Lord of the Runes

Chapter 108 Repair of Branch 2

Seeing the Jin Bi Chan Chong, the golden filigree figure immediately called out, "Bi Lian Jin Chan?!"

When Jinbi Chanchong heard this voice, his black eyes opened suddenly, and when he saw the gold thread of the other party's remnant soul, he trembled all over his body, as if seeing some delicious food, he rushed over in an instant, completely ignoring the golden light emitted by him , tightly attached to his frame, regardless of Sanqi 21, he bit it down in one bite, and I don’t know what his teeth are made of, and the gold wire that can’t even be calcined with white light was bitten off by it with a click After swallowing the gap, he raised his head slightly, his eyes glowed, as if he was enjoying it, and then he lowered his head and took a bite, constantly nibbling away at the gold thread.

"Stop, stop..." The blood man's anxious voice rang out in Han Feng's soul sea one after another, and even his words were a little confused.

Even if the other party said to shut up, Jin Bichan would probably not be able to understand his words, and even if he understood, he would not stop nibbling away. To this young golden thread, it is like a baby encountering milk , It's completely out of instinct, how can I give up.

In just a moment, the golden silk figure was eaten away by more than half of the golden cicada, and the other party's breath had become indistinct, and his voice was like a mosquito, and his curses could hardly be heard.

"Just wait and see, I will come out to look for you soon!" The blood man's voice finally burst into such a sentence, and there was no more sound.

The size of the golden cicada continued to grow, more than doubled in size compared to before, but it still gnawed on the gold thread, and it didn't seem to be full at all.

After a while, the gold thread of the blood man's remnant soul was completely swallowed up by it, leaving nothing, and this unknown blood man disappeared completely.

At this moment, the light gate condensed by the residual talisman flashed, and a strange fluctuation appeared, Jinbi Chanchou trembled all over, squeaked, and retreated into the light gate reluctantly.

Immediately, the light door flickered slightly, then disappeared, and turned into a piece of white light again, and then the white light faded, and Han Feng's soul fire and the residual talisman emerged together.

Han Feng's consciousness returned to the sea of ​​souls, and he was a little dazed, but everything that happened just now was vivid in his mind, like a dream.

After a long while, he came back to his senses, his body moved a bit, he was not as exhausted as he imagined, but full of energy, his whole body was full of strength, the twelve meridians in his body were unobstructed, his true energy flowed smoothly, and his thoughts were clear.

"It seems that this is just where a drop of that guy's blood is. Maybe his body is still hidden in this secret world." Han Feng remembered the last sentence of the blood man just now, and couldn't help frowning. The next time he meets him Maybe he has to face his body.

A drop of blood essence can possess such strength with only a remnant soul. If the original body is born, it must have so much power, I am afraid that this world cannot bear it!

Han Feng seemed a little worried, and wanted to leave here as soon as possible, but the residual talisman in the soul sea suddenly moved, and he quickly immersed his mind into the soul sea.

At this moment, the last break of the second branch line on the surface of the residual talisman is only a short distance away from healing, and the residual talisman is trying its best to push it to close.

However, this last sliver of distance is like a moat, like the separation of heaven and earth, and it will be useless to let Remnant Talisman try his best, and he is completely motionless.

For some reason, Han Feng looked a little uncomfortable, as if he felt the same, but he couldn't help it. Even if he mobilized the surrounding soul power to continuously inject it into its body, it didn't work. In the end, most of the soul power was consumed, and there was nothing. As a result, he had to give up and cheer it up silently.

Suddenly, the white light of the remnant talisman reappeared, and a door of light emerged, and the golden cicada worm flew out dodgingly, unwillingly spitting out a ball of golden milky substance, like silk, which was swallowed by the remnant talisman one by one, As a result, its radiance soared, and there was a hint of gold faintly, and the gap in the second branch line finally began to shrink.

There was a loud bang, like thunder rolling from the sky!

Its second branch line was completely healed, and it burst out with brilliant light, which made the golden cicada tremble all over, and quickly retracted into the light door, disappearing again.

The next moment, Han Feng's eyes shot out light uncontrollably, instantly shooting into the outer layer of green light film, the light film that was gradually weakening was shot through immediately, and the two rays of light shot into the water like pillars soaring into the sky, Through the dense aquatic plants, it crosses the lake in the blink of an eye, disappears into the silver night sky, and disappears.

Immediately afterwards, Han Feng's ears and mouth shot out white beams of light one after another. In a blink of an eye, the entire head was surrounded by white light, and it spread out in an instant, submerging the entire green sphere, and then covering the entire lake. Come, the wind howls.

On the lake, the second daughter of Jiuxiao Palace and many monks from other sects were fighting for a colorful mist lotus in the center of the lake. At this moment, they suddenly encountered a white light emerging from the bottom of the water, and each of them showed surprise on their faces. Few people retreated one after another, and some reacted in time. They took the opportunity to severely injure some opponents, and were about to take advantage of the chaos to snatch the colorful mist lotus, but were intercepted by other opponents who reacted equally quickly.

"What happened next, could it be that a heavy treasure was born!" Someone shouted again and again.

"I'll go down and have a look, you guys look here!" Someone dived down without hesitation.

The round-faced girl Xiaofen from Nine Heavens Palace saw people from other sects diving down one after another, so she couldn't help but look at the oval-faced girl and asked, "Sister Xiaolong, do we want to go down too?"

"Don't worry, judging from the white light fluctuations, I'm afraid the background is not small, let them explore the way first, even if a treasure is born, they will fight for a while and there will be no result." The melon-faced girl responded in a low voice. road.

"Let's grab this colorful mist lotus first, it will be of great use to me!" the oval-faced girl added.

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly took out the embroidered square scarf, and when he clenched his hands, a series of sword shadows appeared on it, colorful, gathering around him like fish, swimming from time to time, with sword aura surging to the sky.

She held the Yin Jue tightly in her hand, rubbed her body and rushed towards the center of the lake, her speed was extremely fast, she could get there in an instant.I saw the seal formula in her hand, and the sword shadow flew out, and the sword energy forced several monks back.

"Long Min from Nine Heavens Palace is rushing over!" Someone exclaimed, and they resorted to various means to intercept them. They were colorful and cold, but they were all thrown away by the sword shadows around her, and one person was even counted. The sword shadow cut off an arm, and the blood gushed out and retreated, his face pale.

The round-faced girl Xiaofen from Nine Heavens Palace also rushed over, a jade-like emerald green silk fluttered and fluttered around her, the power was also huge, and all the monks who blocked her were blown away in one fell swoop.

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