host country

Chapter 495 Suppression

The expression on the face of Taoist Qianshan did not change when he heard the words.

But he didn't mention the matter of getting rid of Yu Xian again.

He thought for a while and said to Cao Hong, "Go to Hulao Pass and wait for me."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Cao Hong to reply, he fluttered his big sleeves around Yu Xian, and then used the Zongdi Golden Light Method to flee towards Hulao Pass.

Yu Xian was taken aback, suddenly, he saw a majestic pass in front of him.

At this time, the sky was not yet bright, although there were soldiers guarding the tower, but the gates were closed tightly and the guards were fully guarded.

When Taoist Qianshan arrived at the pass, he opened his mouth and asked, "Which general is guarding this pass, come and see."

Seeing that Taoist Qianshan was well-groomed and appeared abruptly, the soldiers immediately dared not be careless and replied, "The person guarding this pass is Cao Bao, the school captain from Xuzhou. If you dare to ask the chief's name, I can report back later. "

Hulaoguan is still under Zhu Jun's control at this time.

Almost all of his soldiers and horses come from the crowdfunding of the governors and prefects of the Kanto. In addition to the county soldiers from all over the country, there are even some powerful family soldiers and generals.

As the initiator of crowdfunding, Tao Qian, the governor of Xuzhou, sent the most troops.Not only did they send [-] elite Xuzhou soldiers, but they also sent powerful generals such as Zang Ba, Sun Guan, Cao Bao, etc. to serve in front of Zhu Jun's tent.

After hearing this, Taoist Qianshan responded, "Pindao doesn't know his name either. Just say that Pindao is the one who moved Chenggao."

Although those soldiers thought it was weird, they didn't dare to ask more questions, and hurriedly went to find Cao Bao.

Not long after the soldiers left, Cao Bao hurried up the tower with several followers.

At the beginning Cao Cao asked the Taoist to move away from the Chenggao Mountains, and although he failed in chasing Dong Zhuo, this bold and decisive move still made the Kwantung princes look at him with admiration.

Not to mention, even the name of the Taoist who moved the mountain was known to the princes.

It's just that I haven't seen many in person.

Cao Bao looked at Taoist Qianshan for a few times on the tower, first apologized, and then said with some hesitation, "This general is patrolling the city, and let Taoist wait for a long time. The Taoist said that he is Taoist Qianshan. I don't know if there is any proof." .”

Taoist Qianshan didn't expect to have this festival, and he didn't know how to prove it for a while, so he said, "It's hard to prove it, if Zhu Jun is here, maybe he recognizes me... Is there anyone else in charge of this pass?"

After hearing this, Cao Bao said, "This is a difficult situation. A major incident happened in Guanzhong, and all the generals have gone to Zhongmou to discuss the matter."

Taoist Qianshan was a little surprised, "Oh? What's the big deal?"

This is not a secret, and Cao Bao does not hide it.He sighed and said, "I thought that the scholar Sun Rui killed Dong Zhuo and took control of the court, and the world would be at peace immediately. I am eager to wait for the court to reward me for my merits. Who would have thought that in such a short period of time, the court would be able to Dong Bai led the Feixiong army to attack Chang'an. Then Dong Bai crowned the emperor before the emperor, and counted the crimes of Sun Rui, Huang Wan and others in the court, and finally killed them all in the market."

When Taoist Qianshan heard this, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Dong Bai entered Chang'an? Where is Lu Bu? Where are the soldiers and horses of the imperial court?"

Cao Bao knew this very well, and there was a hint of contempt on his face, "Lv Bukong was famous for being brave, but he was defeated in Hanoi in the first battle. The two most elite Jingzhao soldiers of the Chang'an court were in the hands of Zuo Fengyi and Song Yi, One is in the hands of You Fufeng Wang Hong. But I never expected that these two are Wang Yun's best friends, but Dong Bai sent Wang Yun to say against them and surrender without a fight."

"Now Dong Bai appointed Wang Yun as Situ, Cai Yong as servant, and presided over the court. He also named Li Jue as General of Chariots, Fan Chou as General of Hou, and Zhang Ji as General of Zhendong, in charge of soldiers and horses. Taiwei Ma Rideng took the initiative to serve and was reappointed as Taifu. Huangfusong, the former chariot general, was reposted as Taiwei. The other courtiers of the Han Dynasty all let the past go. Xu Rong, Hu Zhen and others surrendered and remained in their original posts."

The Taoist who moved the mountain said angrily, "Zhu Jun has a heavy army in his hand, why didn't he go to Chang'an earlier?"

Cao Bao was also full of complaints when he heard this, "Tao Inspector also thought so. It's a pity that some people in the imperial court are afraid of well ropes for ten years after being bitten by snakes. They took these frontier officials as Dong Zhuo to take precautions. Then Zhu Jun heard that Shi Sun Rui killed Dong Zhuo, not only did he have no intention of marching into Chang'an, but instead suppressed the various ministries from moving. Hmph, looking at the current situation, the world will still be in chaos for a while."

Although the Taoist who moved the mountain has practiced Taoism for a long time, his blood is not cold, and he is filled with regret after hearing this.

He turned his head to look at Yu Xian and said angrily, "It's all because of you!"

The Taoist who moved the mountain was still angry, and said, "Forget it, I don't have to entrust anyone else, so I will put you in this tiger prison. I will come back to deal with you when I am free."

With a flick of the sleeves of Taoist Qianshan's robe, Yu Xian couldn't help but fly into the air.

Then the Taoist moved the mountain and crossed a distance of tens of feet in a few steps, and arrived at Hulao Pass.

He caught Yu Xian with one hand, and pushed it on the Guancheng with the other.

With this push, the earth shook like a mountain, and the bricks, stones and soil from the Hulao Pass fell down, and the dust flew up.

The soldiers on the tower all turned pale and swayed to and fro.

Cao Bao was panicked and at a loss.

He originally speculated about the identity of Taoist Qianshan, but now he is completely convinced.

Cao Bao hurriedly yelled, "Don't be angry, Taoist priest! Calm down, Taoist priest! The last general will make people open the city, this will make people open the city!"

Taoist Qianshan shouted, "No need."

With a strong hand, the thick and solid Guancheng trembled a few times, and was tilted like a toy by him.

The Taoist who moved the mountain threw Yu Xian to the next pass, and cursed, "You should reflect on it here."

A large number of bricks, bluestone, and soil immediately fell down, covering Yu Xian's body.

Yu Xian was so frightened that even the little ghosts in Niwan Palace escaped and ran around.

He quickly activated the shield of mental retardation, and his whole body was covered with crystal scales, but he was not sure whether this secret technique could resist smashing.

Taoist Qianshan let go of his hand, and the whole Guancheng was thrown heavily at Yu Xian.

Yu Xian's mind was blank right now, countless thoughts and coping methods flashed through his mind, but he couldn't grasp any of them.

With a dull sound of "dong", the Hulao Xiongguan was put back to its original position.

The flying dust immediately flooded the front of the pass.

Hearing that sound, Yu Xian's heart was in his throat, his heart couldn't help beating rapidly, and he was sweating profusely.

After waiting for a while, he realized that he was still alive.

This pass city seemed to be casted by the Taoist who moved the mountain with earth-type spells. Although Yu Xian felt the endless heaviness, his bones were not broken, and his chest was still breathing, but his lower body seemed to have lost consciousness.

Yu Xian hurriedly looked, and saw that half of his body was pressed under the tiger prison starting from the waist.

He tried hard to kick, but there was no response from his lower body.

Is this really useless?

Yu Xian's heart was cold and cold.

He rallied with all his strength, his body gleaming with golden light, and slammed the city wall with all his strength, trying to break those mud bricks and stones.

Seeing this, Taoist Qianshan snorted coldly, and stamped his palm heavily on the city wall.The foundations of the walls that had been broken and compacted at will immediately became as solid as gold and stone.

Then a trace of heavy power leaked out from the restriction, and Yu Xian's technique was immediately crushed.

Yu Xian felt the pain in his leg, and he swallowed his heart from his throat.

Seeing that Taoist Qianshan had no intention of killing, Yu Xian regained his composure, and confessed to Taoist Qianshan, "I know I was wrong, master, please forgive me this time!"

After hearing this, Taoist Qianshan sneered and said, "If I kill you, it will not look good on Xuanzi's old way. If I let you go, how can I deal with these miserable creatures? You should reflect on it here, and someone will come to take it Your life."

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