead. Even though his soul power was heavily suppressed, he could feel the horror here. The flames were soaring into the sky, the wind howling, and all kinds of lights rushing on and on, making it dizzying for the eyes to see.

Murong Xue was nowhere to be seen, but she didn't seem to join the battlefield either, perhaps hiding in the dark like him, waiting for an opportunity.

Han Feng did not act rashly. He took out a bottle of pills, took various pills, and silently operated the Tianlong Yuqi Jue, completely refining them into rolling medicinal power to fill his own true energy. sounded.

It took quite a while before Han Feng recovered, and the true qi in his body was at its peak again. The billowing air flowed through the twelve meridians, humming continuously.

He breathed a sigh of relief, with the strongest blow approaching him, he was somewhat confident, but after thinking about it, he was a little depressed, thinking to himself that if he could have a majestic reserve of true energy, he might be able to use the Broken Sword Swing and slash the most powerful blows more times, that is equivalent to a character of Murong Xue's level, who dare not walk sideways, at least has the reliance to compete for various opportunities.

When he thought of this, he suddenly woke up, his mentality was a little impetuous just now, maybe Duan Qiu's words stimulated him.Even though he answered a few words casually at the time, and gave the most powerful explanation with the strongest blow, he still couldn't help but want to become stronger, not for others, only for his own dignity!

"Who!" Suddenly, he suddenly felt some movement behind him, turned around quickly, and stared at the southeast corner behind him with a burst of burning purple light.

"Hehe, you're still so vigilant!" There was a slight wave, and a beautiful girl wearing pink cloth shoes appeared, dressed in plain white, holding a blue compass, smiling and looking at Han Feng.

It was Ling Fen!

"It's you?!" Han Feng was even more vigilant, and immediately took out the broken sword, his whole body was full of true energy, and he seemed to be about to slash out at the slightest sign of trouble.

"Don't be impulsive, I'm not a tigress, why are you so afraid of me?" Ling Fen's smile remained unchanged, she looked at Han Feng quietly, her expression was very calm, but her other hand moved Hidden in the sleeves.

Han Feng looked at her intently, his face relaxed a little, but the broken sword in his hand didn't let go at all, he suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, isn't that the result of suffering a lot at your hands, girl, Don't be surprised!"

"We don't know each other, and I'm not talking nonsense, is that white lotus not on your body anymore?" Ling Fen asked straight to the point.

Han Feng nodded, but did not speak.

"Hey, I knew you wouldn't be able to keep it, so I'll give it to your glamorous senior sister! But it doesn't matter, I'll buy all the fire-attributed super medicines you have on you!" Ling Fen sighed, and then With a wave of his little hand, he said very grandly.

Han Feng was taken aback for a moment, thought for a while, and then slowly said: "The transaction is fine, but I don't accept Lingshi, unless it's a barter!"

"Hey, Yixin Stone, Bingyuan Stone, and the best Lingshi, you have to ask for it!" Ling Fen smiled slyly, and suddenly took out three stone-shaped things one after another. The light shone, and each was a fist-sized Yixin Stone, A chilly stone about the size of an inch, and a square stone about the size of a thumb, shrouded in aura.

Everything is worth more than a million low-grade spirit stones, especially the Yixin stone that made Han Feng's heart move, because the broken sword in his hand was already trembling slightly, if he hadn't suppressed it forcibly, it might fly away by itself shot out.

"This is a fire lotus, a ninth-grade elixir. It's more than enough to exchange these three things for you, isn't it?" Han Feng thought, took out the fire lotus he snatched from the place where the group of frogs were, and glanced at Ling Fen, confidently said.

"Hey, it's just a ninth grade, at most you can exchange the Yixin stone and the top grade spirit stone in my hand, don't even think about the ice element stone!" Ling Fen rolled her eyes and sneered.

Han Feng hesitated for a while, his brows were furrowed, and he intentionally showed a tangled expression. After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's the first transaction, it's cheaper for you, it's a deal!"

Ling Fen was very refreshing, with a slight movement of his hands, the Yixin Stone and the top-quality Lingshi were ejected, and flew to Han Feng, who was several feet away, and was grabbed by him. After a short look, he put them into his arms neatly Space storage bag.

Naturally, Han Feng would not deny it, and immediately threw the ninth-grade fire lotus to Ling Fen.

"You only have this fire lotus? What about your Binghuo strange flower and Xuxugen? Sell them to me!" Ling Fen got another fire lotus and asked with a smile in a good mood.

Han Feng thought of that great medicine that looked like a purple radish. Although he only knew that it had the effect of stimulating the soul, he still felt that it was very miraculous. He would not trade it until he knew its true use.He rolled his eyes, took out the strange flower of ice and fire, and said lightly: "Luo Xugen, I still have uses, so I won't trade it. Take a look at this strange flower of ice and fire, a tenth-grade elixir, let me make a price." !"

"Forget it, what do you want if you want this strange flower of ice and fire, this ice element stone and such a large piece of Yixin stone?" Ling Fen calmly took out another large piece of Yixin stone, which was bigger than the one just now. One piece was twice as big, which immediately caused the broken sword in Han Feng's hand to tremble violently, so that he could only store it in the space storage bag.

Han Feng took a deep look at Ling Fen, knowing that she had already discovered the abnormality of the Broken Sword, so he purposely took out the Yixin Stone to test it out. In this way, she would be able to find a rare commodity and set a high price.

Although such a large piece of Yixin Stone is worth at least 500 million spirit stones, it is still not comparable to the tenth grade of elixir. Among the big medicines, the price can be doubled several times for each grade, especially this kind of medicine that can A strange flower that accommodates the two mutually exclusive attributes of ice and fire is even more precious.

It's a pity that Han Feng really needs the Yixin stone, especially such a large piece, which is hard to find. If it goes to the outside world, it is usually only the size of a thumb, and the supply is often in short supply.

"Forget it, it's a deal!" Han Feng gritted his teeth.

After this round of trading, Ling Fen became even happier, and continued to ask, "Apart from the Seven Star Chrysanthemum, do you have any other great medicine?"

Han Feng shook his head, and asked back: "It's not a fire attribute medicine, do you need it? I have quite a lot here!"

"Great medicines are hard to come by. Seventh- and eighth-grade medicines are also fine. As long as the quantity is sufficient, after I go back, I will ask an eighth-level alchemist to open the furnace, and I can also refine the Pure Yang Pill!" Ling Fen nodded, but asked Only seven grades or above are required.

Afterwards, the two of them traded for several more rounds. After haggling with each other, they both got something, and they were all very happy.

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