Lord of the Runes

Chapter 124 The Fisherman

Han Feng didn't dodge, he put his hands together quickly, his whole body was condensed with purple light in his palms, a bright purple lightsaber appeared, raised it high, and slashed down suddenly.

A bright brilliance flashed on the spot, and the area of ​​more than ten feet was dyed purple!

With a bang, the giant ice spear came to an abrupt end, split in response, split in two from the middle, fell to the ground, and turned into pieces.

Holding the huge sword in both hands, Han Feng rushed over with momentum like a rainbow.

The sorcerer turned pale with fright, and as he flew back, he took out the blue jade bottle from before, and chanted a spell in his mouth. The light arrow flew out like a fish, and in a blink of an eye, it filled the area of ​​more than ten feet in a radius, rose in the wind, and instantly turned into a blue arrow about a foot long, with a long tail sound, and shot towards the Han Feng.

Han Feng sneered, holding the purple light sword in his hand, swept left and right, stirring up wind and clouds, chopped all the blue arrows that hit into pieces, and made them invisible.

It's just that the blue jade bottle seemed to have endless arrows, flying out in an endless stream. Han Feng chopped off a large part of it, and then doubled the number to fill in. Very fast, back and forth, attacking Han Feng from the back from time to time, so he had to stop in front, brandishing his big sword, and turned to defense.

After only a short while, the other party suddenly stopped, his face turned pale, and he seemed unable to support himself, and the entire arrow appeared in disorder and seemed to be crumbling.

The young sorcerer took a deep breath, made a decision with one hand, and emitted dazzling blue light from all over his body. He stabilized the output of the blue jade bottle again. Amidst the whizzing sound, the arrows in the sky increased instead of decreasing, and Han Feng's pressure suddenly increased.


Han Feng snorted heavily, and suddenly opened his hands. The purple light sword was suspended in the air, and it spun suddenly. The spirit mist with a radius of more than ten feet was stirred up by it, and vortexes emerged one after another, forming waves of darkness. With strength, the arrows around him no longer had the strength to approach, and began to shatter continuously, turning into dots of blue light and returning to nothingness.

The man's soul power surged, and the area between his brows suddenly lit up, and an invisible wave spread out, spanning twenty or thirty feet in an instant, ignoring the vortex of spiritual mist around Han Feng, and directly acting on him, bursts of chill came from his body. Feeling agitated in the bottom of my heart, my whole body trembled involuntarily, the purple light on my body shield trembled, even the great sword was shaking, and the speed of rotation unexpectedly slowed down.


The man's eyes lit up, his hands suddenly closed, the blue jade bottle suddenly hung high above his head, a large amount of blue light shot out, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a blue ice bird, only the size of a head, but the aura it exuded surpassed Tianjiao's , It is completely comparable to the extreme man, and even surpasses it.

It's a long story, but in fact, as soon as the blue ice bird appeared, it rushed to Han Feng in an instant with only a slight flash, and rushed towards Han Feng with all the wind and frost.

The cold air hit his nostrils, Han Feng suddenly felt the cold inside and outside, he couldn't help shouting, the true energy in his body burst out, and the Spirit Refining Vajra Art was also rotated to the extreme, the coldness subsided by half, he parted his hands left and right, the big sword on his chest suddenly cracked and scattered, Turning into hundreds of small smart swords, with a swish sound, they all rushed towards the blue ice bird, and collided with each other only a foot away from him, sparking circles of sparks, chi chi Noisy, very strange.

Han Feng clenched his hands tightly, heaving a sigh of relief, trying to condense the purple light shield to block the imminent shock wave. However, he moved his legs suddenly, and moved forward step by step, as if exerting all his strength , pushing the blue ice bird, which was deadlocked in the air, towards the young warlock.

The young warlock was shocked, and the area between his brows was bright again, a piece of azure blue, and invisible fluctuations surged repeatedly, but none of them could shake Han Feng in the slightest.

After a while, Han Feng walked up to him, only six feet away, almost a burst of purple light could drown him and kill him!

The young sorcerer was pulled by his soul power and energy, and was unable to escape. Even though the corners of his mouth were bleeding, he had no choice but to brace himself, and it depended on who had more stamina.

Han Feng suddenly let out a sneer, took a strong breath, and swallowed the spirit mist around him, and blew it out suddenly, forming a strong air current, blowing past like a hurricane, blowing on the opponent's body, Even though he had the blue light shield from the blue jade bottle, he couldn't help shaking.

Suddenly, with a bang, a hole was opened on the surface of the blue ice bird, and tiny ice chips were ejected, which turned into blue light spots in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

Han Feng made a decisive decision, kicked his feet quickly, and walked a distance of Zhang Xu again. The strong pressure instantly shattered the blue ice bird into four pieces, which were about to turn into light and dissipate.

The young warlock spit out a mouthful of blood, and quickly made a tactic with both hands. An invisible force surrounded his mouthful of blood, and it was suddenly imprinted into the four ice bird fragments in the air, which condensed again, and the surface glowed bright red. The ray of light seemed to be a bit more powerful than the moment before, and a large number of ice crystals began to emerge around it, falling down one after another, piercing the ground like a sharp sword, leaving deep marks.

Han Feng yelled fiercely, and when it had just condensed, he rushed another foot away. The scorching purple light was even brighter, and the force of hundreds of thousands of catties enveloped the blue ice bird that was only a few feet away, like a fist. , let it burst into pieces immediately, dissipate completely, and turn into dots of reddish blue light, becoming invisible.

This blue ice bird seemed to be connected with the young warlock's mind. After it was broken, it immediately made him spit out a mouthful of blood again, his figure was crumbling, and his face was as pale as paper.

Without any hesitation, Han Feng rushed forward immediately, about to kill him.

But at this moment, invisible needles of soul power suddenly appeared around his body, piercing with astonishing power, piercing on the purple light of his body protection, a deep vortex appeared, and the flames splashed in all directions.

Han Feng didn't dare to act rashly, he quickly condensed the purple light of his body protection, guarding his whole body firmly, releasing his soul power as well, constantly blocking the stabbing needles of soul power.

"Thank you Brother Tie for your help!" The young warlock's face relaxed, and after he hurriedly thanked him, he immediately took out an Earth Escape Talisman, pushed it away, and the light of the Talisman bloomed, and it was about to wrap him and sink into the ground. run away.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a figure emerged from the ground beside him without warning, holding a long spear, and swiftly picked the blue jade bottle above his head!

"Ren Ying, dare you!" The young sorcerer hastily cut off the ground escape talisman, quickly made a decision with both hands, and the blue jade bottle radiated blue light, immediately forming a thick light shield in front of him.

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