Lord of the Runes

Chapter 103 Pursuit

"Bastard, how dare you!" Xiaofen was terrified, she didn't pursue, and shot a beam of light with her hands, which traveled a distance of more than a hundred feet in an instant, and hit Han Feng who was fleeing at high speed.


A muffled groan came from Han Feng's mouth, but it only caused him to shake his body a little bit, but it didn't make him fall down. With a pair of wind wings on his back, he went away in an instant, and was submerged in a strong gust of wind. in the snow.

"Damn it, I snatched a Jiudongmei from him, I should have cleaned him up before picking it!" Xiaofen blushed with anger and stomped her feet repeatedly.

"It's okay, let's quickly put away the remaining two Jiudongmei!" The melon-faced girl took a deep breath, her complexion slightly recovered, and said softly.

"Hmph, don't let me catch you later, otherwise you will definitely not be able to survive or die!" Xiaofen said viciously, taking out a short knife that was shining with cold light, and stepped forward to cut off the remaining two sticks of Jiudong. Mei, with a flash of white light, it was stored in a pure white storage ring.

"Sister Xiaolong, let's go after that bastard!" Xiaofen immediately pulled the melon-faced girl, and also used a Wind Wing Talisman, chasing her down the snowy slope at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared in an instant.

In the depths of the snowy slope, Han Feng drove the wind wings forward rapidly. Even though there was a strong wind and snow blocking him, he still exceeded the speed of sound. , the surrounding violent wind evolved into a special wind, even the power of the fifth-grade talisman could not resist, the huge impact of spiritual power closed his wings, his speed dropped sharply, and he almost fell down. Fortunately, he twisted his body in time, Slowly gliding down, with the protection of the wind wings on the back, he jumped tens of feet and ran up.

As it went deeper, the terrain became steeper and the wind became stronger, and the wind wings behind Han Feng rattled chaotically, making him turn pale with fright, and speed up his steps to run forward.

After a while, Han Feng moved forward for more than a hundred feet, but at this moment, the wind wings on his back shook for a while, and with a click, they suddenly disappeared into an afterglow.

Han Feng stretched out his golden light to block the raging gusts of wind, but his speed dropped sharply. In the end, he almost could only stand still in place to resist the impact of spiritual power from all directions.

He was secretly anxious, and after several struggles to no avail, he could only call for the residual talisman, but there was no response, he couldn't help feeling a little depressed, and cursed secretly.

Just a moment ago, the reason why he dared to rush up to snatch Jiu Dongmei was because a milky white light suddenly appeared in the depths of his mind, fluctuating slightly. Although the residual talisman did not appear, it gave him great confidence.In fact, when he rushed into the white light emitted by the Luminous Sky Mirror, he was indeed disturbed by an illusion, but under the flash of the white light of the residual talisman, his mind instantly returned to normal, and then he successfully obtained the nine arrows on the left. winter plum.Although he was hit by a beam of light from the round-faced girl in Jiuxiao Palace before leaving, but with his physical strength, he didn't suffer much damage, only slightly injured. A few healing pills will be back to normal.

"Don't play with it like this, what a pit!" Han Feng wanted to cry, so he could only grit his teeth, took out another wind wing talisman, pushed it away, and moved forward again, but the speed was slower than the previous one, and he could only take one breath at a time. It was more than ten feet long, and the power of the Wind Wing Talisman was consumed extremely quickly, and it took less than half a stick of incense to hear another crackling sound.

Fortunately, he has rushed to the halfway of one of the peaks at this moment, and under the spying of his soul power, he is only five or six hundred feet away from a mountain depression.


The rune power of the second Wind Wing Talisman was exhausted again, and it became invisible, and the surrounding winds swamped it.

Han Feng stretched out a piece of golden light to block the raging wind, and was about to take out another Wind Wing Talisman when a voice suddenly yelled in his ear: "Bastard, don't even try to escape!"

Han Feng's dead soul was terrified, he released his soul power to look back, and sure enough, he saw the two girls chasing after two to three hundred feet away, even faster than he had activated the wind wing amulet Quite a few, it seems to be related to their ability to control the wings behind them more flexibly.

He also didn't have time to think about the reason for this, he hastily urged the Wind Wing Talisman in his hand, the power of the Talisman unfolded, gathered two wings to wrap himself around him again, and rushed to the entrance of the mountain depression in a hurry.

"Hmph, look at my panic stab!" The round-faced girl Xiaofen suddenly condensed her soul power, and immediately formed a long needle in the shape of a branch in the strong wind, as thin as a hair, about a foot long, as many as dozens, Shua Shua flew to Han Feng's body, pierced on the golden light of his body, squeaked, and instantly shattered. After a burst of invisible fluctuations, Han Feng's soul suddenly had more Seven or eight misty long needles, only inches long, pierced towards his soul fire.

But under the automatic blocking of the soul power in Han Feng's soul sea, these long needles seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, the speed became slower and slower, and they stagnated after a while, slowly being wrapped and melted by his soul power, and finally completely dissolved, instead It turned into nourishment for his soul sea, adding some soul power invisibly.

Han Feng also just felt a slight tingling in his head, and then he recovered, but his heart broke out in a cold sweat. He thought to himself that these monks in the main line of the Jianyun Mountain Range really have extraordinary means, like the other party, who can directly separate people from the air. He has never heard of or seen the technique of attacking the enemy's soul sea.

The round-faced girl Xiaofen from Nine Heavens Palace turned pale slightly, and her body swayed a little. Obviously, the blow just now had consumed her soul power extremely, it was a trick to kill one thousand enemies and self-damage eight hundred.

She has such a strong temper, she failed in one blow, and wanted to continue to use it, but was stopped by the oval-faced girl next to her.

"Your soul thorn has just started, so it is not suitable to use it again! Otherwise, it will cause permanent damage to the sea of ​​souls, and you don't want to be promoted to the subtle realm?!" The melon-faced girl reminded solemnly.

"Hmph, whatever, I'll let you have fun for a while!" The round-faced girl Qiong slightly moved her nose, snorted softly, put down the seal formula in her hand, and continued to chase Han Feng ahead in silence.

The melon-faced girl felt relieved, and looked at Han Feng, her eyes flickering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

The two sides went one in front of the other, and Han Feng unknowingly ran up for more than four hundred feet. At this moment, his speed had dropped to five or six feet at a time, and he had already replaced a new Wind Wing Talisman. rushed towards the entrance of the col.

At this moment, the two daughters of Jiuxiao Palace also shortened the distance to him, only about a hundred feet, with their strength, they are enough to launch a violent attack.

In fact, that round-faced girl, Xiaofen, had already resorted to all kinds of attack methods, shooting white beams of light at Han Feng, but the surrounding wind was howling, and her attacks always fell by the wayside. Swallowing it up, she couldn't attack the opponent at all, and she stomped her feet in anger.

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