Lord of the Runes

Chapter 127 Fire Pond

Everyone present was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting such a sudden change in the end, the tall cultivator was the first to react, his eyes flashed a bit complicated, and he whispered: "This is the backlash of the rules of the secret world. !"

The rest of the people were also sympathetic, but many of them stared at the storage ring of the young warlock and the blue jade bottle with bright eyes.

Especially the blue jade bottle, its power has been seen by everyone just now, it is really a treasure, if used properly, it is enough to raise their combat power to a higher level.In addition, the remnants of Ren Ying and Tie Hong were also scattered on the ground, and the young warlock didn't bother to clean them up. It seemed that no one would dare to fight with them, but he didn't expect that he himself would end up in the same way.

I don't know who was the first to take a step, and suddenly everyone rushed over almost at the same time, the battle broke out again, and the roar continued.

However, Han Feng took a deep breath, took the opportunity to slip away, turned into afterimages, and disappeared in place.

The five or six people present naturally also noticed the situation of Han Feng's evacuation, but seeing that he was extremely fast, he didn't seem to have been seriously injured. Thinking of his strength, they couldn't help but give up the idea of ​​taking advantage of the fire, and started to snatch what they could see. The loot is more practical.

Han Feng ran hundreds of feet before returning to the mountain peak by the side of the valley. Just as he found a relatively hidden cave, he suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood. There were also some ice crystals in the blood, which made him extremely anxious. Without caring about anything else, he immediately took out a large handful of healing pills and took them, speeding up the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, trying his best to refine the remaining cold air in his body.

Just now, he suffered a sword attack from a young warlock. Even with the protection of the purple light, the pervasive coldness still seeped into his body. If it wasn't for the attack of refining all spiritual power by the Spirit Refining Vajra Art, it would have already exploded completely. And the other place became a popsicle, and finally burst and died without a whole body.

The cold air attack of the young warlock was too overbearing. Although only a little remained in Han Feng's body at this moment, it was like a gangrene attached to the bone, which could not be removed completely. It was frightening.

Han Feng used all his strength to run the exercises in his body. Not only did the Spirit Refining Vajra Jue rapidly refine the cold air remaining in the meridians and circulating in the flesh, but he also mobilized the Tianlong Yuqi Jue to continuously squeeze out the traces of cold air hidden in the true Qi. To eradicate them all.

Time passed little by little, before he knew it, more than half an hour passed, Han Feng finally opened his eyes, the paleness on his face dissipated, but the sword marks on his chest were still conspicuous.

Only then did he realize that he had been naked the whole time. Fortunately, no one passed by just now. Not only was there a danger of being attacked, but he would also be ridiculed.

With a flash of blue light in his arms, he took out a replacement clothes from one of the interspatial storage bags, put it on in a blink of an eye, and then stopped staying here, stood up, and went down the mountain after a while, and re- Return to Scarlet Flame Valley and continue to advance deeper.

After the previous battle, he restrained himself a lot, and he didn't dare to unleash his soul power to provoke the enemy. Who knows if there are still hidden Guiyuan Realm experts who use special methods to suppress their cultivation. Such a ruthless person, he has no confidence in being able to sustain it again.

He moved forward cautiously, dodging many monks who were hunting for treasures in the surrounding area, and after a short while, he went thousands of feet deep and came to the bank of a magma river. After a while, not even a single bubble appeared.

Han Feng didn't dare to underestimate it, so he picked up a big rock from the bank and threw it in. After falling into the lava river, it burned quickly, emitting wisps of green smoke, slowly immersed in it, and disappeared.

Han Feng pondered for a while, took out a Fufeng Talisman, and just as he was about to leap across the sky, an ape suddenly sprang out from the dense jungle on the opposite bank. It was running fast, and in a blink of an eye, it came to the other side of the magma river. It flew over without any hesitation.

But at this moment, when it was in the mid-air above the river, lines of fire suddenly shot out from the river surface, enveloping it with lightning speed, and the flames rose, completely submerging it, and when it crossed the river, it came When they reached the other side, the flames dissipated, and there was only a skeleton, and all the flesh and blood disappeared out of thin air.

Han Feng's face changed slightly. Just a moment ago, he could see clearly with his soul power. Those fire wires were all unknown fire bugs, the size of ants, gathered together and dispatched, like fire wires flying past , at an extremely fast speed, it devoured the Zhangxu tall flaming ape in the blink of an eye, which is really horrifying.

When Han Feng was hesitating whether to rush over, there were bursts of explosions from the opposite bank, and various lights were faintly lit up, as if they were still vying for some treasure.

He snorted without any further hesitation, and urged the Fufeng Talisman, flew high, and rushed over, even though the moment he crossed the river, those fireflies emerged again, forming a line of fire and rushing upward again, but He was at a distance of tens of feet, and when they arrived, he had already reached the opposite bank, allowing them to rush into the air and fall back to the river again.

But at this moment, there was a sharp cry on the river surface, and white lights suddenly lit up, flying out, all hitting Han Feng.

He was taken aback, and didn't care too much. He waved his hands and spread out the purple light on his body, and blocked the white light with a chirping sound, but the white light from the other side was endless, and it became more and more concentrated, and finally formed a bowl mouth. The thick and thin beam of light shot through the layers of purple light around him in an instant. The whole way was like a bamboo, and bursts of green smoke came out, which seemed to affect his body.

Han Feng's expression changed drastically, and he quickly activated the Spirit Refining Vajra Art. While stabilizing the situation, he retreated quickly, and he retreated to more than a hundred feet in a short while. The pillar of white light was exhausted and gradually dissipated, while the Those fireflies also neighed helplessly a few times before sinking down.

Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief, turned around, and quickly walked into the dense forest more than ten feet away. Branches and leaves rustled everywhere.

He didn't dare to release his soul power to spy, instead he restrained all his aura and lurked in the past. After a while, in the depths of the dense forest, an empty place appeared. What's even more amazing is that there was a fire pool in the middle , covering an area of ​​tens of feet, is full of magma, and flames burst out from time to time.

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